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W: Catcher, Bianca, Max Potion, Raikou EX; H: Shiny Gardevior, Kyogre EX FA

RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

Cml for spinda sv rh
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

I'm sorta interested in
1 Pachirisu.
So please CML for it.

The only thing I saw on your list are Luxray GL LV:X and Flygon LV.X (both JPN) but I know Pachi is not enough. But I've noticed you also need Garchomp C LV.X and ROTOM sleeves, which I have. Let me know sth to maybe work out.

Islam soliman said:

rosanse for sleeves

You still did not tell me how much of each do you have. Need Candies, Maintenances and Rosies.
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

You skipped me
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

icman92 said:
You skipped me

Did not see anything from your list I would need at the moment. Sorry.

Islam soliman said:
why you skiip me

1 off each

So I need your:
1x Roseanne's Research
1x Night Maintenance
1x Rare Candy

First of all, I'm not willing to give my sleeves or a lv.x for any of these or all of the above cards.

I'm willing to trade my Luxray for 2 Cards from the list above and if you find something else to add up, then all cards.
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

i will trade you dialga x tin for the sleeves
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

No, since I have an unlisted Dialga LV.X Promo. Please be reasonable with your offers. I only need the thee cards above and they're not worth enough for the sleeves.
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

what lv x do you want for the sleeves or all of those for the sleeves which one you could pick
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

I would want Arceus LV.X (PROMO) and Arceus LV.X (Any of the other two). Or I would want a lot of Arceuses. The third option is a couple of arceuses and the 3 trainers from above.
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

i will give u one arciuse and rare candy and a bebes search

so the deal would be

rare candy
bebes reasearch
and arcuise fire

for your
still your getting more but ok
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

sorry, still not that interested in the offer. Thanks anyway.
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

how about 2 arciuse (fire and phyckick) and rare candy

you will have to add like a good trainer
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

Again no. Have better offers for the pack. Sorry again.
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

arciuse lv x but you will have to add a tin
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

Bumping my trade list. Have new haves and new wants!
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

I have:
x1 Fire arceus
x1 Arceus Lvl. X (promo) It is the multitype and omniscient one.

I want:
x1 azelf LA
x2 Bucks Training.
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

Which Arceus LV.X (Promo) is it?
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

I don't know for now. 3 LV.X are incoming and 3 Fire also, but I'll let you know tomorrow, ok?
RE: W: xx POP8, 4xRoseanne, 4xNight Maintenance; H: Staraptor FB LV.X, 2x Garchomp C LV.X

I have a water arceus but its sorta scratched up because I didn't have sleeves at the prerelease.