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cats are shady...but im love cats!!after the numorous information,i think everyone should now know it is an april fools joke.this was really,good.another kind of givaway is that its going to be a serebii site,far to obvious.great joke though.
people dont flood him and drown him into hell with pms saying"you tricked us!"or "we've been hacked!!" or "good joke".he would die,i tell you, die aghhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!errrrrraaaaghhh!!ewwww!!!!!!orrtrt!!red rok uk.everyone knows it is april fools.
Great joke WPM, but I doubt it fooled anyone. How do I know this? Hopefully, you have all read the subliminal message on the front page for sunday the 1st of April. F\or those who haven't, here it is.
front page said:
With April 1st is coming up, please do not be fooled by websites playing tricks on you. People will surely try to present something fake with Pokemon in general. Most importantly, do not become fooled by new Pokemon! We all know that D/P is out now, so there surely cannot be any new Pokemon coming out anytime soon. If there is a new Pokemon to be revealed anytime soon, it will probably be in two to three years. Let's not go posting on forums and websites "Oh my gosh, a new Pokemon was revealed today in ____," because it will not be true, guaranteed, 100%, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. Lies will most likely be the only aspect of anything "suspicious" you find on April 1st, and I am sure many webmasters will have to sort it all out once it is over (not that I am guilty of making any April Fools jokes once or twice in the past, but seriously, it's old now). For now, PokeBeach will focus on the site plans I posted the other day. Our main objective is to finish the scans and the Modified Card-Dex between this weekend and the beginning of next week. Once those are done, we will move on to other items on the agenda. Let's hope that I can actually finish most of the site projects I promised this time! Unless I am bombarded with a project every night for the remaining two weeks, I should be able to get a few things done around here!

...or "did," now... x2. Details later.
See the message?
darkrayquaza said:
looks like pokebeach will get hacked yearly.
cuz the samething happened last year.
but this time they came for revenge.

...Please tell me you're joking and that you do actually realise that this is an April Fool's joke.
Pokebeach.com said:
With April 1st is coming up, please do not be fooled by websites playing tricks on you. People will surely try to present something fake with Pokemon in general. Most importantly, do not become fooled by new Pokemon! We all know that D/P is out now, so there surely cannot be any new Pokemon coming out anytime soon. If there is a new Pokemon to be revealed anytime soon, it will probably be in two to three years. Let's not go posting on forums and websites "Oh my gosh, a new Pokemon was revealed today in ____," because it will not be true, guaranteed, 100%, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. Lies will most likely be the only aspect of anything "suspicious" you find on April 1st, and I am sure many webmasters will have to sort it all out once it is over (not that I am guilty of making any April Fools jokes once or twice in the past, but seriously, it's old now). For now, PokeBeach will focus on the site plans I posted the other day. Our main objective is to finish the scans and the Modified Card-Dex between this weekend and the beginning of next week. Once those are done, we will move on to other items on the agenda. Let's hope that I can actually finish most of the site projects I promised this time! Unless I am bombarded with a project every night for the remaining two weeks, I should be able to get a few things done around here!

...or "did," now... x2. Details later.

Hmmm.. WPM WILL FOOL U.... I see.. :|
Wow, how'd you spot that one? I never would have guessed there would have been an explanation encoded into the message.
Jigglypuff13 said:
Great joke WPM, but I doubt it fooled anyone. How do I know this? Hopefully, you have all read the subliminal message on the front page for sunday the 1st of April. F\or those who haven't, here it is.
front page said:
With April 1st is coming up, please do not be fooled by websites playing tricks on you. People will surely try to present something fake with Pokemon in general. Most importantly, do not become fooled by new Pokemon! We all know that D/P is out now, so there surely cannot be any new Pokemon coming out anytime soon. If there is a new Pokemon to be revealed anytime soon, it will probably be in two to three years. Let's not go posting on forums and websites "Oh my gosh, a new Pokemon was revealed today in ____," because it will not be true, guaranteed, 100%, cross my heart, hope to die, stick a needle in my eye. Lies will most likely be the only aspect of anything "suspicious" you find on April 1st, and I am sure many webmasters will have to sort it all out once it is over (not that I am guilty of making any April Fools jokes once or twice in the past, but seriously, it's old now). For now, PokeBeach will focus on the site plans I posted the other day. Our main objective is to finish the scans and the Modified Card-Dex between this weekend and the beginning of next week. Once those are done, we will move on to other items on the agenda. Let's hope that I can actually finish most of the site projects I promised this time! Unless I am bombarded with a project every night for the remaining two weeks, I should be able to get a few things done around here!

...or "did," now... x2. Details later.
See the message?



And WPM could have set a internet time bomb to go at exactly 12:00 AM.
Cipher said:
darkrayquaza said:
looks like pokebeach will get hacked yearly.
cuz the samething happened last year.
but this time they came for revenge.

...Please tell me you're joking and that you do actually realise that this is an April Fool's joke.

it did happen last year.
but maybe they wanted us to know that it was them.
but it was a joke.
NO WAY! I would have never found out if it weren't for you clever thinking and puzzling talent!
Do I have to say that I was being sarcastic? Of course it spells that...

I do hope WPM removes the hacker stuff soon, It's getting annoying...

I also hope WPM says how many people PMed/e-mailed him about this :p
darkrayquaza said:
Cipher said:
darkrayquaza said:
looks like pokebeach will get hacked yearly.
cuz the samething happened last year.
but this time they came for revenge.

...Please tell me you're joking and that you do actually realise that this is an April Fool's joke.

it did happen last year.
but maybe they wanted us to know that it was them.
but it was a joke.

As far as I know, last years Turkish hackers were infact the real deal...
Yeah yeah WPM we now know it it's a fool :p Can it be removed :D OR NOT?

Or is the forum really under the Turkey control well naah i dont think sooo. German -> Turkey Hmmm you dont fool me.
WPM - please remove this "hacker" stuff. You are fooling nobody anymore (as if you fooled anyone in the first place), plus it's really annoying.
Next year, think of a better joke. Better yet, how about no joke at all next year.
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