Finished Werewolf XXXII: Dimensional Shift - The Second Postgame is Up!

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Day 2 update has been delayed a few hours. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Day 2

The members of the Alliance in each Dimension awoke to find that some of their number had vanished overnight. What was more, there were some people who hadn’t been there the day before.

They looked around a bit, and in Dimension Earth, the body of Squirtle Squad was lifeless.

Squirtle Squad has died! He was Sierra Moors and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Sierra Moors, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. You’re very tactically minded, having won several intense chess tournaments. If the Alliance meets any opposition, NASA hopes you’ll be able to direct the others to victory.

You will begin the game on Dimension Earth.

Active Ability: Queen’s Gambit
In various chess tournaments, your opening of choice was the Queen’s Gambit, an aggressive, sacrificial play that allows better central control. Your plan for fighting off Dimension Spirits is very similar. Once a game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. If that player is not aligned with you, that player will be killed immediately. If that player is aligned with you, you will die immediately. Furthermore, if you use this Ability during Night 1 and survive, you may use it again during a later Night.

Spacetime Warp: Move a Piece, Any Piece
Of course, in chess, you must develop your pieces to gain more control of the board. Each Night Phase you may PM the hosts the name of a player. That player will be transported to the opposite dimension to the one they are in.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

And that death wasn’t the last. In the same dimension, Reinforce had been fried.

Reinforce was killed! He was Klara Milford and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Klara Milford, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. Your military training has developed your endurance when food, water and sleep lacks. To prove yourself to the group, you have decided to volunteer for sentry duty each night.

You will begin the game on Dimension Earth.

Active Ability: Sentry Duty
Sentry duty requires you to keep an eye out all night. No sleeping on duty. Each Night Phase you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will track that player, seeing all who that player targets, but not who targets them. However, if your target is sent to another dimension, you will not track your target and will be sent with them to another dimension instead.

Spacetime Warp: Ensuring Security
You discovered a while back that you can stop things from changing if need be. During the next Day Phase after your death, in both dimensions, no player will be able to unvote once they place their vote.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

Suddenly, alarms sounded in both dimensions. A static voice could be heard over the loudspeaker, saying “Attention travellers! Attention travellers! A strange force has overrun the voting system and is preventing the unvoting of any vote during this next Day! We will try to fix this issue as soon as possible.”

During this Day Phase, any casted votes cannot be unvoted. (Unverbing does nothing.)

Fortunately, there was a newspaper available for some entertainment. The front page said:
Headline said:

With that, each dimension begins their Day, discussing their lynch options in hopes to capture and destroy a Dimensional Spirit.

There are 8 players alive on Dimension Earth, meaning 5 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.
There are 7 players alive on Dimension H'trae, meaning 5 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.

Day 2 will end on Monday, 5th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Sunday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 118.5 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- Reminder that from Day 2 onwards, if a majority lynch would occur in either dimension, the Day Phase will end in both dimensions.
- Reminder that during this Day Phase only, any casted votes CANNOT BE UNVOTED.
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Had a brief issue where players could not post on the ProBoards. I've now fixed that issue!
Night 2

The sun began to set as the Interdimensional Alliance set up camp. In a secluded grotto, however, the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces met to deliberate the fate of two of the Alliance’s number.

With the effects of a Spacetime Warp lingering from the previous Night, no one throughout the Day was inclined to vote hastily. A majority was never reached, and it was with some reluctance that each side of the party sent their lynchee: GM DracLord from Earth, and Luispipe8 from H’trae.

GM DracLord and Luispipe8 have been lynched and have been sent to Dimension Limbo as a result, where they will await their fate. The player to be killed will be decided within 24 hours and will subsequently flip, while the spared player will transport to the opposite dimension to the one they were in.

Leaving the fates of the two travellers in the hands of the Committee, the remainder of the Alliance went off to sleep. Or, at least, those who weren’t Dimension Spirits went off to sleep. The impostors, on the other hand, rose to plot in the Night once more...

