RSE/FRLG !! Way to Get Perfect IVs (Well, Near-Perfect) !!

Well, now we know that Platinum has the same spreads as Emerald, and is easier to manipulate. Therefore it's now possible to get legit Pokemon with all 31s (I've seen about 20 appearing on Smogon from Emerald. >.>)
Water Mewtwo said:
Alright I know that when you battle a latias via someone's secret base it sets the iv's and nature for the one running around. I know this cause I battle my saphire's latias so that I could track down the one in my emerald and every single time and caught it, it had a lonely nature with the same stats each time. So I want to know at which time during that secret base battle does it determine the latias's IV's and nature? Does it take up any extra frames? If so how many?
Are you sure about this? From what I understood, the nature for the Latis are set when you see the TV report, and the IVs are fixed at 0,0,0,0,0,0. I think it would be much easier to mix records with a cart that has an Eon Ticket, and catch the Lati at Southern Island. You need an eReader and an Eon Ticket e-card to do this, though, and I don't see Eon Tickets on eBay that much anymore.
Oh, I guess I probably am wrong I just noticed that it was the same and assumed it had to do with me battleing at the secret base. Are the IVs really set for all 0's cause I don't know if I can get an eon ticket, could try to though....
Actually, the IVs aren't fixed to 0/0/0/0/0/0 on Emerald. However, they are fixed when you see the TV report, so if you saved afterwards, you won't be able to get a different one without restarting.

In R/S, however, the roaming Latias/Latios always had four of its IVs set to 0.
It's quite unfortunate that this happened to Platinum as well. People abusing the Random Number Generators to beat others without the effort are cheap. But the question remains: Why did they use another faulty Generator in the Third Game?
Mence Master said:
It's quite unfortunate that this happened to Platinum as well. People abusing the Random Number Generators to beat others without the effort are cheap. But the question remains: Why did they use another faulty Generator in the Third Game?

While I do agree that RNG abuse is extremely cheap and requires almost no skill other than the right timing, it is useful for breeding parents. (which would be my only use for them) To all the people who trade regularly on Smogon or sites like that, you can stop breeding 1-386 pokes now....its practically useless, unless its for personal use. =/

As far as Platinums RNG, the system looks much more complicated to crack, so even if the generator IS faulty, which we are not 100% sure of at the time, we may never find out the patterns like Emerald's.

-Black Rayquaza
Platinum's generator is crackable; the Japanese have been using it to get good Cresselia for the VGS. Also, sure, it requires no skill. But does normal breeding or SRing require skill? Didn't think so; it's just pressing buttons over and over again.
There's no point in complaining about it; if you're saying it's so easy, what's stopping you doing it yourself?

EDIT: And to answer the question about having a 'broken' RNG in the 3rd game - it's technically impossible to make a truly random number generator with just software. Basically, there's no way to make a formula which generates truly random numbers; since it's just a formula making these numbers, the results of it must be able to be predicted (if you know the formula).
Ooh, I hope someone figures this out for Platinum. Several perfect IVs on an origine forme Giratina would be sexy. ^.^
Believe it or not, I already have a double-flawless (plus one 30) Giratina through normal resetting :p
I can still complain that it is unfair. It takes away the true experience of gameplay, and basically gives away the whole purpose of playing the game. It's basically no different than cheating. I say forget the Formula, don't try and figure it out, and play like normal.
Yeah, I'd avoid this too. I don't have an Action Replay and have no plan on getting one, and I'll be raising all of my Pokémon the traditional way.

I personally find it more rewarding like that.
The part about it that is sad is that breeding makes this nearly impossible to catch for tournaments.

For me, I am not going to be using this to control Pokemon's stats at all, even if other people allow it. The only thing I am using this for is to get Shining Pokemon, which are not going to used for battle, and will not be traded. I agree that this is unfair to people who want to raise competitive Pokemon, unless there is a strong consensus that it is allowed for that tournament. To me, this is about the same level of brokenness as cloning Pokemon for battle, if not even more broken.

