weirdist/worst walking home experince


Aspiring Trainer
what is your worst/weirdest walking home my story is
the vans are going to BE 2 HOURS late so i decide to walk home takes forever and i have to go run through route 10 so i don`t get hit by all the lousy drivers get home pass out.
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RE: weirdist/worst walking home exprince

When I was in elementary school I had to walk home one day and was almost hit by a truck while crossing the street.

Man was he going fast.

I wish I had a better story!
RE: weirdist/worst walking home exprince

I was out at some swimming club with my parents. After that, they decided to go out to the mall, but I didn't want to, so I took the public bus home. The bus that I took didn't reach the main road outside my street. But one of its stops on another section of the road was near enough to my street anyway, about a 10 minute walk to my house.

Halfway during the bus ride, I felt like going to the toilet.

I kept farting in the bus, and when I finally got off, I was clutching my stomach, cringing in excruciating pain and screaming in terror, down on my knees and imploring the heavens to intervene and put an end to this ordeal. But yeah, it was a ten minute walk home, and the poo faeces felt like it was going to come out any moment. A cycle of short bursts of sprinting, and then brisk walking soon ensued. It was the worst walk home. Ever.
My worst walk home was in 6th grage. My parents didn't get home till 6, and we were sent home early (12:00) because of a criminal who was spotted in our Area. When I got home,the key was conviniently not under the Mat. After an hour of sitting on the patio it started to rain. I was soaked, my homework was soaked, and it got really cold (It was like, early march). This is the worst part; my Dad came home, and he asked my why I was outside. I explained to him that the key was no where to be found, and he gave me a blank look. Turns out the door was unlocked the whole time. XD.
Dude thats the thing in my sig of you. The worst walk home for me was...when I decided to walk home from league one day, which was at the mall, and it was REALLY hot, and I was super thirsty, but couldnt get any water, and so I had to sit along this path a few times, to the amazement of people of course, before finally getting home, setting my back pack down, looking at the side pocket to find a full bottle of water, AND THEN remembering my bike chained up at the mall.
I've got a couple stories because I practically walk everywhere.

I walked home from school with my friend and we passed a semi truck and he blew his horn a couple times. It was really loud.

I walked home and when I was passing the park, they had just had a gunfight there. Pretty scary stuff. Also a couple times in the park, there was this firetruck and they were teaching people how to run with a long hose. And there was this church guy handing out Bibles and telling them to come to church. ;p

Another time I was crossing the street and almost got hit. :eek:

More: These people jumped my friend and they had brass knuckles and everything and he fought them and came back super bloody.

And me and a group of friends explored this sandy ditch and there was a hobo living in there. My friend went inside his little cave and sat right by him. He noticed he had drugs and p0rn and I was just cracking up looking at him sitting there. I was a little scared though as well.

dmaster out.
Multiple mugging attempts/kids trying to fight me/talking to drug dealers in alleys/other super fun stuff.

I like walking at night :D
I walk to and from school 2 years ago. This means I have lotsa weird stories.
One time I was walking to school, and this random car drives up beside me, so I ran the rest of the way, was late anyway, and later one of my friends came up to me and said "how come you ran away from me and my mom?" :mad:
Another weird thing that happened was that I was walking home, it was really hot, and since I'm an Atheist, some kid was trying to get me to go to his church, which I had a few months before this,(It sucked.) so he was ranting on and on, andd when I finally got to my house, the door was locked, so I had to stand outside, in the heat, with nothing to entertain myself but a book I'd read 60,000,000 times before. Then after about an hour, my dad walks up and says "I was at the park across the street from the school." ~.~
This guy walked up to me, bear-hugged me, took a picture of us, and then walked away smiling.
I remember when I was in the 4th grade, I was walking home with a group of friends that lived near me. And while on the way, another kid from our school ran by really fast, knocked one of the girls in our group. She fell face first into the street and landed on a piece of broken glass. It almost hit her eye, but it hit 1 inch above. It was scary for a 4th grader. I felt sooo bad for the girl.
I missed the bus one day las year while I was on crutches, so I had to walk 2 miles home. I got stuck in the middle of a very busy highway on a little concrete divider, because some old people needed to learn how to drive. I eventually made it, but I haven't missed the bus since.
No here's the worst walk (kinda) ever (not from school because i live right next to mine)

One day while I went to my local gas station (no candy shops in my town) I had just finished getting all the stuff I wanted so I went outside to discover that my bike was gone. So I has to walk home and while I was walking I met a crazy guy and he came to chase me. He then went away, then it started raining so my stuff got wet and then I almost got hit my a car (possibly a person who had a bad day lol) and then when I got to my street I fell.
A friend of my brothers while driving home in a blizzard got stuck in front of a local department store. He walked home 4 miles. Later it was told that everyone thatwas in that department store was fed steak, shrimp and crab.
esperante said:
Multiple mugging attempts/kids trying to fight me/talking to drug dealers in alleys/other super fun stuff.

I like walking at night :D
Then try to walk in Amsterdam :D they asked me every 5 minutes if I wanted to buy drugs :p it's really fun there, I've been there twice this week ^^

But weirdest experience? Uhm... cars almost hitting me etc isn't that really weird for me anymore, I'm used to it xD
Falling into a stream (or creek, whatever ya call it) on a bike. Nuff' said. Also riding a bike while it was snowing and fell into the street.
Riding a bike home, and a car almost hit me, I got out of the way, and hit a pole! I got a bloody nose, thank god I wasn't going fast, but back then, I didn't have a cell...
huh... yesterday i step into dog shit... it was so embarrasing... i was really pissed of...
stupid people should clean their pet's shit...
Juliacoolo said:
My worst walk home was in 6th grage. My parents didn't get home till 6, and we were sent home early (12:00) because of a criminal who was spotted in our Area. When I got home,the key was conviniently not under the Mat. After an hour of sitting on the patio it started to rain. I was soaked, my homework was soaked, and it got really cold (It was like, early march). This is the worst part; my Dad came home, and he asked my why I was outside. I explained to him that the key was no where to be found, and he gave me a blank look. Turns out the door was unlocked the whole time. XD.


uuh the time i was chased by a hobo? lol or the time i was on heelys hit a rock and rolled down the hill ._. STEAM ROLLER COMIN THROUGH >:D

One time I was walking back from a friends house at something like 2:00 am. There's a bridge I usually cross, but that night I found it blocked by a policeman. The whole area had been cornered off (I asked the policeman why, but he refused to tell me). After going around and taking a different route, I notice that it's an unusually foggy night. I'm walking down a pathway alongside a quiet road, and standing on the side of the path is a man... not doing anything, just standing there (it's 2:30 am at this point). Kind of unsettling.

Anyway, I make it home. Turns out that the reason why the bridge was sealed off was because a man had jumped off and commited suicide. I've never seen the man standing on the side of the path again, either.

Thought that was a pretty weird experience lol