Finished Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Wolves Win: Chronicle of the Pink Geek is over: New Chronicle Coming: WW10

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RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Pretty much, unless anyone does anything overly suspicious.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

I was reading above and the whole Joeypals would be killed if he lied about not being a werewolf. That's the argument, correct?

I cannot find where he could possibly contradict his role anywhere, could anyone quote it for me?
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Hmmm.... There is one thing still bugging me about. I just proved Joey was Reese Witherspoon. But did I really prove he was a townie? No I didn't. Although chances slim, Joey could still be a Werewolf or have a second ability.

Oh BTW, thanks right after Joey's too! :D
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Well, he can't be a werewolf and a townie . Can he?
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

How do we make a notice if we are going on a vacation?

And okay, here's a paraphrase. I will put it into the context of a 21st Century Actress: Reese Witherspoon.

You are Reese Witherspoon, an American Actress. In one of your many movies, Legally Blonde, you acted like a dumb blonde.

Ability: Dumb Blonde
In every post, you must ask a dumb and obvious question about the rules. You will only recieve one warning if you don't (warning already recieved). Otherwise, risk modkill.

There, paraphrased.
I hate to admit it, but there is something missing from his paraphrasing, WIN CONDITION. :/
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Wait... Doesn't that take away the essence of the game? If everyone reviled their roles, and didn't get killed, then we'd know who the Werewolfs are.

So, everyone post their roles, now. Those of you who don't, will be suspect, and voted for!


Right. Ether there is a big loop-hole in WW, or you can lie about your roles.

Guy89, care to step in? :)
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

I'm not sure about exact rulings, but it'd be pretty absurd if you couldn't deny accusations by stating your "role". If somebody accused you of being a Werewolf and you called yourself a townie and got modkilled, that'd be the biggest loophole in killing werewolves.

We'd need Guy's confirmation on the ruling, though.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Ok, Will someone give me a quick summary about what is going on. Being as I have never played, Cut me some slack.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Um, this is getting weird. Lol, no seriously.

*Darkvoid57 backs away*
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Oh great....everyone attack someone who has no evidence....I wish that I could just reveal myself so I can stay alive! Can I?
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

How do I submit a vote?

Sorry, forgot to say before, forgot it when I paraphrased. My condition is Town Win.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

UPPF, as long as you don't die, you'll probably survive stating your role. This is just weird how we found this mega epic loophole.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

UPPF, as long as you dont lie and dont say exactly what Guy pm'ed you.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Ohyeah, you got ninja'd.

Go ahead UPPF, we're all waiting.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch


14. Some Iraq President Guy
Says something about supporting Socialism and wars and is now in hiding.

Execution is my Abitlity: If an American targets me with any role,I die.

Win Condition: Town Wins

Am I safe? Guy89 can say yes that it is my role!
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

American targetting you? Im confused, try and explain that a little better
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

Really, posting your roles? Paraphrased or not, you're sucking the fun out of this game.

I am asking sincerely that nobody else reveal their role and let the game play out how it should. You can say yeah I'm a priest/seer/etc but dont reveal who you are. You ruin the game for everyone who doesn't want to "abuse" loopholes.
RE: RPG: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 1 Ends 3-24-11: 18 Votes Needed to Lynch

How do I submit a vote?

OK, EVERYONE HOLD UP HERE! This is too much conspiracy theory. If I read right, Porygon-X is the one who started this. What if he of all people is trying to root out the people with good roles so he can kill them? Just an idea.
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