Everything about SilverSilent checks out and TGK accidentally provided the perfect defense to my case when trying to incriminate SilverSilent. As such,
@thegrovylekid I never claimed to be good at this game!

In fact, when I saw Empoleon_master starting to sheep me I even told him that experience doesn't mean I'm better than anyone else, and honestly I would much rather EM create his own opinions and reads on players than just have him sheep me 100% of the time. Regardless, I'm better in less active/spammy games since I actually have the time to look over things properly. With Camo in the game we'd probably be at at least page 40 by now, which makes searching the thread for leads so much more difficult. This is why I'm paying so much attention to this game! ^-^
Not all games have masons, and much fewer have two. You said you are a mason thanks to your Thoughts to Yourself ability, so I don't think it's unlikely that he's Tate or Liza. Hell, maybe he's Tate AND Liza since they only have 3 unique Pokemon in ORAS and the magna anyway -- in ORAS you have Solrock and Lunatone and in the manga you have those two and two Spoink.