Virizion EX / Genesect EX

i like abomasnow. Though idk if it needs to be in this deck. At one point i ran a 3-3 abomasnow with 2/2 VirGen. It wasnt too bad. I usually ended up using Abomasnow more than genesect since it confuses and all that good stuff. Near the end of the matches i usually used genesect to get the last couple prizes when G booster showed up and i had enough energy on it since abomasnow was going to town on everything.

Though i actually think Abomasnow/Virizion is just a better deck overall, with Genesect as a Tech in.
Why would Abomasnow be good? A stage 1 attacker that takes up a lot of space and is something that isn't that helpful? No thanks! Run 1 or 2 Deoxys if you are worried about Victini.
Its pretty decent because its weak to steel and thats kind of rare now without klingklang. Its only a 1 stage attacker. Many of them are 2 stage. It's both immune to status effects and can cause them. It 2HKOs pretty much everything aside from other grass types that resist water, unless you equip a bangle. Its a 1 prize attacker. Being non plasma non ex, it leaves a lot of other decks a handful of useless cards for them to draw into.

Either way, i just dont see VirGen being an extremely good deck in general. Its rather slow, and you burn through energy really quick. I seen and played a bunch of matches when the VirGen decks just flat out ran out of energy. Its even worse since energy retrieval is rather useless to this deck as well. The only way to keep going is to run multiple super rods, which then require you to use Virizion again. Sure this deck can OHKO anything. But so can Black Kyurem, and it can do it consecutively, thx to blastoise and superior energy retrieval. Though if it does run into safeguard pokemon it has jump through hoops to get around it. It just seems like Genesect is both its strength and weakness at the same time. Sure it can out right muscle through anything in the format. But it comes at such a huge cost.

Maybe people are just playing it the wrong way and should focus more on using megalo cannon, instead of just going for always for G booster as a crutch. Though then it becomes a mediocre attacker. It doesn't help the fact that deoxys doesn't really help this deck. Its a weird plasma deck that can't really make good use of other team plasma pokemon.
Ivy_Profen said:
Its pretty decent because its weak to steel and thats kind of rare now without klingklang. Its only a 1 stage attacker. Many of them are 2 stage. It's both immune to status effects and can cause them. It 2HKOs pretty much everything aside from other grass types that resist water, unless you equip a bangle. Its a 1 prize attacker. Being non plasma non ex, it leaves a lot of other decks a handful of useless cards for them to draw into.

Either way, i just dont see VirGen being an extremely good deck in general. Its rather slow, and you burn through energy really quick. I seen and played a bunch of matches when the VirGen decks just flat out ran out of energy. Its even worse since energy retrieval is rather useless to this deck as well. The only way to keep going is to run multiple super rods, which then require you to use Virizion again. Sure this deck can OHKO anything. But so can Black Kyurem, and it can do it consecutively, thx to blastoise and superior energy retrieval. Though if it does run into safeguard pokemon it has jump through hoops to get around it. It just seems like Genesect is both its strength and weakness at the same time. Sure it can out right muscle through anything in the format. But it comes at such a huge cost.

Maybe people are just playing it the wrong way and should focus more on using megalo cannon, instead of just going for always for G booster as a crutch. Though then it becomes a mediocre attacker. It doesn't help the fact that deoxys doesn't really help this deck. Its a weird plasma deck that can't really make good use of other team plasma pokemon.
Magikarp is also good now due to it only being weak to lightning and lightning being rare now.

It is a stage one attacker that gets catcher KO'd before you get it set up... It takes 3 energy to deal a whooping 80 damage.

Also this deck is good... You just can't deny it however is it living up to its hype? No!
I'm probably going to add a Lugia-EX to this deck if I can get a Full Art version. Should I add a Deoxys as well? I know that E Slash + Plasma Gale + 1 Deoxys = the magic number 180 but pretty much all the EX's in VirGen and Plasma are 170 HP. Thoughts?
Your attempt at sarcasm isn't lost, believe me. But the fact is that electric isn't that rare since thundurus is one of the standard cards in one of the most popular decks atm. If you're going to act that way you could at least try to make a point that is actually valid in some way. Now you can say my points with Abomasnow are rather moot, granted its not a Tier 1 pokemon. But it can work as a fun deck, and has better chance of success than some of the other rogue decks. Like Beedrill for example. Either way i was commenting on the fact that someone suggested teching in Abomasnow in this deck, which as i did agree it is not a good idea. That if you were going to go with Abomasnow, you would be better off just going with abomasnow/virizion, otherwise it just wont do anything aside from take up space in a VirGen Deck.

