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V for Victini! (Victini/Sharpedo/Slowking)


Aspiring Trainer
So, Noble Victories is close to release, and with it, two of my favourite cards come out as well! This deck is going to love the inclusion of Victini (ability). I'll post the list and explain it afterwords.


3-3 Cinccino (EP Mincino)
2 Victini
2-2 Slowking
3-3 Sharpedo
2-2 Weavile
1-1 Zoroark (BW Zorua)



3 Cheren
3 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
2 Pokemon Catcher
4 Professor Oak's New Theory
3 Professor Juniper
2 Switch
2 Lost Remover
2 Crushing Hammer



4 Sp. Dark
2 Dark
4 Double Colourless Energy



2-2 Mandibuzz
2 Super Scoop Up

1-1 Cinccino
2 Lost Remover
2 Crushing Hammer

The main idea of the deck is to set up (at the very least) Sharpedo and Victini by T2. Not too difficult with the amount of search in this deck. Using Sharpedo's Strip Bare, I could drop the opponent's hand and should resources allow, set up Slowking to create total control. Granted the chances of flipping two heads is roughly 25%, Victini boosts those chances to just under 50% (43.5% for those curious ones). They are denied of a hand, and the only cards they draw into, you know won't help your opponent. The other attackers in this deck are situational. Cinccino is there for general attacking. Mandibuzz for Donphan check. Zorokark for dragons check. Weavile for extra disruption (but usually he just ends up eating bench space since the bench is usually full when setting up the rest of the key cards)

As you can see, the list doesn't add up to 60. There are a couple of things that I don't know how to approach and what I should do. While I have the Sharpedo dropping their hand, and Slowking controlling their top deck, I still felt it was kind of necessary to have Weavile in there, but the more and more I play test, I find that he isn't really being super useful aside from starting with him first. (Free retreaters are always nice).

My second concern is Mandibuzz. While he does put a check to Donphan, he doesn't exactly... hit him. I cannot Blindside anything that doesn't have damage counters on it, and using Punishment is nice, but may be resource draining trying to get that OHKO on those Stage Two techs. I was considering dropping Mandibuzz for Tornadus, but it was just a thought at this point. If there are other options I would be open to those. If I could increase the consistency of this deck, that would be great.

I'm always open to suggestions and comments. I would love to get this deck very solid because it is always fun using Sharpedo's attack with Victini's effect to see the reaction of my opponent.

Victini – Fire – HP60
Basic Pokemon

Ability: Victory Star
You can use this when your Pokemon flip coins as part of an attack. Ignore all results of those coin flips and reflip from the beginning. You can’t use Victory Star more than 1 time during your turn even if you have multiple Victini in play.

[R][C] Assist Power: 30 damage. Move all Energy attached to this Pokemon to 1 of your Benched Pokemon.

Weakness: Water (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1
RE: Dark Disruption

if u want to make it a true disruption take out the mandibuzz and cinccino.play 4-4 sharpedo and add in one more line of weaville and zoroak.add in sages,seeker,more catchers,take out switches and add in crushing hammers.add in more basic dark energies cause scizor prime and lost remover would just destroy that deck.
RE: Dark Disruption

Can you explain your choices? I don't really see how/why you chose do do what you did?

Sharpedo is a very weak attacker. Early game, he is meant to just get the strip bare and then switch out to something that can actually deal more damage than he can, hence Cinccino. With the bench sitters, it's not difficult to get him to hit for 100 damage so I think it works out really well. Having four Sharpedos doesn't make much sense since, although he is necessary for my victory, after they've been stripped, he's kinda useless.

I don't understand why you suggest sages, seekers and crushing hammer. The hammer is a bad card, period. Without high Weavile line, seeker isn't doing much and I have Cherens instead.
RE: Dark Disruption

Have you thought of maybe adding Vileplume and Mew, and then go with maybe 0-2 Sharpedo, 0-1 Muk, 4-4 Weavile, 3 Tornadus (Donphan, you already run 4 DCE), and a few other pokemon? It would be easy to go disruptive, because you would need less of those humungous lines and you could go more disruptive without worrying about Weavile/Slowking/Fliptini being Catchered up. If you dont want to do that, I wouldnt run Slowking, for the reason I just mentioned.
RE: Dark Disruption (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

Maybe I should change the name of my deck and this thread.

Maybe it's been posted before, but there was a rogue deck that used Ambipom/Slowking/Weavile to create a lock that was tough to get out of. No hand + controlled top deck = good game. The deck I've created runs a simliar idea but in my opinion is faster since rather than drop two cards a turn, you have the potential of dropping their entire hand by T2 and locking them the same way.

Instead of Ambipom and Weavile, I now use Sharpedo and Victini.

The Mew idea could work out, but I would have to use a turn to see of something that I need rather than attack. Granted, they should be locked and slowed down a lot, wouldn't this slow me down as well?
RE: Dark Disruption (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

I guess it would slow you down a bit, I have never seen this deck so I wasnt sure if it was very fast or not. But now that I think about it, I think that Vileplume and Mew would just slow it down. Here's what I would do to make it easiest to get T2 no hand and top deck control (this will be a very good rogue when Fliptini comes out):

-2-2 Mandibuzz (you can just baws with Cinccino, they wont be able to do anything once you have the topdeck lock on)
-1-1 Zoroark (would be good, but there are way to many different lines and Cinccino is more important)
-2 Catcher (they shouldnt have many pokemon out by the time you start lock)
-2 Super Scoop Up
+4 Junk Arm (staple)
+2 Crushing Hammer (for any energies they may get on before lock)
+1 Cleffa (for bad hands)
+3 Dual Ball (for extra speed)

Im worried about this deck having a lot of bad hand starts, but other than that, it should be amazing.
RE: Dark Disruption (Needs main Pokemon from deck in title)

I like these suggestions a ton :D I've got a couple of questions though.