Night 2 will end on Friday, 8th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Thursday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 71.5 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- This Night is a bit longer than the others. This is due to IRL reasons of the hosts, and will not continue beyond this Night.
- As it is Night, players may not post in neither of the Earth Discussion and the H'trae Discussion threads. If you are a lynchee, you may post in the Limbo Dimension, and if you have access to a QuickTopic, you may use them.
- If you have an action usable during the Night Phase you may use it now. You can only act on a player that is in the same dimension as you. You cannot act on yourself.
- The killed lynchee's flip will be posted 24 hours into the night, while the spared lynchee will be transported. The spared lynchee may use actions and be acted on (providing you are both in the same dimension) during the Night, as decided after the 24 hours.
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the hosts!
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Night 2 Update

The Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces gathered in their secret meeting place, sharing the past day and its events, and discussing who shall perish and who shall be spared. Withing 24 hours, the members of the committee had made their decision.

GM Draclord was spared and has been transported to Dimension H'trae! (Players may choose to act on him, if they are in Dimension H'trae.)

Luispipe8 was lynched! He was Gemma Wolfe and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Gemma Wolfe, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. Your detailed news reports uses detailed information filed in databases, data on which is collected through a mysterious intelligence. Your immediate access to these files could be helpful in this crisis.

You will begin the game on Dimension H’trae.

Active Ability: The Search Function Expert
You’ve been searching through databases for virtually your entire virtual life - scavenging player’s skills is the easy stuff! Each Night Phase you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will learn what category/categories that player’s Ability/Abilities falls into, out of ‘Informative’, ‘Passive’, ‘Manipulative’, ‘Supportive’ or ‘Other’.

Spacetime Warp: Data Flip
Something will undoubtedly go missing, but thanks to your databases, you can be there to rectify it! This means that each Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a dead player. That player’s full role flip will be posted in the upcoming Night Update, if something was concealed.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

Reminder that Night 2 will end on Friday, 8th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Thursday 9PM PDT (-7). Remember to submit your actions!
Day 3

The members of the Alliance in their respective dimensions awoke on the third day of their expedition, well rested and ready for a new day of travel. They found, however, that some of their fellows had vanished, and that there were even a few unfamiliar faces among them.

Remembering the deaths of Reinforce and Squirtle Squad the Day before, they proceeded at once to look around. They did, in fact, find double o squirtle fried.

double o squirtle was killed! He was Sierra Moors and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Sierra Moors, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. You’re an accomplished––albeit retired––general, accustomed to commanding troops in battle. Well, maybe you’re not an actual general, but a chess champion is pretty close, isn’t it?

You will begin the game on Dimension H’trae.

Passive Ability: Sacrifice
You will die on Night 6, if you are still alive.

LOCKED Passive Ability: Opening
This Ability unlocks at the beginning of the game and relocks at the beginning of Day 2.

LOCKED Passive Ability: Midgame
This Ability unlocks at the beginning of Day 2.
During the middle of the game, you know it’s ideal to use your developed pieces to attack your opponent’s side of the board. To do this, you can vote three times in thread, each considered individual votes worth 1 vote. To cast a second or third vote, simply vote like normal, however do not unvote your first/second vote. If you wish to change one of your votes, you will need to specifically state which player you would like to unvote from. You may place multiple votes on the same player if you so wish.

Spacetime Warp: Endgame
Toward the end of the game, the board is often narrowed down to only a few pieces. Upon your death and after Night 6, H’trae and Earth on the ProBoards will be merged into a single dimension on PB, meaning the two H’trae and Earth discussion threads will be locked from posting. Instead, players will be drawn to the PB game thread to continue game discussion. (The H’trae and Earth discussion threads will subsequently be viewable by all players.) This means there will only be a single lynch and players cannot move between other dimensions.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

Additionally, when they found the latest copy of the newspaper from yesterday, there was no headline.

The travellers in each dimension set to work immediately, discussing their lynch options for the Day, and hoping that they could catch a Dimension Spirit.

There are 8 players alive on Dimension Earth, meaning 5 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.
There are 7 players alive on Dimension H'trae, meaning 4 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.

Day 3 will end on Tuesday, 12th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Monday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 124.5 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- Reminder that from Day 2 onwards, if a majority lynch would occur in either dimension, the Day Phase will end in both dimensions.
- bbninjas will be having very limited internet over the next 48 hours, especially on Skype. Jabber should be around, but it is still best to contact both the hosts for any questions.
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Night 3

The sun began to set as the Interdimensional Alliance set up camp. In a secluded grotto, however, the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces met to deliberate the fate of two of the Alliance’s number.

Without a majority and minimal discussion, the two lynchees were chosen: SilverSilent from Earth, and mordacazir from H’trae.

