Finished Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Wolves Win: Chronicle of the Pink Geek is over: New Chronicle Coming: WW10

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RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

7Lucario7Master7 is being an awful lot of defense full. I mean I would defend myself too, but to accuse someone else of blaming you for voting for you because you voted for them is kind of over the bar.
Unvote: ESP
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

dragonspit999 said:
7Lucario7Master7 is being an awful lot of defense full. I mean I would defend myself too, but to accuse someone else of blaming you for voting for you because you voted for them is kind of over the bar.
Unvote: ESP

I agree... 7lucario7master7 doesn't really give too much input, and he just voted pretty spontainiously. I think we might want to lynch him to avoid the random lynch... But ESP still seems suspicious to me.

So, we have a choice between ESP, the helpful but suspicious, and 7lucario7master7, the jumpy and quick to defend himself. I personally think that we shouldn't lynch ESP. He could be able to give us help in the days that come. He gives a lot more helpful advice than 7lucaruio7master7 (no offense dude).


Vote: 7lucario7master7
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

Vote Count:
4 7Lucario7Master7 (spit, yoshi, pokenerd, ESP) [3 More Votes]
2 ESP (DV57, 7Lucario7Master7) [5 More Votes]
1 pokenerd (legend) [6 More Votes]

NV: Decmaster, Pory-X, Cloudless, Azelf, Rock Wrecker

Day Ends on the 21st
7 Votes Needed to Lynch
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

Yeah, he is being very defensive and this makes way more sense then voting off ESP.


Nothing personal bro. Also, sorry about earlier ESP.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

Azelf Master said:
Still not going to vote over these minor accusations...

I'm with you.

Although, if it helps stop a random lynch, I guess I'll have too:

Only because I think ESP is more helpful.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

Your voting for me because i was trying to vote for someone else?
Yes i was trying to defend my point of voting for him but thats because i felt like he was out best lead, you can vote me off but your not voting me because i look like a werewolf, you voting me because i tried to vote someone else.
P.S Everyone defends themselves when they get voted...
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

^Um, duh. <.> We knew that.

My point is that people who defend themselves as if they are trying to hide something makes that person sound more suspicious. You, my friend, are putting yourself into that position. Did ESP do that? No.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

1 more vote for Lucario and he's outta here. If you haven't voted, do it. This could be one of the shortest days we've had in a while.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS


Had to end it.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

Vote Count:
6 7Lucario7Master7 (spit, yoshi, pokenerd, pory-x, esp, dark night) [One More needed]
2 ESP (DV57, 7Lucario) [5 More Needed]
1 pokenerd (legend) [6 More Needed]

NV: Rock Wreck, Azelf, Cloudless, SA, and Dec

7 Votes Needed to Lynch
Day Ends on Saturday

EDIT: DV, you must unvote before voting.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

Unvote; ESP

Vote; Vote:7Lucario7Master7
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: 7 Votes Needed to Lynch: OMG WE ALREADY LOST 22 PLAYERS

*Game Freeze*

My one role has 12 hours to PM me.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: Game Freeze

I wish I looked cute in dresses. </3

(posting so Guy can update.)
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: Game Freeze

Things began slow, but most everyone was talking productivly. "ESP, I have it!" One yelled. Many followed. Then, things turned bad for that one, the tide switched to him. Behind the eight ball he stood firm, but it ended up in his death. 7Lucario7Master7 was being chased. He ran from the vote, then one just shot him in the head, ending the whole situation.

7Lucario7Master7 was:

Guy89 said:
4. Paul McCartney [sillykyle! 7Lucario7Master7]
You are Sir Paul McCartney, the most successful songwriter in popular music. BBC News named you the best composer of the millennium. You were a member of the Beatles and Wings over the years.

Ability: Flying to my Home
You may speak with anyone who is born of Britain, the names of these people will be sent to you in another PM. You will not receive any infractions for talking about the game, if you are reported; the reporter will be informed of your role.

Win Condition: Town Wins

After killing a wolf the day before, the group was discouraged and sadly returned to there beds to hear this:


Night 6 ends 5-24-11

Send in your roles as soon as you've decided, it really makes the game flow better.