Without the Mandibuzz (though he wasn't doing much in there to begin with) or the Zoroarks, if I am not able to get the lock on as early as I hoped, I might be in a bit of trouble against say... Kyurem spreading my bench with the Low HP pokemon, or Reshiram/Zekrom Blue Flaring/Bolt Striking. Would keeping the 1-1 Zoroark help that match up, JUST incase I can't get set up early enough?

Instead of crushing hammers flippy-ness, would Lost remover be as effective? Sacrifice any energy drop for a consistant drop on commonly played special energies?

I don't know why I didn't think of the Dual Balls or the Junk Arms.

I keep the catchers in there in the case that they start with an Outrage fiend so I can catcher out something else and Strip Bare behind that instead of the Outrager, just incase I don't get it on my first attempt.
Dont worry, Kyurem will never see much play other than D&D, where it would only use outrage. It has a terrible attack. If you do fail to set up early enough, you will never be able to get out a 1-1 Zoroark if you only play 1-1. I would go with another line of Cinccino if you choose to. For Crushing Hammer vs Lost Remover, it will be a lot more likely they have a normal energy on rather than special. Also, Crushing Hammer can get rid of specials as well. For Outrage guys, thats one of the reasons for Crushing Hammer.
Suggestions are working out pretty well. I decided on 2 removers and 2 crushing hammers and kept in the Zoroark.
Could you update the decklist so I could see it? Anyways, 4 in total is way to much. If you want Lost Remover, just go with 2-3 of that. Your hand will get clogged up with them if you play 4.
Sure, it's updated to what I can remember off of my head. I know I'd put in dual balls, but I just don't quite remember what I took out for them. Without Seekers or SSU, I was considering taking out Weavile line, though having a free retreat starter that plays into the theme of the deck is kinda nice.
Yeah, I would keep Weavile. If there the 2 cards on the top of your opponents deck are both good, then you need Weavile.
This deck could use some Super Scoop Up's and Seeker's to re-use Claw Snag with Weavile. Maybe also throw in a few Team Rocket's Trickery for draw and hand disruption to boot as well. The main concern I have with this deck is that unless you run Trainer Lock with Vileplume or Gothitelle they'll just Catcher your Victini and your combo will be ruined.

You also need a Twins engine as well cause you'll be behind on prizes for the most part. After getting Plume setup get out your Sharpedo with Victini and Strip Bare your Opponent's hand like a boss. Personally I like a 3-2-2 Vileplume line in this deck ALOT better than Gothitelle so that you can disrupt their hand and after that you need to think of a win-con with this deck with a Pokemon that uses coin flips for attacks that does high amounts of damage for each heads.

Just something to consider at least.
^ Twins wouldnt work in this deck. It should be ahead on prizes against most except Zekrom and some matches of Stage 1's. Weavile isnt all that important because they will have no hand and their topdeck controlled. I think Team Rocket's Trickery would be a good idea, you should switch the Cheren for them.
If I really feared them catching my Victini, I could add in another one. By T2 under good circumstances, they should have no hand and top deck controlled. Realistically, I could poke at them with Strip Bare to KO the rest of their pokemon, or power up for Rage and use that. My win condition is using Cinccino to punch what's left of their bench.

I like the idea of TRT instead of Cherens, don't know why I didn't think of that m'self.

The Vileplume... again not really an issue. Once your hand is gone by T2 (T3 Latest) and I know what's going into your hand, chances are it's not going to help you anyway. All Vileplume will do is create more dead cards that I can put into your hand which is nice, but not for the amount of card space it will take up in my deck. (3-2-2 and 2-3 Candies)

I would be open to suggestions for a pokemon that hits hard and could utilize Victini as well, but I do like the consistency of 100 damage for a DCE.
Yeah, I also just realized you need to repeat BOTH flips instead of just one. Wouldn't that set it back as much as even 2 turns?
Yes, and if you finally Strip Bare in say t4, they have set up already, and will bomb your Pokemon to the Moon and back with 0 cards in their hand.
I didn't say it wasn't risky. But it is a for fun deck. That's kind of why I had the Weaviles in there to start to shrink down their hand size and get the lock on even if I don't have Strip bare work in my favor.
Bump. Wouldn't mind turning this into a semi competitive deck, but would need some outs against Donphan and Magnezone. The obvious Tornadus/Basculin come to mind, but how do I stop T2 Magnezone, (especially when I play second) is there a decent Fighting tech to handle Magnezone in this case?

Strip Bare is meant to hinder the opponent enough that I can grab prizes. Keeping them locked is ideal but not necessary. Just because when they are given an out from Slowking (in the rare chance that they have 3 shuffle/draw cards) it will take them a while before they can set up everything needed. By that time, I should already have a back up Cinccino ready and appropriate counters to continue the prize trade.