SilverSilent and mordacazir have been lynched and have been sent to Dimension Limbo as a result, where they will await their fate. The player to be killed will be decided within 24 hours and will subsequently flip, while the spared player will transport to the opposite dimension to the one they were in.

Leaving the fates of the two travellers in the hands of the Committee, the remainder of the Alliance went off to sleep. For a third time, the Dimension Spirits arose to plot some more trickery...

Night 3 will end on Thursday, 14th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Wednesday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 45.5 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- The drill should be pretty obvious by now. If you forgot stuff, check the previous Night Updates.
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the hosts!
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That previous Day Phase's activity was disappointing to say the least in both dimensions. Post something and vote. You signed up to play, so play. You don't have to write a fully fledged case - even just saying "hey, this is suspicious" or "I think that makes sense because X, Y, Z" is cool, and only takes 5 minutes of your time tops.

We can see who hasn't logged onto the ProBoards and who have, and the lurking is pathetic. Because of this... the posting minimum is now three and EVERY player must cast a vote at least some time during the Day Phase, otherwise you will risk modkill.

If you read and understand this post, please "like" it. (This is the only post you may "like" during the game duration.)
Night 3 Update

The Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces gathered in their secret meeting place, sharing the past day and its events, and discussing who shall perish and who shall be spared. Once again, within 24 hours, the members of the committee had made their decision.

SilverSilent was spared and has been transported to Dimension H'trae! (Players may choose to act on him, if they are in Dimension H'trae.)

mordacazir was lynched! He was Chronos and a Dimension Spirit.

You’re Chronos, and you’re aligned with the Dimension Spirits. You’re responsible for maintaining time in the relative dimensions. The timestream torn apart by constant travel through spacetime is your main priority.

You will begin the game on Dimension H’trae.

Active Ability: Slow Time
You can cast the illusion of frozen time if you so wish. Each Night Phase you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will cause that player to act last during that Phase - even after the nightkill.

Spacetime Warp: Time
Due to your death, the dimension of time has become chaotic. Each Night and Day Phase, there is a 63.74% chance that said phase and all subsequent phases of one dimension will be reduced or extended by 24 hours.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Dimension Spirits.

The alliance, excited to have destroyed the first Dimension Spirit, rest on the hope that their new-found luck will not dissipate. Meanwhile, the spirits continue plotting to take their revenge...

Reminder that Night 3 will end on Thursday, 14th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Wednesday 9PM PDT (-7). Remember to submit your actions!
Day 4

After a successful day prior with the death of the first Dimension Spirit, the members of the Alliance in their respective dimensions awoke in hopes for another productive day. They found once again that some of their fellows had vanished, and once again there were even a few unfamiliar faces among them.

The death of another was now expected… and they did, in fact, find Celever fried.

Celever was killed! He was Oliver Fylan and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Oliver Fylan, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. You’re quite experienced in the quantum industry, working with top minds for years. You’re, however, considered the lowest of these minds, meaning you’re less important. Now who’s going to quell the common debates between these minds diplomatically?

You will begin the game on Dimension H’trae.

Active Ability: The Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces
Finally, you’ll be in a position where you can actually do something besides fetch coffee for the other workers! As the self-appointed leader of the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces, you must decide the fate of the daily lynchees through the committee majority vote. To assist in the decision, you and the other members have access to Dimension Limbo where the lynchees are temporarily transported to and may appeal in. To make your decision, each Night Phase, you MUST PM the hosts your vote of which lynchee should be killed. The lynchee who receives the majority vote across the committee will be lynched. If there is ever a tie, your tie will be the tiebreaker. Furthermore, since the hosts are really bad at copy-and-pasting, your vote will be the tiebreaker of the tiebreaker.

Also, once the remaining members of the committee have been decided, you will receive access to a QuickTopic that each committee member can access and privately converse in.

Active Ability: Bronze Lance
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of another player. If that player would be killed during that Night Phase, that player will not be killed, as you fended off their attempted killer.

Active Ability: Ancient Transporter
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. That player will be transported to the opposite dimension to the one they are in.

Active Ability: Mesmerising Stone
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the names of two players. The first player will be mesmerised and forced to target the second player with any Abilities they may use.

Active Ability: Crown That Sometimes Tells You If He’s A Bad Guy Or Not
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will use the mysterious crown to discern that player’s alignment. However, this particular relic has Forget-Who-That-Person-Is Complex and thus has a 53% chance of getting things wrong (this figure may fluctuate).

