Finished Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Wolves Win: Chronicle of the Pink Geek is over: New Chronicle Coming: WW10

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RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

You already unvoted him, didn't you? I consider anyone who votes like this a wolf except darkvoid cause we know his role.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Oh why thank you. Plus I only have 2 more In-Game days to live anyway
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

@Azelf Master: Are you talking to me? I only unvoted once.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

M'kay i am new to all games of this sort, so lets see how my logic works currently.

As far as i can see the only lead everyone is mentioning is the '24 chocolate' lead which is a dead end. 24 was replaced by Dragonspit and he only has three/two (cant remember exactly) days left to live so why kill him when he will just die anyway? But we also dont want to waste a lynch so if no decissions can be made it will probably be best to pick one of the three that are going to die soon.

As of last nights activities it seems we have gotten no clues. We lost two more townies and one indi (thats the right term, correct?) whic has its negatives and positives. This game is going in a down hill spiral and soon the townies are going to lose. Its just a matter of fact/time unless we can step up our game and start making wise lynches.

So now we have one clue and it was the note left behind by the pink one, "Speak Softly and Carrie a big stick, you will go far". I dont know what this is supposed to be pointing too but we need to figure out why it is of importance to use. There has to be a reason why the pink geek did not kill last night, why? I dont know. Either someones night power stopped him, he didnt feel like killing someone, or the secret is in the note.

Now in historical context this was said by Teddy Roosevelt and he met that if you had a big army/weapons backing you up you didnt have to really 'talk' things out. This was with his whole Big Stick Diplomacy that also followed suit with his Great White Fleet of ships as of hints to people and its realitivity to whats happening might be a long shot. Now maybe 'speak softly' can be referring to those that have posted very few or none at all on day 4. 'Carrie a big stick' i honestly dont know, but wont i can come up with is referrences to users names. Something you can carry. Out of all the names the one that seems the most able to 'carry' is Hatman.

I know its stupid logic, but we have nothing else to go off of. If their are any more ideas out there, however stupid, this role play needs them and soon so that we can decide who to lynch in time to prevent a random kill.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Are you saying I'm a wolf? Honestly, I think the note means that the 'Big Stick' is reffering to an overpowered role, like dmaster's, and 'speaking softly' is reffering to not posting much OR not posting anything about our roles. Carrying a big stick doesn't have anything to do with me last time I checked.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Probably not. I was just trying to suggest something since we are all out and pulled most of it out of thin air. I do agree that the 'speak softly' is referring to those that are not posting or simply has no meaning. As for the big stick it might just be a warning or simply refer to what you suggested; someone that is holding a ton of power in their hands and that we should be worried about. Maybe the whole thing is saying that if you have a lot of power, be careful what you say and you will go far. It seems that it might just be a warning as well.... I think if we want to get closer to solving whats going on we need to disect this note that was left for us.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

So, I'll go with this since the game is getting pretty inactive:
chat today said:
<SA> hey
<SA> so I need some hints before ww dies
<~TheGuy> I'll give you some in a minute, I'll brb
<SA> okay
<~TheGuy> So what do you want to know?
<SA> wolves
<SA> other roles, too
<~TheGuy> okay put this together
<~TheGuy> This is all I will give you
<~TheGuy> In the night update, it mentions that there is a larger wolf leading them
<SA> okay...
<~TheGuy> This wolf, he doesn't talk much, but he is a leader never the less
<~TheGuy> I hope that helped.
<SA> so what does larger have to do with it?
<~TheGuy> one who knows more, he is wiser than the rest, one you would trust
<~TheGuy> did it?
<~TheGuy> The players who are now dead told me who they think are the wolves and they all get at least one right
<SA> hmmm
<SA> can you tell me their guesses?
<~TheGuy> lol no
<SA> you don't have to say that it was right, or you can leave out the right one completely, just all the names guessed(besides)
<~TheGuy> I don't think that I will
<SA> okay, thanks any way
<SA> my first guess is Lenny
<~TheGuy> Then go with it.
<SA> does your hint apply to replacements or people who were replaced? or are wolves maybe not replaced?
<~TheGuy> Who they are now
<SA> can you tell me if any of the people who'll die because of darkvoid's role wolves?
<~TheGuy> can't tell you

I'm thinking Lenny because his posts are usually intelligent so that makes him wise. He also doesn't talk much on this game. This is really the best I've got and if anyone wants to offer their opinion then please do so.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Lenny or ESP are the only people I would trust, but they seem to post a good amount. Actually those are the only players I would think anyone would trust because they are experienced with WW. I'm going to have to go with you on Lenny because I can imagine dead players thinking it was him and ESP has been more active. Waiting on opinions, but I think that it is time to vote.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Lenny sounds like a better choice then everything else. I think that should probably be our decission. I would vote in this post but i dont know how to bold; can anyone inform me?
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

insert words [/.b]

without the period in the last one.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Ok so that would be 3 people who would vote on Lenny if you include me. Does anyone else share this opinion?
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

I also considered ESP. Him being a mod might have something to do with being a leader. He doesn't post much, either, in addition to what RW said earlier.
vote: Lenny
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

I got nothing to lose, going to die anyway

Vote: Lenny
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Vote: Lenny
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Looks like it's Vote: Lenny time
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Well, we're halfway there.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch

Vote Count:
5 Lenny (Three More Needed to Lynch)

Day 5 Ends 5/10/11
8 Votes Needed to Lynch
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 5 Ends 5/10/11: 8 Voted Needed to Lynch


Lenny is a good possibility, but what if SA is a werewolf and he's telling us this to throw us off the trail? We should at least consider that... If we're wrong, we lose a "wise" person.


24 chocolate

It's 42 chocolate, Cloudless.
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