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W: Bulk H: Booster Boxes, Mewtwo EX, Shaymin EX, Celebi, RH + Player Reward Collector

RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait....

InfinityFangX said:
what scizor? Ill do rare candy for scizor =3

Please CML for hippowdon or gengar lv. x
nothing sorry

PoptartG4791 said:
4x Scyther SF (2RH)
2x Scizor SF (1RH)
4x Cherubi SF
4x Cherrim SF (2RH)

1x Dusknoir LvX
1x Dusknoir DP
1x Rare Candy
sounds good, get the deck in one fell swoop I'll take the stuff off and pm you

Mudkip said:
Alakapimp said:
nothing sorry
Mudkip said:
Can you CML for 5 Snorlax, 4 Arcanine G, 4 Dialga G, 6 Uxie League Promo, and 2 Broken Time Space? You can look in my selling thread for stuff. You may also ask for unlisted things. Thanks. :D
Scizor's and Cherrims for Scizor Cherrim?

I'm lost.
I need Scizors, you got any? (you said ask about unlisted things)

kashmaster said:
CML for gengar lv X, 2x BTS, 1x Rare candy, 2x Roseannes
nothing sorry

eevee said:
CML for Garchomp X - MD, please.
traded away already, sorry

Islam soliman said:
i will give u mewtwo lvx tin for 2 rosanse and a weevile
not trading the googleeannes away I decided

richkid50000 said:
if you can add a little more i could probably do that.
what do you want, I'd rather not trade the BTS but I'd do Gengar X + a few other things
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

I really want

Water x3
Fire x1
Grass x1
Psychic x1
Fighting x1

RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait....

InfinityFangX said:
I have sf scizor. ill trade for the rare candy if you want. :]
just traded away my only spare rare candy, only got the play set now, sorry.

dragonitetim said:
4 Scyther SF (NEED to CHECK IF I HAVE)
Luxray GL

for your
Garchomp POP9
warp point
Azelf LA
Gengar x2 (SF)
Hmm, don't really want to mail all the way to Hong Kong, sorry.
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

how about then..

2 scyther sf
2 scizor sf

Arcanine League promo
Dialga G league Promo
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait....

GL, right?  I can do that, I guess. Please PM me the reply so I can get the trade done.:p
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

@InfinityFangX - Instead of Scythers could I get two unown q?

@pokeplayer - Anything else, it seems like a pretty small trade to mail stuff.
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

I have 5 Scizor (1 RH, 3 Japanese, 1 Regular) and 4 Cherrim (2 Regular, 2 Japanese). LMK.
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

Updated some and I need a platinum skymin, anybody got one to trade me?
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

I'm interested in:
Arceus X Psychic Bolt - Arceus

I have:
Platinum Skymin
Other Grass Staples
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

Do you have great encounters Sceptile?

EDIT: sorry just found a home for it
RE: H: Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam! oh wait...

I don't see anything else I need sorry.

Got my Sceptiles.