Wi-Fi Trades Vini's New Trade Thread

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RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

I have those 2, thanks though.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

CMT for offers then: http://bmgf.bulbagarden.net/showthread.php?t=91917
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Timid Palkia and Timid Giratina interest me
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Shiny Dialga, Riolu, and Wurmple. What from my old thread would you like so I may have those 3?
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Sorry Joey, didn't see anything I wanted.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Oh... OK. I'll trade with other people in the time being and see what I get. I am REALLY in want of those three.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Sure thing Joey, feel free to PM me with new offers. :]
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Is there anything you would want for your shiny lapras? (in the new section)
my thread:

also, do you still EV train for people?
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

What about this for Lapras?
Shiny chimchar lv 1 UT adamant pokerus (thunderpunch and blaze kick)
Deja vu...

Also, PM me the info on EV Training.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Sure. (lol you didn't clone him for yourself when you EVd him for me?)
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Lol nope, I didn't think it was fair to do it at the time.

BTW: Interested on your new shiny:
*taillow lv 1 UT jolly (not hack checked yet)

Choose something for it.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Would you do my Gamestop Entei for your Goon's Scizor?
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Sure. Use my Pearl FC. What's your FC? I can trade right now
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

All my events are UT.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Just wondering, but can we trade tommorow? I G2G.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Ty. What time, or just whenever we're both on?
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Whenever we're both on is fine :]
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