That aside. Lugia is a possibility for this deck. Emerald Slash into lugia for 2 energy, a colress machine, and an energy drop for that turn. Though it might be a better bet to use hypnotoxic laser and virbank, as it might be more helpful to your deck as a whole rather than 1 deoxys that only helps lugia. That is unless you choose to drop Genesect as a main attacker and go with lugia instead. Adding in DCE, 2 or 3 Lugia Ex. It might work. it does burn less energy, though it does require those plasma energy. Without Thundurus to get back the plasma, you may need to add in 1 shadow triad just incase they hammer away your energy and/or a few gets prized. If you go with Lugia Ex the entire deck would need to be changed to support Lugia rather than Genesect. Lugia doesn't seem like a pokemon you can just tech in without throwing off your consistency, since it requires so much to work properly. But then again, having just 1 doesnt hurt too much. If you see the play possibly having success, why not throw it down. If not you can easily choose not to play it.
Pokewiz1999 said:
I'm probably going to add a Lugia-EX to this deck if I can get a Full Art version. Should I add a Deoxys as well? I know that E Slash + Plasma Gale + 1 Deoxys = the magic number 180 but pretty much all the EX's in VirGen and Plasma are 170 HP. Thoughts?

I'm a huge fan of lugia 1-of in this deck. Ones that run plain grass plasma do really well with a lugia, I'm not a huge fan of running 2 types of special energy in a deck that's not TDK because you get enhanced hammered to death and even if you can get an attack off it's hard to keep consistently attacking when you lose 2 energy because of a single card. Lugia has a tech has won me a lot of my games too, it's come down to the last 3 prizes, or 2 prizes off a non-ex it's won me games. Not to mention it makes flareon relatively winable if you can start getting KO's with lugia, and make sure their garb doesn't get out.
Aggressiv said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
I'm probably going to add a Lugia-EX to this deck if I can get a Full Art version. Should I add a Deoxys as well? I know that E Slash + Plasma Gale + 1 Deoxys = the magic number 180 but pretty much all the EX's in VirGen and Plasma are 170 HP. Thoughts?

I'm a huge fan of lugia 1-of in this deck. Not the DCE variants, but ones that run plain grass plasma do really well with a lugia, and it's won me a lot of my games, and makes flareon relatively winable if you can start getting KO's with lugia, and make sure their garb doesn't get out.

I don't want to run DCE at all I'm with you on that. What I've seen is this deck fizzles out in the middle so Lugia can be a good attacker to get you those last 2/3 prizes. Do you think I should add a one-of Deoxys too? It lets Genesect OHKO Tini's all day as well. Kinda thinking against it...

Edit: If I run Lugia do you think the Ball line should be 2/1 Ultra Ball/Plasma Ball?
Running 1 Deoxys EX with Lugia EX is pretty good idea. Both for the ability to knock out 180 hp EX pokemon but also to OHKO plasma Kyurem. Deoxys also allows you to threaten an OHKO on plasma Kyurem after you previously hit it with the Megalo Cannon bench damage. Otherwise Kyurem often proves to be very difficult to knock out in this deck. Lugia is good for avoiding a potential 7 prize game in general.

In the mirror I don't think Deoxys has a lot of merit however. If you have a plasma badge on Virizion, Emerald Slash and Megalo Cannon combined will actually do 170 if Deoxys is in play. Which I think might be the most effect it ever has there.

The two retreat cost however is a nasty thing about both Deoxys and Lugia since it suddenly gives the opponent something to catcher stall and adds two pretty bad starters. Nevertheless I think there are still enough positive points about these pokemon to play them in this deck.
Conzipe said:
Running 1 Deoxys EX with Lugia EX is pretty good idea. Both for the ability to knock out 180 hp EX pokemon but also to OHKO plasma Kyurem. Deoxys also allows you to threaten an OHKO on plasma Kyurem after you previously hit it with the Megalo Cannon bench damage. Otherwise Kyurem often proves to be very difficult to knock out in this deck. Lugia is good for avoiding a potential 7 prize game in general.

In the mirror I don't think Deoxys has a lot of merit however. If you have a plasma badge on Virizion, Emerald Slash and Megalo Cannon combined will actually do 170 if Deoxys is in play. Which I think might be the most effect it ever has there.

The two retreat cost however is a nasty thing about both Deoxys and Lugia since it suddenly gives the opponent something to catcher stall and adds two pretty bad starters. Nevertheless I think there are still enough positive points about these pokemon to play them in this deck.

