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W: Gengar SF! H: Luxray, Flygon, Scizor Prime, Collector, DCE

Do you want Lux X and what do you value it at?

  • Yes

    Votes: 12 34.3%
  • No

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Kind of

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • $15

    Votes: 5 14.3%
  • $20

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • $25

    Votes: 9 25.7%
  • $30

    Votes: 8 22.9%
  • $35

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Playable

    Votes: 4 11.4%
  • Other

    Votes: 1 2.9%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Luxray X

Which POP sets do you have beside POP 9?I can PM you a list of POP cards I need tomorrow night or Wednesday.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Luxray X

eevee: I can so you need the cards by Tuesday or wednesday. I have others but i am not sure which. I can get it to you tomorrow or MAYBE tonight.

Blazeken Master: What? I have no idea what you have and it is no longer on my list.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Luxray X

Landmin X,
1 Energy Restore
2 Amulet Coin
2 Bubble Coat
4 Technical Machine TS-1
3 Energy Link
3 Poke Blower +


Electivire FB LvX

LMK if this is good or counter
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

I know that is a killer offer but i cannot accept right at this very second i will PM you if I can soon. It may be in my deck so i will decide in the next day or two and will let you know.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

I have lots of your T/S/S Wants. Check my Wants!
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

Primeape SV x3
Mankey SV x2
Chatot G SV x1
Palmer's Contribution SV x1
Upper Energy RR x2

I have those and a few Honchkrow G.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

richkid50000 said:
I know that is a killer offer but I cannot accept right at this very second I will PM you if I can soon. It may be in my deck so I will decide in the next day or two and will let you know.

OK. Let me know your decision soon though as i can't hold this deal for long:D.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

Yourpimp: that is a little on the higher side for me anyways so if you take out some of the trainers that may help. (amulet coin please) Also do you know which ones of those are PL-on? I am trying to get as many PL-on for next season.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

richkid50000 said:
Yourpimp: that is a little on the higher side for me anyways so if you take out some of the trainers that may help. (amulet coin please) Also do you know which ones of those are PL-on? I am trying to get as many PL-on for next season.

This are all my T/S/S from PL-

Galactic HQ (x2)
Life Herb (x2)
Lookers Investigation
Miasma Valley
Memory Berry (x5)
Pokemon Rescue
Rainbow Energy
Bertha's Warmth
Charon's Choice
Flint's Willpower
Pokemon Contest Hall (x2)
Sunnyshore City Gym
Upper Energy
Underground Expedition
Volkner's Philosophy (x3)
Cyrus's Initiative
Cynthia's Guidance
Night Teleporter

Feel free to chose any combination of these with the LandminX;)
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

I need a Primeape, the Palmer's, and the Upper Energy x2.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

Hey, I've got a lot of GE Combusken (like 4 or 5) plus other stuff, and I see you have a lot of old cards. Would you happen to have any Lanturns from those old cards? LMK.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

Your pimp: I'll PM you to discuss
Espeon what for?
Dichcromate: I need a few they are needed badly. i am not sure if i have any lanturn but i do have a few latios and latias. They are not star though. Do you have any Blaziken?
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

richkid50000 said:
Dichcromate: I need a few they are needed badly. I am not sure if I have any lanturn but I do have a few latios and latias. They are not star though.
Alright, if you check if you have any Lanturn on my list that'd be cool, but otherwise, which Lati@s would you offer for 3 or 4 GE Combusken (I've got 4)?
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

I have 1 from this 10 card set thing. I have 2 latios so i would much rather trade that one. I do also have a Nidoqueen RR RH but that would take a little more.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

richkid50000 said:
I have 1 from this 10 card set thing. I have 2 latios so I would much rather trade that one. I do also have a Nidoqueen RR RH but that would take a little more.
How much more for the Nidoqueen? Probably not the Staraptor X, but I could throw in a bunch more.

Otherwise trading for the Latios would be fine. (Which set?)
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

Holon Phantoms Latios
I am only trading one right?
I just checked and i dont have any lanturn. I have no idea what you would need to add fr the Nidoqueen. I do also have a lookers and vs seeker(notsure if i have 2 or not)
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

richkid50000 said:
Holon Phantoms Latios
I am only trading one right?
I just checked and I don't have any lanturn. I have no idea what you would need to add fr the Nidoqueen. I do also have a lookers and vs seeker(notsure if I have 2 or not)
I don't need the VS Seeker too bad. Anyway, I'll give up on the Nidoqueen for now, but if I fill a few more of your trainer wants (in addition to the Combuskens), could you trade me 1 Looker's? The trade would look like:

1 Amulet Coin
2 Bubble Coats (1 RH) (throw in, I know)
1 Energy Pickup
2 Snowpoint Temple (1 RH)
2 Energy Link
4 Combusken GE
1 Looker's
1 Latios HP
Maybe something else that's minor? Dunno

But let me get back to you a bit later, if you actually do have a RR RH Nidoqueen, my Staraptor X is pending, but if it doesn't go through then I could definitely trade it for Nidoqueen + some other stuff.
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

Could we maybe hold off on this to see if your Staraptor X falls through? and then do a big trade?
RE: Richkid's Trade Thread (H) Evire FB X x2, Absol G X x2 (N) Blazetran Deck Cards BADLY

Yeah, let's wait and I'll get back to you.
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