RSE/FRLG !! Way to Get Perfect IVs (Well, Near-Perfect) !!

Great, now Platinum is cracked. Apparently, by knowing your SID, you can get a shiny using the Pokétch.
Mence Master said:
Great, now Platinum is cracked. Apparently, by knowing your SID, you can get a shiny using the Pokétch.

Thats what my last post was concerning.

-Black Rayquaza
scampy said:
I feel bad for those of you who have spent ages breeding for perfect IVs and natures, because if the RNG is as good as everyone says it is then a lot of time and effort put into breeding will have become essentially worthless. People who have spent hours upon hours breeding will have their results bested by a glitch which can get perfect results in no time at all. And unlike the AR, abuse of the RNG is undetectable.

That said though, I will probably use this...

Wichu said:
So riding up and down for hours on end is 'the true experience of gameplay'?

...for that reason. While the game was never intended to be played this way, I also see no point in riding up and down the same old hill waiting for an egg to hatch. To me, Pokemon is a game about battling, not breeding endlessly, and if I actually have a choice about how to play then I will pick the option I find more fun.

Oh, I don't go up and down on that hill all the time. I travel all around Sinnoh doing the daily business needed, such as checking the Jubilife Lottery, looking for Trendy Sayings, finding the old man who gives out various belts, etc. Certainly beats the repetition.

That being said, it would feel phony to me if I did it in any unintended way, and the vertical orientation of the path north and south of Solaceon Town is strong evidence that yes, Game Freak DID know a lot of people would just bike up and down to hatch them. That I feel satisfied with what I get from the game through means not beyond anything within the game world is worth more than anything else to me, including the outcome of matches.
Are the IVs and shinyness in LG/FR decided by when you battle the pokemon, sort of like in emerald? Cause I'm trying to get a shiny mewtwo and I wanted to know if its just chance or do I need to try pressing A at different times.
Emerald is the only 3rd generation game that has a faulty random number generator. So the exploit only works in Emerald, not RSFRLG.
I think the seed (the first number generated at the start of each game) is based on the system time in RSFRLG, so it's pretty much completely random because AFAIK you can't easily determine the precise time on GBA games.