I run Switch so the retreat doesn't scare me much. I honestly don't really want to run Deoxys for some reason. The only deck that has pokemon with 180HP (Excluding Plasma and VirGen with Lugia but they aren't too common) is Darkrai and pretty much everyone running Darkrai runs Garbodor which shuts of Overflow making Lugia not so awesome. So I think I'm gonna go with no Deoxys...
Pokewiz1999 said:
Conzipe said:
Running 1 Deoxys EX with Lugia EX is pretty good idea. Both for the ability to knock out 180 hp EX pokemon but also to OHKO plasma Kyurem. Deoxys also allows you to threaten an OHKO on plasma Kyurem after you previously hit it with the Megalo Cannon bench damage. Otherwise Kyurem often proves to be very difficult to knock out in this deck. Lugia is good for avoiding a potential 7 prize game in general.

In the mirror I don't think Deoxys has a lot of merit however. If you have a plasma badge on Virizion, Emerald Slash and Megalo Cannon combined will actually do 170 if Deoxys is in play. Which I think might be the most effect it ever has there.

The two retreat cost however is a nasty thing about both Deoxys and Lugia since it suddenly gives the opponent something to catcher stall and adds two pretty bad starters. Nevertheless I think there are still enough positive points about these pokemon to play them in this deck.

I run Switch so the retreat doesn't scare me much. I honestly don't really want to run Deoxys for some reason. The only deck that has pokemon with 180HP (Excluding Plasma and VirGen with Lugia but they aren't too common) is Darkrai and pretty much everyone running Darkrai runs Garbodor which shuts of Overflow making Lugia not so awesome. So I think I'm gonna go with no Deoxys...

If deoxys retreat was 1 I would run it in this deck, but because it's 2 it's very susceptible to catcher scrap stall repeatedly with sabelye and it can be a huge pain. It does help with plasma, but I run drifblim plus enhanced hammer so I really don't think I need more plasma support.
Aggressiv said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
I run Switch so the retreat doesn't scare me much. I honestly don't really want to run Deoxys for some reason. The only deck that has pokemon with 180HP (Excluding Plasma and VirGen with Lugia but they aren't too common) is Darkrai and pretty much everyone running Darkrai runs Garbodor which shuts of Overflow making Lugia not so awesome. So I think I'm gonna go with no Deoxys...

If deoxys retreat was 1 I would run it in this deck, but because it's 2 it's very susceptible to catcher scrap stall repeatedly with sabelye and it can be a huge pain. It does help with plasma, but I run drifblim plus enhanced hammer so I really don't think I need more plasma support.

I don't run Drifblim... And just so you know you've got a bunch of dead cards when you go up against Darkrai/Garbodor. I'm thinking I'll just do a one-of of Lugia and leave it at that.
camoclone said:
Pokewiz1999 said:
I don't know why but I really don't want to put Deoxys in my deck... Not sure why :/
Magic numbers...Why else?

BDIF are VirGen, TDK, and Darkrai/Garbodor (Opinion). All of them, excluding Garbodor, have EX's at 170 HP. Garbodor shuts off abilities making Lugia not so awesome. I don't know I just really don't like it in this deck. Just me.
Pokewiz1999 said:
Aggressiv said:
If deoxys retreat was 1 I would run it in this deck, but because it's 2 it's very susceptible to catcher scrap stall repeatedly with sabelye and it can be a huge pain. It does help with plasma, but I run drifblim plus enhanced hammer so I really don't think I need more plasma support.

I don't run Drifblim... And just so you know you've got a bunch of dead cards when you go up against Darkrai/Garbodor. I'm thinking I'll just do a one-of of Lugia and leave it at that.

I wasn't at all implying you had to run drifblim, just saying that's the variant I run lugia with and it works.

And thanks for the advice, but I don't think darkrai will see as much play as plasma this season at the big tournaments, and even if it does the matchup isn't that terrible. The sableye variant struggles to be aggressive early game and even vs. the darkrai oriented variant you have the ability to ohko where they don't, not to mention your acceleration and immunity to poison puts you on fair grounds with dark patches and laser . Once their garbs go down (which in my opinion should be a target in this matchup) they have 6 dead cards (virbank lasers) not to mention genesect has the ability to ohko EX's that darkrai doesnt. If you can supress garbodor, the advantage is genesect. As for drifblim it's decent in the mirror and especially good against plasma.

To each his own though, I think this is the best way the deck runs, but obviously there are a ton of different ways to do it.
Starting to think about dropping Badge Engine. Attach + Machine + next turn attach is just as fast. I need to add E Hammer but my list is freakishly tight...