Wi-Fi Trades Vini's Trades - New section

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RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

have we traded before?

If not, use my HG FC, and what one of yours should I use?
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
have we traded before?

If not, use my HG FC, and what one of yours should I use?

Use my Pearl one, please.

Also, about distribution rights: I have full distribution rights over the Pokemon on my Trophy Case, I just choose not to trade them.
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

oh, ok, I will have to think about that, are they @ all neogtiable, (to ppl you trust) or are they just there?

(my bagon is only trophy by request of XxAshxX and I want to keep that because he only trades that for rare stuff and only gives it to ppl he knows will honor it)
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
oh, ok, I will have to think about that, are they @ all neogtiable, (to ppl you trust) or are they just there?

(my bagon is only trophy by request of XxAshxX and I want to keep that because he only trades that for rare stuff and only gives it to ppl he knows will honor it)

I choose not to trade them because they either were hard to trade for or hard to Soft Reset for.

Also, Im on wifi!
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

that dosnt really answer my full question, not to be rude, if you could do that.

And I will be on.
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
that dosnt really answer my full question, not to be rude, if you could do that.

And I will be on.

My bad. Could you make it clearer, then? I dont know exactly what you meant.
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

Im on, and I meant, do you trade them with non-redis rights to ppl you trust, or are they just for complete display (some ppl have NFTs that they will trade to ppl they trust not to trade them again)
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Im on, and I meant, do you trade them with non-redis rights to ppl you trust, or are they just for complete display (some ppl have NFTs that they will trade to ppl they trust not to trade them again)

It had to be a VERY good offer, but even then, it would be hard to take them from me. If I DID trade them, then I'd do with non-redis rights.
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

Yeah, same here, Thanks for the trade, this gets you 20 points in my thread (check out the section near the bottom to learn more about how that works) do you want to enter any of my raffles soon?
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Yeah, same here, Thanks for the trade, this gets you 20 points in my thread (check out the section near the bottom to learn more about how that works) do you want to enter any of my raffles soon?

Thank you as well! And I already got those Pokes, so I'll wait for future Raffles. Thanks tho!!
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

Il get you a clone of one cauterize, latias or latios for you?

And vini, what would you want for the 10th aniv suicune?
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

I want:

  • Larvitar with Dark Pulse, Dragon Dance, Rock Slide Nature: Jolly
  • Rosilia with Sleep Powder and Leaf Storm Nature: Timid
  • Snorunt with Weather Ball and Spikes Timid
  • That Spiritomb don't want to list all moves. Naive
  • Hippottas with Slack off. Impish
- Rotom-Cut
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
Il get you a clone of one cauterize, latias or latios for you?

And vini, what would you want for the 10th aniv suicune?

Well since the Wish Bagon is NFT I guess Shiny Drifloon is a good one. :]

Rotom-Cut said:
I want:

  • Larvitar with Dark Pulse, Dragon Dance, Rock Slide Nature: Jolly
  • Rosilia with Sleep Powder and Leaf Storm Nature: Timid
  • Snorunt with Weather Ball and Spikes Timid
  • That Spiritomb don't want to list all moves. Naive
  • Hippottas with Slack off. Impish
- Rotom-Cut
I dont breed Naive Pokemon, sorry. Also, I can only breed Larvitar, Roselia and Snorunt at the current time.
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

OK, Il add to that then...Hm, I will have to see, I think I am getting a shiny groudon within a hour, (hopefuly) would that be good to add?
RE: Vini's Player Thread - Satoshi's Pikachu and Movie 13 Celebi

The Flaming Ho-oh said:
OK, Il add to that then...Hm, I will have to see, I think I am getting a shiny groudon within a hour, (hopefuly) would that be good to add?

Not sure what you meant. Just the Shiny Drifloon is enough for a UT 10th Aniv Cune. ^^
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