Active Ability: Sceptre of Freezing
Once per game, during the Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will freeze that player, preventing them from using any actions that Night.

Spacetime Warp: For All Eternity
Sometimes as the (dead) leader of the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces you must make decisions when others cannot. Each Night Phase, within 24-hours into the Night, you may you may PM the hosts the name of one of the lynchees. You will override the committee’s decision of who to lynch and the player you choose will be lynched instead. You may also use this Spacetime Warp to make the crisis committee's decision if all of its members
are dead.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

They then saw Empoleon_master behind him. He killed Celever!

They did find a copy of the newspaper and like the first newspaper, there was a headline:
Headline said:

The travellers in each dimension jumped right to it, discussing their lynch options for the Day, and hoping that their luck would stand.

There are 6 players alive on Dimension Earth, meaning 4 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.
There are 7 players alive on Dimension H'trae, meaning 4 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.

On Dimension Earth, Day 4 will end on Monday, 18th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Sunday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 93.5 hours from the timestamp of this post.

On Dimension H’trae, Day 4 will end on Tuesday, 19th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Monday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 117.5 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- Reminder that from Day 2 onwards, if a majority lynch would occur in either dimension, the Day Phase will end in both dimensions.
- The different day end times means that those in Earth will have to wait an extra 24 hours for H'trae to finish, unless there is a majority lynch.
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Night 4

The sun sank lower and lower, and the Committee, now missing their leader, gathered to deliberate the fate of two of the Alliance.

With a warning from NASA for their limited communication, most of the Interdimensional Alliance had hastened to appear more active, chatting and voting while trying to figure out who was a Dimension Spirit and who wasn't.

Suddenly Professor Palutena was pushed up to the front, and gathered votes every so quickly... that it caused the majority to be reached!

Professor Palutena and Empoleon_master have been lynched and have been sent to Dimension Limbo as a result, where they will await their fate. The player to be killed will be decided within 24 hours and will subsequently flip, while the spared player will transport to the opposite dimension to the one they were in.

Leaving two of their number with the now-leaderless Committee, the Alliance went off to their camp to sleep. The spectral impostors, however, rose to carry out their mischief for the fourth time...

Night 4 will end on Tuesday, 19th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Monday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 54 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- The drill should be pretty obvious by now. If you forgot stuff, check the previous Night Updates.
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the hosts!
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"Suddenly Professor Palutena was pushed up to the front, and gathered votes every so quickly... that it caused the majority to be reached!"

Added the above to the Night Update above to clarify why the Day Phase was cut short.

Also fixed up the "XX hours from this post" as it was incorrect previously.
Night 4 Update

The secret meeting pace of the Crisis Committee was once again populated, albeit with one less person. Things were solemn, but once again, within 24 hours, the members of the committee had made their decision.

Professor Palutena was spared and has been transported to Dimension H'trae! (Players may choose to act on him, if they are in Dimension H'trae.)

Empoleon_master was lynched! He was Caitlin Becker and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Caitlin Becker, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. When you were just a youngin’, your parents left you homeless. You caught onto the thievery life early on, although it has landed you in prison on multiple occasions. At least you’re stubborn enough to not stay in prison forever…

You will begin the game on Dimension H’trae.

Active Ability: Catch Me If You Can!
You’re always on the run and are a master of escaping capture. Each Night Phase you may PM the hosts the name of a player. During that Night, you will hide behind that player, causing you to redirect all actions that would have targeted you to target the player you hid behind. However, if you hide behind a player that is killed that Night, you will be accused as the killer. Furthermore, you will fail to redirect any actions that would have been redirected to the player who made the action, meaning you will be targeted by that action as it was intended.

Spacetime Warp: Everything Explode Now
How best to escape prison? Why, to blow the place up with strategically placed land mines, of course! You’ve employed a similar failsafe in the other dimensions. When you die, each player whose vote was on you during the last final Day tally before your death will have one vote already placed on them each Day for the next 3 Day Phases. This Spacetime Warp will fail to activate during any Day that is a lynch or lose.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

The alliance was baffled after their certainty of the lynched's alignment, but the flip did explain a things or to... which was a relief.

