<SA> hey
<SA> so I need some hints before ww dies
<~TheGuy> I'll give you some in a minute, I'll brb
<SA> okay
<~TheGuy> So what do you want to know?
<SA> wolves
<SA> other roles, too
<~TheGuy> okay put this together
<~TheGuy> This is all I will give you
<~TheGuy> In the night update, it mentions that there is a larger wolf leading them
<SA> okay...
<~TheGuy> This wolf, he doesn't talk much, but he is a leader never the less
<~TheGuy> I hope that helped.
<SA> so what does larger have to do with it?
<~TheGuy> one who knows more, he is wiser than the rest, one you would trust
<~TheGuy> did it?
<~TheGuy> The players who are now dead told me who they think are the wolves and they all get at least one right
<SA> hmmm
<SA> can you tell me their guesses?
<~TheGuy> lol no
<SA> you don't have to say that it was right, or you can leave out the right one completely, just all the names guessed(besides)
<~TheGuy> I don't think that I will
<SA> okay, thanks any way
<SA> my first guess is Lenny
<~TheGuy> Then go with it.
<SA> does your hint apply to replacements or people who were replaced? or are wolves maybe not replaced?
<~TheGuy> Who they are now
<SA> can you tell me if any of the people who'll die because of darkvoid's role wolves?
<~TheGuy> can't tell you