I see competitive Pokemon play reaching levels that are so serious now, it takes the fun out of it for me. It took me a month just to breed a Lotad with awesome IVs (most above 20). To raise an entire team for competitive play would take several months. Between the random player that slips by with an AR or uses this technique to get close to max stats, competitive play just isn't worth it to me. I would rather create and participate in fun formats, which inspire creativity and randomness, rather than playing in a format where the amount of variation in the game continues to decrease, as luck-based elements are done away with, Pokemon are cloned or even hacked, and it approaches a state where the game is more like rock-paper-scissors with some strategy mixed in.

This is just my personal preference. If people still enjoy competitive play for what its worth, that is great. Really, what is important is that we find parts of the game that we enjoy.
Mence Master said:
I can still complain that it is unfair. It takes away the true experience of gameplay, and basically gives away the whole purpose of playing the game. It's basically no different than cheating. I say forget the Formula, don't try and figure it out, and play like normal.

So riding up and down for hours on end is 'the true experience of gameplay'?
Title of the thread needs to be corrected! It's been confiremed for a while now that you can get a 31/31/31/31/31/31 of any nature!
I'm really not sure what to make of this- is it pure dirty cheating or Ok? It doesn't involve the use of an external hacking device (AR), but at the same time it's abusing a glitch that skips around how the game was originally meant to be played.

I feel bad for those of you who have spent ages breeding for perfect IVs and natures, because if the RNG is as good as everyone says it is then a lot of time and effort put into breeding will have become essentially worthless. People who have spent hours upon hours breeding will have their results bested by a glitch which can get perfect results in no time at all. And unlike the AR, abuse of the RNG is undetectable.

That said though, I will probably use this...

Wichu said:
So riding up and down for hours on end is 'the true experience of gameplay'?

...for that reason. While the game was never intended to be played this way, I also see no point in riding up and down the same old hill waiting for an egg to hatch. To me, Pokemon is a game about battling, not breeding endlessly, and if I actually have a choice about how to play then I will pick the option I find more fun.
scampy said:
I'm really not sure what to make of this- is it pure dirty cheating or Ok? It doesn't involve the use of an external hacking device (AR), but at the same time it's abusing a glitch that skips around how the game was originally meant to be played.

I feel bad for those of you who have spent ages breeding for perfect IVs and natures, because if the RNG is as good as everyone says it is then a lot of time and effort put into breeding will have become essentially worthless. People who have spent hours upon hours breeding will have their results bested by a glitch which can get perfect results in no time at all. And unlike the AR, abuse of the RNG is undetectable.

That said though, I will probably use this...

Wichu said:
So riding up and down for hours on end is 'the true experience of gameplay'?

...for that reason. While the game was never intended to be played this way, I also see no point in riding up and down the same old hill waiting for an egg to hatch. To me, Pokemon is a game about battling, not breeding endlessly, and if I actually have a choice about how to play then I will pick the option I find more fun.

I feel like I need to comment on this as I have just began experimenting with the Random Number Generator and all of its wonders. Let me clear up a few things for the people who didn't read the Smogon thread:

Although abusing the RNG on Emerald does get you perfect pokemon, Platinum's RNG is a bit different. So far, it is only proven to be able to get shiny pokemon effectively using this method. As far as the breeding, its exactly the same. The IV's are random, and its excatly the same as saving on the egg. (The breeding method I've been using for the past year or so) I do not support abusing the Emerald RNG as I agree that it is unfair, but I am in support of Platinum's RNG due to the fact that its not completely broken. You still breed normally....I've been doing everything I had been for a year the only thing that's changed is the color. The creators of pokemon put this in here for a reason, it wasn't accidental. Most people believe that it was added for the serious players who will sit there hitting the Poketch for hours if it gets you a shiny egg.

I also like this RNG because it makes me feel safer about my gameplay.....instead of trading on Smogon for something I dont know is legit, I have the comfort of doing it myself. This will actually decrease the total # of hacked pokemon in tournaments, I believe, and I'm in support of that.

Last but not least, the RNG provides an easier alternative to chaining and gives better results in less time. If its a perfectly legit way to go, then why not? People were skeptical about cloning at first, but now it has become a normal glitch add-in.

-Black Rayquaza

P.S:I'm also in support of it because I'm SRing my Shiny Bagon right now :p