The three remaining Avatars, Kyoshi, Roku and Aang all entered the Avatar state durung the night to discuss their next plan of action to finally eliminate the Red Lotus once and for all. Of the two other people left in the town, who could it be, or were they both aligned to the Red Lotus? Meanwhile, Ghazan of the Red Lotus wandered through the streets, seeking a target to avenge the death of his leader, Zaheer. Katara, knowing that her husband, Avatar Aang, must still be alive, sought someone to use her healing powers on to prevent them from coming to harm.
Ghazan finally chose his target, a person he had tried to lynch during the previous day. As his bending had been taken away by the Equalists, he knew he had to take down his target with his bare hands. His target was GM Draclord, or Avatar Roku. However, Roku had an extremely rare device in his possession, presumably constructed by Varrick the famous inventor called the Embodiment of Sozin's Comet. This would cause, upon his death, a fiery explosion to take down his assailant as well. Of course, this would mean that Gahzan would be killed and the Red Lotus would be eliminated. However, there was the matter of who Katara would save - if she prevented Roku's death then Roku would not die, and therefore Ghazan would not die.
Katara though, miraculously protected her husband, Avatar Aang, and the murder of Avatar Roku went ahead. And so, Roku died and in the process unleashed his power to mortally wound Ghazan as well. Avatar Kyoshi, to attempt to resolve the situation before the effects of Harmonic Divergence became worse resorted to using her warrior skills to also kill Ghazan, and so the last remaining Red Lotus memeber was taken down two ways.
Teal was:
Teal - Ghazan - Earthbender - Red Lotus
You possess the extremely rare ability of lavabending, making you extremely powerful with a capability to destroy almost anything. A key ally of Zaheer, you are willing to do anything to advance the Red Lotus’ cause. You value freedom extremely highly, and believe that Harmonic Divergence granting you freedom from prison is a sign of the change you want to help bring to the world.
Bending Ability - Lava Flow
This ability activates when you are chosen to perform the Red Lotus factional kill. Your kill has a 15% chance of killing another player not aligned with the Red Lotus.
Non-Bending Ability - Red Lotus
You are able to speak freely with your fellow Red Lotus members in the Red Lotus QuickTopic. This ability cannot be blocked in any way.
Win Condition - Kill all four Avatars.
rev3rsor was:
rev3rsor - Katara - Waterbender - Town
As one of the most talented waterbenders to ever live, you were part of the infamous Team Avatar that ended the Hundred Year War by defeating the fire nation. On your travels you learned the arts of healing and bloodbending, although you swore never to use the latter ever again because of its extremely unethical traits. Harmonic Divergence has brought you to Republic City from the Southern Water Tribe, possibly because you know that your husband, Avatar Aang, has returned. You know you can’t be reunited with him until the threat of the Equalists and Red Lotus has been dealt with, however.
Bending Ability - Healing Hands
You may use this ability once every night. You intend to use your incredible healing powers to help protect people in order to reduce the bloodshed being caused by the events of Harmonic Divergence. This ability allows you to protect one player from all lethal abilities for one night. You may not target the same player twice in a row.
Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to the town.
TheGuy was:
TheGuy - Avatar Kyoshi - Earthbender - Town
Living to the age of 230, you were the oldest person to have ever lived and under your guidance as Avatar the world enjoyed centuries of peace. To gain this peace you were not afraid to use force, however, and you had no qualms over killing to create your vision of justice and peace in the world. Your attitude has not changed since you were brought back through Harmonic Divergence, and although your fellow Avatars may believe in using non-violent methods to find peace, you are determined to create balance in your own way
Bending Ability - Break Away
You may use this ability once during the game at night. As you did when Chin the Conqueror threatened to invade your people’s land, you are able to break away from the mainland. This ability will allow you to remove yourself from the game for one day and night, during which you cannot speak in the game thread or get lynched. All abilities that target you will fail and you will not be able to use any abilities for this time. You will, however, retain the ability to speak in the Avatar QuickTopic.
Non-Bending Ability - Kyoshi Warrior
You may use this ability once during the game at night. Using the masterful combat skills you developed, you created the Kyoshi Warriors to protect Kyoshi Island. Now you are prepared to use these skills yourself. This ability allows you to kill one player. This kill cannot be blocked by any abilities or actions present in the game.
Non-Bending Ability - Avatar
You are able to speak freely with your fellow Avatars in the Avatar QuickTopic, with the link you all share through Raava. This ability cannot be blocked in any way.
Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to the town.
Reinforce was:
Reinforce- Avatar Aang - Airbender - Town
During your time as Avatar you had to face the harsh reality of loss, with your entire race being wiped out by the Fire Nation while you were trapped in ice for a century. This would have turned many a person into a bitter soul bent on revenge for the atrocities committed by the Fire Lord and his predecessors, but you always sought to resolve issues with peace rather than violence, even when it was seen as impossible to achieve. Sadly, you know that this time bloodshed is inevitable.
Bending Ability - Energy Bending
You may use this ability once every even numbered night. In your search to find a peaceful way to end the Hundred Year War, you encountered the last remaining Lion Turtle, who taught you the ancient art of Energy Bending, granting you the knowledge to both take away and restore a person’s bending ability. This ability allows you to restore the bending of a player who has had their bending removed.
Non-Bending Ability - Twinkle Toes
This ability will activate automatically up to one time for each effect during the game. As an Airbender, you developed masterful self-defence skills that have saved your life on many an occasion. This ability blocks both the first attempt on your life and the first attempt to remove your bending.
