Finished Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Nerds Win

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RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 1 End 11/14/2011 7AM GMT+8


If Yoshidude turns out to be guilty, then I am dead haha.
Unvote: TDL
Vote: Yoshidude
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 1 End 11/14/2011 7AM GMT+8

Well, I guess it's game freeze time as soon as RB signs on.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 1 End 11/14/2011 7AM GMT+8

Just woke up and saw the votes. Will update.


The day started with all the students discussing with each other as to how they are going to get rid of the jocks and the nerds. They have no clue as to know who is who so they just decided to kill one of their own and wish for the best. They targetted Guy89 and PMJ first, thinking that they were acting like weirdos but then came Yoshidude10, carrying a bottle of beer and just slacking off, the students saw this and became irate. “All right, now we know who we’re throwing out for the day.” said Bippa201. They ganged up on Yoshidude10, beat him senseless and threw him out of the school to be hit with one of those landmines set by the two factions. His ID fell off his pocket as well. Yoshidude10 was:

-Role: Connor O’Connor
You’re the student who always likes to drink. Sometimes, you also ask your friends to drink with you and your charm always makes them say yes.

Ability: Too Much Drinking
You are a drunk. You love to drink, every post you make should have spelling errors. Non-compliance shall result in one warning and further non-compliance shall be a modkill.
Ability: Hangover
You can use this ability only THRICE for the whole duration of the game. You won’t be affected by any night roles for that night but you cannot post during the next day.
Win Condition: Neutrals wins

Seeing one of the people who were indifferent to the two factions die, the Neutrals were saddened and the Nerds and Jocks breathed a sigh of relief as they head to bed and do what they have to do to secure supremacy

Night 1 Begins Now!

Night Roles will only be accepted until November 18 7AM GMT+8

The following people should either PM me that they are still playing, use their night role or post in Day 2 to lift their inactivity warn

BlueThunder -done
slickmario -done
Gale - done
Afro G
Chillarmy - done
Lenny - done
Shining Raikou
sillykyle! - done
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Night 1 End 11/18/2011 7AM GMT+8

[15:03] <Riskbreakers> DNA
[15:04] <Riskbreakers> post in ww pls
[15:04] <%Isaac> ww? k

let's do this
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Night 1 End 11/18/2011 7AM GMT+8

As Night fell, everyone was still down for killing one of the Neutrals. This though, won't stop the Nerds from their cause for complete control of the school, and to accomplish that, they have to be at even with the remaining school population, one of them snuck out and went to Lenny's room, ready to kill Lenny but as expected, Lenny will not give up without a fight and struggled to avoid getting killed by the nerd. Eventually, the knife did get through Lenny and got killed but not without the nerd's arms getting severly injured. Lenny was:

Role: Siao Belle
You are a girl who is a trained medic. The only problem is, people think you’re just a weak girl and that is a big misconception.

Ability: First Aid
You may use this ability once per night. PM me the name of a player, that player will be protected from any kill roles. You cannot protect yourself.

Ability: Perform CPR
You may use this ability ONCE for the whole duration of the game. You may revive a dead player.

Ability: I’m Dangerous as Well!
Anyone who affects you with a night role will not be able to use his night role the next night. This will also go through a Nerd’s ability to kill.
Win Condition: Neutrals Wins

Meanwhile, the leader of the jocks also wanted to try and kill someone, they decided to go for TDL. As he was about to go and try to kill TDL, a bright light shone and once the light dissipated, TDL was nowhere to be found, apparently he was protected. The Jock leader cussed under his breath and decided to try his luck next time.

Morning came and everyone was wide awake. They saw two pieces of paper posted on the main hallway of the school. It read: "Hey guys! I was doing research on who PMJ was and guess what? I was able to find it!! Also last night, I felt a bit more preppy and powerful so I looked up Guy89 as well and my God, look what I found!! The first page is PMJ's and the second is Guy89's! Have a look."

Role: Anshik Drewmi
The emo of the school, this ongoing violence has just started to annoy you. You have just decided that if they are going to kill each other and potentially you, you might as well take someone down with you.
You may use this ability ONCE per game. PM me the name of a player who has been suspicious of you. You may kill that player.
Ability: [/wrists]
You may use this ability ONCE per game. PM me to activate it. You will kill yourself but you may re-use I WILL END YOU.

Win Condition: Neutrals Wins

Role:Sasori Dokusan
The school’s otaku. Everyone thinks that you’re a weirdo, even the nerds. What they don’t know is that you are a great inventor and you set out to eliminate them all after you complete the invention. Nerd or regular, you don’t give a damn. You just want revenge.
Ability: Pick my Poison
Starting Night 5, you may PM me a name of a player and you may choose from these two options as to what to do to the player.
A. Kill
B. Have his whole role quoted and PM’d to you.
Ability: Greatest Invention Ever
You win if you are still alive/game doesn’t end by the end of Night 12.
Win Condition: Survive until the end of Night 12.

