Wi-Fi Trades Vrapceboy thread

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Made in Croatia
Friend codes:

Pearl: 0131 2108 3875 IHMED
Diamond: 5414 0067 6221 Oto

So hi guys this my first pokemon thread in video games :)
I have some rules, so please deal with them to trade with me :)

1. No ripping
2. No stupid offers (maybe I am a n00b, but you`ll help me to become pro :p)
3. Please no ARs pokemons or clones or RNG abuse, I really like pokemons that aren`t cheated cause that`s the way I play the game
4. Don`t duel me at this time, cause I don` have good team, I will update this rule :p
4.5 Since I am a n00b every help is welcome :D
Let`s start with trades :D

I don`t have any particular wants, I want a lot of stuff so just bring me offers
some shiny pokemon or EVd pokemon?
lvl 100 Pokemon with pickup



Riolu: Adamant lvl 1. (really good attacks, want something really great for this one ^^)

Starly: Quirky lvl.2 (like this baby ^^, offer some other shinys for him)


Roserade and Roselia almost every nature (roserade only comes modest)

Panzaeron (german Skarmory) lv.56 - it has ok stats, but you know, it`s the better chance to get shiny egg with it in english game cause it is from foreign game :)...

Golem lv.52

Spiritomb- If you want it LMK, cause I will breed it for you ;)

Blisey lv.38

Dittos random lvls - natures (timid, naughty, impish, docile, hasty, bashful, relaxed, sassy, lax, naive, careful, quirky)

Rioulu lv.1

Gengar lv.66

Venonat lv. 22

Venomoth lv. 50

Larvitar lv. 6

Bellossom lv. 51

Bronzong lv.66

Makuhita lv.50

Victreebel lv.51

Golbat lv. 65

Eevees lv.1 and all their evolutions

Hitmonchan lvl. 31

Hitmonlee lvl. 20

Shedinja lv. 20

Ninjask lv. 20

Nidoran MALE lv. 3

Whiscash lv. 33

Muk lv. 18

Rotoms lv.1

Aggron lv. 42

Ludicolo lv.16

Bagons lv.1 (Adamant and modest nature !)

Absol lv.27

Relicanth lv. 35

Blaziken lv.36

Wynaut lv.5

Piplup lv.1 (Comes with attack hydro pump :) )

Kingler lv. 53

Sneasel with ICE PUNCH

Nidoqueen lv. 29

Nidoking lvl. 30

Lucario MODEST it is a bit Evd trained in speed so just do that until you evd him in speed to 252... (currently it is 48)


All formes of Burmys (very useful, Macho brace ^^)

Seel lv. 35


Snorunts (I can make you glalie or froslass :) ) lv. 1

Baltoy lv. 14

Nosepass lv. 14

Electrike lv. 7

Mareep lv. 7

Ampharos lv.42

Phione eggs

Regice sassy lvl. 100 (brutal sp. defense)

Smeargle lv.16 (great pokemon, she can learn any attack you want ;) )

Corsola lv.50

Vibrava lv.53

Swinub lv.34

Zigzagoon lv.3

Electrode lv.30

Growlithes lv.1

Please ask me for nature of certain pokemon if you want to know it. :)

So that would be all... Keep in mynd that I just started to trade and all my pokemons are NOT CHEATED ;)

*This is thread from me and my brother (his game is diamond) but it is better to write in singular :D

Happy trading ^^


Metalex (my shiny tentacruel and houndoom for his riolu and snover)
Pokemon99 (My burmy and relicanth for his PKRS and leftovers)
My: Shokotan's Pichu (the one that give's you Gizamimi/NE (Zig-Zag Ear'd) Pichu
Your: Shiny Houndoom
I can even throw in a Nidoran (male)....from my platnium.
Light Venusaur said:
My: Shokotan's Pichu (the one that give's you Gizamimi/NE (Zig-Zag Ear'd) Pichu
Your: Shiny Houndoom
I can even throw in a Nidoran (male)....from my platnium.

Shokotan`s Pichu.... I am noob so please explain me what is that Gizamimi Pichu.... I would prefer shiny for a shiny, if you know what I mean :)

And yeah on which lvl. is your shiny salamance adamant, and is it EV`d or smth... CAuse if it isn`t hacked I would sure do:

Houndoom (shiny)

Salamance (Shiny)

lovebunny713 said:
I really like the rash one. and what would you want for it?

What can you offer me for it... Do you have any EVd pokemons or any shinys or some rare pokemons... List me something good that you have :D
lovebunny713 said:
I don't really have any ev'd or shinies. but I could breed you something with good moves if you would like?

Can you give me a short list of smth good that you have please :D?
sure, it might take a minute though.
I'll edit this post.
-Volt tackle Pichu
-several Eevees, Feebas, and Porygon
-Can breed you whatever nature you want if I don't have what you want
-also have Pkrus
lovebunny713 said:
sure, it might take a minute though.
I'll edit this post.
-Volt tackle Pichu
-several Eevees, Feebas, and Porygon
-Can breed you whatever nature you want if I don't have what you want
-also have Pkrus

Can I please get:

- one feebas
-volt pichu
and please spread pkrus on one of these two guys :D....
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