Non-Bending Ability - Avatar
You are able to speak freely with your fellow Avatars in the Avatar QuickTopic, with the link you all share through Raava. This ability cannot be blocked in any way.
Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to the town.
GM Draclord was:
GM Draclord - Avatar Roku - Firebender - Town
Born on the same day as Fire Lord Sozin, you grew up as a close friend to the man who would go on to commit genocide on the Air Nation, only becoming aware of his evil desires later in life. You managed to prevent him from fulfilling his ambitions successfully, until a great volcanic eruption on the island you called home. Fighting a losing battle against the forces of nature and the toxic volcanic ash, Sozin arrived to help you, only to leave you for dead once he realised what he could accomplish without an Avatar to oppose him. In death, you expressed your regret for not ending Sozin’s life when you had the chance.
Bending Ability - Locked
Unlock Condition: Obtain the Embodiment of Sozin’s Comet.
Locked bending abilities can still be removed.
Non-Bending Ability - Flame Cloak
This ability is passive and is in effect for the duration of the game. Your death on the Volcano has granted you the remarkable ability of 100% resistance to firebending. This ability prevents you being affected by the bending abilities of any firebender.
Non-Bending Ability - Avatar
You are able to speak freely with your fellow Avatars in the Avatar QuickTopic, with the link you all share through Raava. This ability cannot be blocked in any way.
Win Condition - Eliminate all threats to the town.
GM Draclord had unlocked the following abiltiy:
Bending Ability - Roku’s Revenge
This ability is passive and is in effect for the duration of the game. Obtaining the Embodiment of Sozin’s Comet has granted you firebending abilities far beyond anything you have experienced before. Now, when faced with death you will be able to take your attacker down with you rather than lay helplessly as you did when Sozin abandoned you. If you die, this ability will cause the player who killed you to die as well. If you were killed as a result of being lynched, the first player to vote for you will die instead.
The Town have Won!
With the threat of the Red Lotus gone, Avatar Aang and Katara were able to have one final moment together before the two remaining Avatars combined their powers to turn back time (somehow?) to a point before the timeline diverged into Harmonic Divergence, in effect meaning that Harmonic Divergence never happened, sort of. The World had been saved, in part thanks to many many lighting strikes mysteriously killing people who had not spoken that often and the fact that the Equalists seemed to be extreme sufferers of narcolepsy who forgot to remove the bending abilities of players.
(Yes, I know the worst ending to anything ever is that it now never happened (well, behind "it was all a dream" anyway) but I'm a physics person, not a writer, so you'll just have to deal with it I'm afraid.)
I think it's safe to say that really, most people played terribly or at least badly (that's if they bothered to play at all). Any of the remaining factions could have won the game quite capably if they had played better. The town constantly bemoaned the lack of new information, which seemed to suggest that they'd all suffered extreme memory loss of every event that had happened before that day. There was little to no looking back at past interactions with scum members (once they started to die especially), no going back to previous suspicions, it was more just "i dunno what to dooo...dus anyone have any leads?" (At least 55 different posts mention the word leads by the way, mostly just bemoaning the lack of them.) The town members with informative roles were all pretty much either wiped out early on or just didn't participate beyond the first day or two. This helped with the suggestion that there was no information, but no one really seemed to be bothered to go back and find information themselves rather than waiting for it to land it their lap.
This made it easy for the scum factions to sit back and watch the lemmings jump off their cliffs. However they then did not capitalise on this, with the Equalists making errors such as hammering a lynch of a claimed non-bender (Mr.Muffin), then at the end not sending in any targets at all. This was a very winnable game for the Equalists, especially considering the shortcomings of the other two factions.
The Red Lotus seemed to act as if they were a normal scum group, seemingly without really thinking too much about what their win-con was - to kill all the Avatars. I didn't see them discussing their impressions about who the Avatars might be until very late in the game, and then it was too late to do anything about it, especially due to the lack of kill submissions.
Then we have Bigfoot's independent. I can understand why he did what he did with revealing it, but I must say I was a little disappointed that he did reveal it. I wanted it to be a surprise and for everyone to go O,o , but oh well

. I just want to be clear that Drohn and I discussed the idea for those roles far before the game was even posted and he was never really a player. See
That said, congratulations to the Avatars for carrying the town and remaining undetected for so long, which ultimately won the game for the town. Well done also, to rev3rsor, as although I don't think you ever actually blocked a kill, I think you did manage to succesfully predict who the scum would attempt to kill a large amount of the time (where you submitted the person you wanted to protect and then the RL ended up targeting that person...after the deadline). One of the key factors in the whole game was the Keeper/Camoclone lynch right at the start of the game. If Keeper had died on the rather than Camoclone then we may have seen a much different game as Camo's D1 reads were for the most part extremely accurate. But anyway,
Congratulations Town!
Avatar QT:
Red Lotus QT: (Skype was also used.)
Bloodbender QT: (wasn't used as Skype was much easier for giving instructions)
Equalist QT: (Skype was also used.)
Dead Chat QT:
There is also a Skype deadchat. My Skype name is ice_espeon so go to that then I can add you to the chat if we aren't already contacts.
Google Doc with roles: (note: some roles may not be fully up to date in here).
Spreadsheet with actions and crazy formula stuff: (note: I didn't really bother with putting in actions after night 6 as there wasn't really any point. Also some of the formatting gets messed up when importing to google spreadsheets from excel so yeah.)
Thanks for playing everyone! It was fun