Reminder that Night 4 will end on Tuesday, 19th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Monday 9PM PDT (-7). Remember to submit your actions!
Reminder that there is about 6.5 hours until the Night deadline! Remember to get your actions in!
Day 5

The unexpected shortening of the previous Day was not expected, forcing two into lynch immediately. Unfortunately there was no success, but nevertheless the alliance woke with hope.

Suddenly, Camoclone collapsed.

Camoclone died! He was Nikolas Horton and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Nikolas Horton, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. You’re a bit absent-minded and fidgety, thus your attention span is lacking. Although this annoys your fellows, your nature could come in handy in resisting capture.

You will begin the game on Dimension H’trae.

Passive Ability: Fidgety
No one can catch you if you’re never in one place, right? Each Night Phase, you cannot be forced to do anything or act on someone.

Active Ability: Clumsy Influences
Your absent-mindedness mysteriously influences others, for one reason or another. Perhaps because you keep on bumping into everyone. Each Night Phase you may PM the hosts the names of two players. That Night, the first player will be forced to target the second player with their actions.

Spacetime Warp: Skill Swap
Sometimes meddling with people’s genetics is a necessary step, despite the general uproar about it. But hey - there’s no consequence if you are already dead! During the next Day Phase after your death, you MUST PM the hosts the names of two players. Any Abilities of those players will be permanently swapped with the other’s. (If you target a player with a safe claim, their designated safe claim Ability will be swapped instead.)

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

One death was bad enough, but then all eyes turned on GM Draclord, who had been fried!

GM Draclord was killed! He was Nikolas Horton and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Nikolas Horton, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. You’re forgetful to a fault, as you’ve been told all too often. You can’t even remember why NASA chose you for the expedition. It must have been something important…

You will begin the game on Dimension Earth.

LOCKED Ability: Caffeine Effect
This Ability unlocks after you drink a caffeinated beverage.

Spacetime Warp: The Missing Piece
This Spacetime Warp activates only if your Hidden Ability was locked when you died.
You can remember everything now that you are dead - including why you were chosen for the expedition! This means that your LOCKED Ability has now unlocked and you MUST use it during the next Phase (Night or Day) as if you were alive. (It does not show as unlocked on your role flip.)

Spacetime Warp: Public Projection
This Spacetime Warp activates only if your Hidden Ability was unlocked when you died.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

Furthermore, they found that the newspaper was without a headline.

Suddenly, alarms sounded in both dimensions! A static voice could be heard over the loudspeaker, saying “Our reports tell us that MISTAKES TODAY COULD END THE GAME!

If the alliance had any shreds of hope left, they were quickly decimated by that alarm. Let's hope those reads are well cultivated...

There are 4 players alive on Dimension Earth, meaning 4 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.
There are 5 players alive on Dimension H'trae, meaning 3 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.

On both dimensions, Day 5 will end on Saturday, 23rd of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Friday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 92 hours from the timestamp of this post.
- Reminder that from Day 2 onwards, if a majority lynch would occur in either dimension, the Day Phase will end in both dimensions.

- If you missed it earlier, MISTAKES TODAY COULD END THE GAME!
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Night 5

The anxiety was high. The alliance knew that one wrong move could destroy any attempt to save the two dimensions, eternally. The anxiety didn't stop their haste, nevertheless, as suddenly Skyleaf2000 of Earth garnered enough votes to reach the majority, ending the Day and forcing simsands as the H'trae candidate.

The two were left to have their fated decided by the committee with the alliance waiting anxiously for the results...

Night 5 will end on Saturday, 23rd of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Friday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 70 hours from the timestamp of this post.

- The drill should be pretty obvious by now. If you forgot stuff, check the previous Night Updates.
- If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the hosts!
Night 5 Update

It was tense and stressful in the secret meeting pace of the Crisis Committee. The weight of the alliance was on their shoulders. Flipping through the evidence for 24 hours, the members of the committee had made their decision.

simsands was spared and has been transported to Dimension Earth! (Players may choose to act on him, if they are in Dimension Earth.)

Skyleaf2000 was lynched! He was Jonathan Morse and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Jonathan Morse, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. You’re the muscle of the group and you’re proud of it. You can even rip the corks from those wretched brandy bottles, which is a very necessary skill when travelling through dimensions.

You will begin the game on Dimension Earth.

Active Ability: Super Strength
With your incredible strength, you’re able to cram an extra person into a single dimension transporter. This means that each Day Phase you may PM the hosts the name of a player (you may target yourself). At the end of the Night Phase, that player will be transported to the opposite dimension to the one they are in.

