Wi-Fi Trades Vini's New Trade Thread

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RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Wanna trade tomorrow?

My shiny Giratina & Palkia for your NZone Pikachu and shiny Timid Gastly
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

hi I am new to competitive battling and was wondering what type of ev's and iv's are good for mightyena,sceptile,tyranitar,and salamence.Also what attacks are good for them.Do you do ev's training
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Alright. Shoot me a PM when we're both on.

Wanna trade tomorrow?

My shiny Giratina & Palkia for your NZone Pikachu and shiny Timid Gastly
Sure thing, we can trade when we're both on.

hi I am new to competitive battling and was wondering what type of ev's and iv's are good for mightyena,sceptile,tyranitar,and salamence.Also what attacks are good for them.Do you do ev's training
Sorry, but this is a trade thread, not a game help thread. Try the 4th Generation Discussion forums.
And no, I don't EV train for people.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Could I get the shiny Ho-Oh for Entei? Then when I get Suicune, I can trade for Goon's Scizor.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Alright, I'll update the pending trades section.

I'll try to stay on longer tonight to complete my pending trades
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Are you interested in having me EV pokemon for you???
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

I'm on now, tell me when you're going in the room.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Anything you want from my thread for the Modest shiny Articuno and Bold shiny Cresselia?
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Modest Shiny Dialga for Articuno, but I don't list any Cresselias in my thread
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Well it was in your bio :p
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Ah that one; it's EVd and not up for trade, sorry.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Alright I can trade for the Articuno after lunch.
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Cool, reply here when you're back
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

Okay see you on!

Thanks for the trade
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!


UT Lv. 1 (nicknamed)
Technician ~ Adamant nature.

Vaccum Wave, Quick Attack, Leer, Hyper Beam


UT Lv. 1
Magnet Pull ~ Rash nature.

Metal Sound, Tackle


VERY high offers only!!
UT Lv. 1
Hydration ~ Modest nature.

Tail Glow, Bubble, Water Sport


Courtesy of Riz ~ VERY high offers only!!
UT Lv. 1
Pressure ~ Modest nature.

Dragonbreath, Scary Face


Courtesy of Riz ~ VERY high offers only!!
UT Lv. 1
Pressure ~ Timid nature.

Dragonbreath, Scary Face


Courtesy of Riz ~ VERY high offers only!!
UT Lv. 1
Pressure ~ Timid nature.

Dragonbreath, Scary Face
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!


UT Lv. 1
Keen Eye ~ Adamant nature.

Flail, Steel Wing, Toxic, U-Turn
RE: Vini's New Trade Thread - FAL2010 Mew and LOTS of new Shinies!

You want these:
-GAMESTP Suicune, Entei & Celebi (when they are released) (high want)

I can get all of those for you (as long as you'll take clones (P99 clone these for me) and I already have the Entei (got three of him I think on like monday) but what would you value him at?
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