The following players did not post today and must PM me tonight if they wish to continue to play:
CloudlessRayne and Decmaster
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: Game Freeze

Sorry to post at night, but I think me and all those affected by my role are now dead.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 6 Ends 5/21/11: Game Freeze

Sorry to burst your bubble, but 24 game hours is a day and a night.
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Night 6 Ends 5-24-11

Please remember, roles are due by Wednesday 3:35 PM PST
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Night 6 Ends 5-24-11

This night actually surprised me, and was probably the most important one of the game, but I'll get to that part.

From the riot a few days earlier, Darkvoid57, dragonspit999, and legendhunter32 died.

Darkvoid57 was:

Guy89 said:
10. Karl Marx [Darkvoid57]
You are Karl Marx, the father of communism. You didn’t have the current system of communism in mind at the time, though you are still credited with the idea.

Ability: Sharing the Burden
If you die, you will live for three more game days, every character that is a communist/ fascist leader will die in three game days along with you though.

Win Condition: Town Wins

dragonspit999 was:

Guy89 said:
19. Fidel Castro [42 chocolate dragonspitt999]
You are Fidel Castro the former communist leader of Cuba. Just a few years ago, your brother took power. You still have power in the Communist Party of Cuba though, as Secretary. You are highly regarded in Cuba. Thus, the government hid you and you survived through the Apocalypse to get to Dimension X.

Ability: Survivor Mason
As a survivor of the Apocalypse you may talk to your fellow survivors during the night. (These will be sent to you in a separate PM.

Win Condition: Town Wins

legendhunter32 was:

Guy89 said:
20. Leon Trotsky [batui4 legendhunter32]
You are Leon Trotsky, a former Soviet Communist leader. You were second in command when Lenin was in power. You spoke against Stalin and his rise to power. After he rose to power you were exiled and assassinated by his orders.

Ability: Stalin Will Be Your End
If the person who is the character of Stalin and two other people vote for you during the day you will die and the day will end.

Win Condition: Town Wins

Decmaster was pronounced dead for inactivity.

Decmaster was:

Guy89 said:
16. James Dean [Decmaster]
You are James Dean, the famous American actor. You were in seven movies, the most popular of which, East Eden, you were nominated for best actor at the Academy Awards.

Win Condition: Town Wins

(Here come the important part)
The dark wolf stood waiting for the lighter one, luckily for the other, he arrived just before dawn. They walked into the mansion just as the first glimpse of sun appeared, they moved quickly through the mansion, it was lined with paintings on every wall. They quietly tip toed into the master bedroom to find Shadow Arceus in the bed. He suddenly stood up, and yelled "a winner is you" and everything turned into furnishings from the 80's. The lighter wolf freaked out and stabbed Shadow Arceus. Pink Blood spilled everywhere.

Shadow Arceus was:

Guy89 said:
22. The Pink Geek (Transformer Through The Decades) [Shadow Arceus]
You are the Pink Geek, the destroyer of galaxies and Gods. An old form of you is living in Dimension X. Each day though, you are someone different as you transform through the decades. Your ultimate goal is to get back to the 2000’s to gain your power back and destroy the world.

Ability: Transformer Through The Decades
At the beginning of each night I will PM you what decade the next day will be in. After which, you will PM me a quote from that decade to be posted in the morning of someone famous.

Ability: Ultimate Domination
On Day 10, Dimension X will finally reach the 2000’s, if you are still alive you will PM me a way that the world will end, and if that is a plausible way for the world to end, you will win the game, if not, you will become a normal townie, and have no special abilities.

Ability: Choice
If you wish, at any time, you may abandon you vigilante ways and join the town eliminating the role of this.

Win Condition: Reach Day 10 and destroy the world, or Town Wins if you choose

The wolf in shock spoke softly, "We, we just killed the geek..." Knowing of the impending daylight, he rushed out of the mansion with the other wolf.

And may the force be with the rest of the townsmen as they attempt to apprehend the final two enemies.

6 Townies (Including the priest, 1 mason, and a voteblocker) against two wolves.

5 Votes Needed to Lynch
Day 7 Ends 5-31-11
RE: Werewolf IX: Dimension X: Day 7 Ends 5-31-11: You're going to want to read this

Very interesting.

Was a fun first game.

Thanks for letting me play!
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