richkid50000 said:K thanks. anyone else?
Alright, if that's the case does this sound like a trade?richkid50000 said:Dichromate: I just got another Nidoqueen RR (63 rares for absol X)but not RH. I also got BTS but more than likely not trading.
richkid50000 said:Dichromate: I just got another Nidoqueen RR (63 rares for absol X)but not RH. I also got BTS but more than likely not trading.
DarksoulSP: I was interested in your Flygon X. I have 2 of each and would rather trade the Blaze.
Ace11: I don't know I need refs also but I am not sure if that is a good deal. Do you have any Combusken?
richkid50000 said:Dichromate: you are correct that is a little more towards your side.
Ace: I also need your Metang.
Alright, and nope, I don't have any of those other X's. Anyway, one last thing: you still want the Combusken, correct? So at the least, can we agree on trading the Combusken for a Looker's or the Latios?richkid50000 said:I am not sure I am debating on putting the Nidos in a deck but I can get back to you just PM me or something if the Staraptor gets in a trade. and I am not sure if I need it that badly. I am more interested in Chari G X and Ray X (if you have these let me know)
Alright, just PM me or post in my thread when you know where you're going. Thanks!richkid50000 said:Dichcromate: as I said above this I will be updating my list with PL-on wants in the near future and have decided to drop the Blazetran Deck Idea I will let you know what I need.