VERY quick question


So I've quit Pokemon for a while and would like to find out the set cuts for 2009-2010 year (like what set will be the cutting point). For example, one year there was a Legend Maker + cut where only cards from Legend Maker and beyond could be played in OP. So what's the next cut?
Ok thanks. Next question: where do people get their cards? Do they just buy them individually online or mass buy boosters? I bought a deck that I created online once and it was good, but still cost quite a bit, even with out EX's. To get free packs you have to win tourneys, and to win tourneys you need a good deck and to get a good deck you have to spend a bunch of money on cards that will be cut in a couple years but you'll probably not use them after one season?
Different people do different things. I see a lot of people buying individual cards, but what I think is the best, is to buy a lot of packs and then trade for the cards you need because you can still pull nice cards that you might wish to use in the future. It's an investment either way. And it's all up to you.
1. I think it's most likely Secret Wonders that they'll cut to. Many will scream if GE gets cut.
2. Buy a lot of packs, then buy individual cards if you can and need any.
PokeChamp said:
It is believed, that the cutting point will be GE, or, if we are lucky, SW.
You have no source. Can you prove that there will even be a cutoff? Thought not.

There are many ways to getting different cards. For me, I just go to Prereleases and just trade them with others to get what I want.
well there should be a cut off because so far we will have 9 sets before the worlds (DP-BET). and if there is no cut off then it will be 10 sets all in total that would be tourney legal as august is when the next set is coming out.

As for me i usually buy decks and packs then trade anything the things i don't need for things that i do need. Although in some cases it would be easier and cheaper just to buy your cards seperately.
X_empoleon_X said:
well there should be a cut off because so far we will have 9 sets before the worlds (DP-BET). and if there is no cut off then it will be 10 sets all in total that would be tourney legal as August is when the next set is coming out.
But are you sure they would? They never released such information in any way (or, at least, you guys haven't shown it to me). You don't know for sure.
They've done it every year, why wouldn't they do it this year? Fail. Personally, I hope it'll be MD-on.

dmaster out.
Well I'm not sure of the cutoff either, if I were in charge, I'd leave it, simply because they're all Gen IV.
But if they do, then DP, MT are bound to be cut, SW too, but GE is iffy. If GE is cut, we lose Claydol and Unown G, from my understanding 2 very crucial cards in some decks, Claydol because of its drawing power (although my understanding is Uxie is taking that role more and more) and Unown G is used to prevent effects such as Machamp's SF Take Out.
As for getting cards, I bought boosters, but I'm pretty sure that buying the cards on their own is the way to go.
Zyflair said:
PokeChamp said:
It is believed, that the cutting point will be GE, or, if we are lucky, SW.
You have no source. Can you prove that there will even be a cutoff? Thought not.

There are many ways to getting different cards. For me, I just go to Prereleases and just trade them with others to get what I want.

No one can prove anything, Zyflair.
I just posted what seems to be the most likely cutoff.
Pay more attention before you post, please.
PokeChamp said:
No one can prove anything, Zyflair.
I just posted what seems to be the most likely cutoff.
Pay more attention before you post, please.
Of course no one can prove anything (logic fail lol).
I know that. You stated yourself, "It is believed..." but I simply am stating that it may not be true.
I know what I'm talking about.

And dmaster, while it most likely seems so, it's still not definite.
I know i shouldnt say this, but....

@ Zyflair and PokeChamp: Qhat kind of argument is that? 'I am right' 'You might be right, but i think im right' 'Well you might be right....'

The simple but true thing is PUI in the past rotates sets out, and so we can assume (see PokeChamp) that the cut off would be around Secret Wonders. (OR GE)

Of course we can also see something (the Japenese?) do and keep sets around longer. Something like that. The thing is it is possible that PUI does not in fact change anything (Zyflair)

So yes the possibility is present that the change could and may occur (most likely at the SW set) but it is also likely that nothing happens/ the sets doent get rotated/ the rotation isnt at SW or .... Fill in the blank.

Hoped that cleared that up.
Ok nice. I'm in need of some advice, actually. See, I quit after DP came out and have a lot of older cards that have trade-in value. I was wondering whether to wait or what before trading them off or giving them away. I mean, the store has a trade list that changes and I was wondering if the value of cards decreases or increases with time.
I think it decreases, because then only people who collect will be interested as them, as those cards became unplayable and not worth anything to players.
Although I'm not really all that sure.
What I do is buy a lot of packs, quite obviously of the series where I need a ceratain card(s) in, and put all the other nice rares in my binder. that way I trade all these other cool cards I got yet didn't need with other people to get what I need. I also get cards I might use in the future, and it's fun just going through my binder to see my collection XD! What I also love is when there's a card I need that is found in a theme deck. I just buy the deck and I'm guaranteed the card.
Zyflair said:

And dmaster, while it most likely seems so, it's still not definite.

Who cares? I don't. It's my opinion. Kindly butt out. We know what you think already.

dmaster out.
Ok, one more for you guys :D I really appreciate you guys clearing these up for me. Can you Rare Candy an Eevee to a Leafeon X? And would LA Regice's power work if the defending Pokemon was evolved?
Renzo said:
Ok, one more for you guys :D I really appreciate you guys clearing these up for me. Can you Rare Candy an Eevee to a Leafeon X? And would LA Regice's power work if the defending Pokemon was evolved?

If you read the bottom of the Lv. card ' you must place this card on XXX"

For instance you can only lay Gardevoir Lv.X on a Gardevoir. Whilst you can only play Dailga G Lv.X on a Dailga G.

So what you can do is first turn rare candy to leafeon, end turn, and level up the next.

You have to wait, but 1 turn really can kill.

But wait, theres more. With the realease of Platinum a new card brakes those rules. Lv, Max allows you to turn 1 (if going second) to level up on the flip of a coin.

Hope i helped.
Ok. What about Regice? And how exactly does Cyrus's Conspiracy work (like does the Supporter have to be Galactic)?