Wi-Fi Trades Vrapceboy thread

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vrapceboy said:
Then don`t put them in your thread in haves.

Well, I figured once I got the know-how of the cloning glitch, I could get a bunch of them, but I don't know how to get the glitch on platinum. [/noob]
ShadowLugia said:
Well, I figured once I got the know-how of the cloning glitch, I could get a bunch of them, but I don't know how to get the glitch on platinum. [/noob]
Then you make a trade offer you would like.
Thank you. For an Adamant Bagon, how about My Moltres you mentioned in my other thread? It's untouched, and has a modest nature.
ShadowLugia said:
Thank you. For an Adamant Bagon, how about My Moltres you mentioned in my other thread? It's untouched, and has a modest nature.

OK. PM me to finallize, we will do it tommorow ;).
Bump in the thread; Now one my wants you`ll find a lvl. 100 Pokémon that has pickup. I really want it ;).... On my haves I have giant news: Now I can have phione eggs, weeheee! And I got from a friend fully legit regice sassy that has BRUTAL sp. defense ;). Come with offers :)
In addition to the Bagon trade, I'd like to offer any pokemon in my thread equipped with a choice band For your Shiny Riolu. (With an exception of my Darkrai.) Just PM me when you're wanting to finalize.
ShadowLugia said:
In addition to the Bagon trade, I'd like to offer any pokemon in my thread equipped with a choice band For your Shiny Riolu. (With an exception of my Darkrai.) Just PM me when you're wanting to finalize.

Sry but I refuse that offer cause for riolu I want a really good shiny ;)
I have a shiny Ludicolo and Golbat I can offer you, the Golbat can be trained into Crobat.
Wow, a shiny starly! How about my female shiny golbat for it, but only if it's male.
ShadowLugia said:
Wow, a shiny starly! How about my female shiny golbat for it, but only if it's male.

How about all of your items that make Ev training faster; or one Pokémon with choice band if you have it :)
ShadowLugia said:
Just any old pokemon with a choice band on it? That sounds fine.

No. I want deoxsys beacuse I live in CRO, and we don`t have opportunities to participate in any events :(. So pelase be kind, and put choice band on your deoxsys ;)
Hmm... if I can get the Deoxys cloned from somebody, I'll do it. I'll get back to you once I do.
I can fully give a Pokemon 510 EVs and Rus in around two hours (provided 252 is not in DF/SPDf). I'm interested in shiny Starly.
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