Squirtle Squad - Zuko - Firebender - Town
You are a firebending master who rebuilt the honour of the Fire Nation after the Hundred Year War as Fire Lord. You were banished from the Fire Nation as a teenager after daring to disobey your father, Fire Lord Ozai. After this you believed that the only way to win back your father’s trust was through finding and capturing the Avatar. You were aggressive, unpleasant and not particularly talented, but through your pursuits of the Avatar you realised that your father was wrong and eventually joined the Avatar in defeating Fire Lord Ozai and ending the Hundred Year War. Due to the threat posed by the Red Lotus and the Equalists, you have decided to travel back to Republic City to help defeat the dark forces and end Harmonic Divergence.
Bending Ability - Redirect Lightning
You may use this ability once every night. Although you were never able to create lightning yourself, your uncle taught you a technique to redirect lightning, based on some aspects of waterbending. This ability allows you to redirect any actions that target a player to another player. You may not redirect the actions to yourself.
Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to the town.
dracos the dragonmaster has offered to be a replacement and out of Haunted Water and Omega Soul they have been randomly chosen to replace Haunted Water. Omega Soul was:
Omega Soul - Bolin - Earthbender - Town
You were born in Republic City along with your firebending brother, Mako, who protected you after your parents were killed by a firebender. Growing up on the streets was tough and you learned a lot about yourself and life during this time. You and your brother went on to form a pro-bending team, which is how you met Avatar Korra. Mako and Korra saved you from Amon before, and you intend to stop both him and the Red Lotus from harming anyone else.
Bending Ability - Nuktuk: Hero of the South!
You may use this ability once every night. You were cast by Varrick as “Nuktuk” for his propaganda mover detailing the adventures of the brave hero Nuktuk, protecting the Southern Water Tribe from the evil Unalaq. You learned during this time just how valuable friends are, and want to try and help people, even if it means putting yourself at risk. This ability allows you to redirect all lethal abilities and any abilities that remove bending targeting a specific player onto yourself.
Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to the town.
@Scorched Feathers, @Squirtle Squad, @Vom, @Keeper of Night, @bbninjas, @Jeremy1026, @Celever, @TwistedTurtwig, @Lenny, @PMJ, @Teal, @Brave Vesperia, @Luispipe8, @WanderingWolf, @GM DracLord, @Cinesra, @rev3rsor, @Reinforce, @AlexanderTheAwesome, @dracos the dragonmaster, @Machamp The Champion
Voting procedures are outlined in the original post and it will take a total weight of 11 votes to reach a majority today. To get my attention, use @Ice Espeon.
The day will end on Monday the 1st of June at 20:00 BST.