Armed with new information and the death of a fellow comrade, the Neutrals vow to eliminate every single one of these jocks and nerds to maintain balance in the school


ENDS November 22, 7AM GMT+8

30 Players remain, 16 for the lynch

Also, the following people have to post Day 2 or be replaced.

Shining Raikou

As per Bippa's request, he would be replaced by eevee
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Night 1 End 11/18/2011 7AM GMT+8

Okay, so Lenny is dead, and apparently he or she was the medic.

And PMJ is Kronar.

Let the lolz begin.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Night 1 End 11/18/2011 7AM GMT+8

I forsee Guy being killed by the end of the day o__o
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Night 1 End 11/18/2011 7AM GMT+8

Hatman said:
I forsee Guy being killed by the end of the day o__o

Is that face showing that that's a bad thing? lol What do you expect from an indie that can win the game by Night 12 if he's still alive (and he can kill someone/know their role)?

dmaster out.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Night 1 End 11/18/2011 7AM GMT+8

Hatman said:
I forsee Guy being killed by the end of the day o__o

Actually, his role doesn't activate until Night 5. We could keep him around and attempt to snipe the opposition and then on day 4/5 kill him off. Just a thought.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

^ I suppose if we don't get any clues by then that would be our best choice.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

So now we're deciding when to kill me? How fun.

Deric was right, I'll never get to use my role.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

Actually, now that I think about it, we could use Guy to our advantage. Whoever has a role that can reveal roles, keep doing so. Guy, starting on Night 5, can kill whoever he wants, especially since he won't need to waste a move looking at the target's role. Those two roles: our researcher and our otaku have great synergy (just like in MegaZone, Mega (Guy89) can snipe, while Zone (whoever the researcher/seer is) gives him the information. How does that sound? :)
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

So much for secrecy.

At least we know that TDL isn't a jock.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

@oyeah, So now we want to leave an indie alive until they can start mass murdering us? Sure, they could hit the nerds/jocks, but Guy has the same chance of hitting them with his night role than we do with a lynch, and I'd rather leave the kills in the hands of the many rather than the hands of a harmful indie. Just my 2 cents.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

There's no reason to kill Guy now. We know he's not a Jock, and he's no threat to anyone right now.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

He's no threat now, but why wouldn't we kill him before turn 5 at the very least? More night kills=townies die faster.
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Night 1 End 11/18/2011 7AM GMT+8

Riskbreakers said:
Meanwhile, the leader of the jocks also wanted to try and kill someone, they decided to go for TDL. As he was about to go and try to kill TDL, a bright light shone and once the light dissipated, TDL was nowhere to be found, apparently he was protected. The Jock leader cussed under his breath and decided to try his luck next time.
Whooah, we're half way there. Wooah, livin' on a prayer. Take my hand and we'll make it - I swear. Whooah, livin' on a prayer.

Why would we even want to kill Guy? Is he a threat now? No. Will he be a threat later? Yes. It's best we just kill him the day before his fancy little role activates.

shh nobody act too suspicious of that pmj guy
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

Uh... Hey there PMJ, best friend. I know I voted for you at first and stuff, but uh, that's all in the past, and yeah. :p I'm no longer suspicious of you of course.

I think that Guy could actually be rather useful to neutrals, so we shouldn't lynch him, but chances are he'll be deemed a threat and get killed by a jock or a nerd anyway. I laughed a lot when I saw that TDL actually was gonna be killed by someone, and then even harder when I saw that he was being protected. Someone here has a sick sense of humor.... We just need to think of who would actually go for TDL, and who would be smart/cruel enough to protect him. -.-
RE: Werewolf XI "Revenge of the Nerds" - Day 2 End 11/22/2011 7AM GMT+8

Meaty said:
Uh... Hey there PMJ, best friend. I know I voted for you at first and stuff, but uh, that's all in the past, and yeah. :p I'm no longer suspicious of you of course.

I think that Guy could actually be rather useful to neutrals, so we shouldn't lynch him, but chances are he'll be deemed a threat and get killed by a jock or a nerd anyway. I laughed a lot when I saw that TDL actually was gonna be killed by someone, and then even harder when I saw that he was being protected. Someone here has a sick sense of humor.... We just need to think of who would actually go for TDL, and who would be smart/cruel enough to protect him. -.-

My thoughts exactly. He already has a big enough target on his back, why should we waste a vote on him?
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