I was playing Emerald, fighting drake for the first time. I barely had any pokemon left, so I sent out my secret weapon, my Flygon, he annihilated nearly all of his pokemons just with his dragon claw, but he lost to Salamence. I used my other last pokemom Sceptile, and Wallace was easy as hell, but knowing how Flygon would feel about this, I decided to fight Drake again, this time having my Flygon learn Hyper Beam, the same thing happened again, until he fought Salamence. Both exchanged dragon claws, but my Flygon was close to dying, knowing what could have happened next, I unleashed hyper beam, it went critical, and Salamence fainted. I had a feeling if pokemon was real both dragons would be shouting "THIS IS SPARTA". Since that day I knew that Flygon got his revenge.