RE: Vincent Trade Thread
I'm looking for a female Magic Guard Abra I'm offering a shiny Growlithe if you have one.
I'm looking for a female Magic Guard Abra I'm offering a shiny Growlithe if you have one.
Archael said:shiny abra here. interested in your outstanding dittos. what are the iv's of the dittos?
steffenka said:I have shiny Octillery, Starmie, Bibarel, Gyarados, both Basculin, Simipour, Goldeen and Seaking if you want one of them for shiny Gourgeist?
PokeChimpo said:Do you have a Hp-SpAtk 31 IV ditto?
Lord Fletchling said:Oh, I'd do lots for an Unhacked Shiny Palkia lol
Interested in a Pangoro Shiny? Nicknameable and EV trained in Attack and HP.
Lord Fletchling said:Would you do Shiny Pangoro and Totodile for either Klefki or Noibat? Do they have any IVs? Also, if you'd do Georgeist, I would be happy.