Spacetime Warp: Delusional Contact

After consuming copious amounts of brandy, you’ve finally managed to make contact with the spirits of the dead! Or at least, you’d like to think they’re the spirits of the dead, but they’re probably not. For the rest of the game, you may post in-thread in the dimension you died in, but you will not be able to vote. Furthermore, you cannot be targeted by any form of actions from dead or alive players.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

The alliance went into despair as the lynchee did not flip as a Dimensional Spirit. They expected the spirits to rise and destroy them all... but they didn't!?

It's a slim chance, but the alliance can still avoid the game end!

Reminder that Night 5 will end on Saturday, 23rd of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Friday 9PM PDT (-7).
Day 6

The had their fingers crossed, hoping that this mysteriously "slim chance" would go to their favour. The sun rose, and the dwindling members of the alliance set out to check for any dead.

They quickly noticed that Miyami~~ was lifeless and, well, destroyed.

Miyami~~ died! She was Elektron and one of the Dimensional Spirits.

You’re Elektron, and you’re aligned with the Dimension Spirits. You can directly influence the electric charge of particles in the atmosphere, meaning you master electricity, magnetism and light. On travelling between dimensions, different wavelengths have leaked, dispersing electrical charges at a rapid rate.

You will begin the game on Dimension Earth.

Active Ability: Magnet Pull
Each Night Phase, you may PM the hosts the name of a player. You will use the force of magnetism to cause all actions used by that player that Night to be attracted from the intended target to you.

Spacetime Warp: Light
Due to your death, the electric charge of the particles in both dimensions have become drastically unstable. This has caused there to be a perpetual glow––not so much that the Alliance can see you consuming one of their number, but enough so that they can continue to post in the main threads, even during the Night Phase. Lynches, however, still cannot be undergone during the night.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Dimension Spirits.

The alliance were overjoyed to see another spirit had been destroyed, but they knew the spirits wouldn't dare kill one of their number, so they hastily looked for the other expected death. Indeed, they found Professor Palutena absolutely flattened!

Professor Palutena was killed! He was Krystelle Patterson and a member of the Interdimensional Alliance.

You’re Krystelle Patterson, and you’re aligned with the Interdimensional Alliance. Although you’ve tried many times, you’ve never really accomplished anything noteworthy. The fact of the matter is that you’re just not very gifted. Except in making coffee. You guess that’s something…

You will begin the game on Dimension H’trae.

Active Ability: The Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces
You have been elected by Dimension H’trae to join the Crisis Committee of Unseen Forces! As a member, you must decide the fate of the daily lynchees through the committee majority vote. To assist in the decision, you and the other members have access to Dimension Limbo where the lynchees are temporarily transported to and may appeal in. To make your decision, each Night Phase, you MUST PM the hosts your vote of which lynchee should be killed. The lynchee who receives the majority vote across the committee will be lynched. If there is ever a tie, your tie will be the tiebreaker.

You have also received access to a QuickTopic (link sent separately) that each committee member can access and privately converse in.

Passive Ability: Identity Thief
You’re an expert at stealing and using others’ identities. At the start of each Night Phase, you will be sent the Ability of a random dead player. You will not be sent the same Ability more than once. For that next cycle only, you will be able to use that Ability as if it was your own.

Spacetime Warp: Daily Doughnuts
Coffee isn’t the only thing you were required to bring to your superiors –– doughnuts were also widely enjoyed throughout the corporation. And you just discovered that the place of your death was right over a huge trove of doughnuts! During the next Phase (Night or Day) after your death, you MUST PM the hosts the name of a player. You will give that player the following item:

Passive Item: Magical Doughnut
Someone has given you a very mysterious magical doughnut! Unfortunately, it doesn’t actually do anything for you, and it disappears whenever you try to eat it. Boohoo.

Win Condition: To eliminate all threats to the Interdimensional Alliance.

Once again, the newspaper was without a headline.

Suddenly, alarms sounded in both dimensions! A static voice could be heard over the loudspeaker, saying “Even though you just managed to evade apocalypse, MISTAKES TODAY COULD STILL END THE GAME!

But the very fact that they were staying in by even just a thread had given the alliance a little of their hope back.

There are 4 players alive on Dimension Earth, meaning 3 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.
There are 3 players alive on Dimension H'trae, meaning 2 votes are needed to cause a majority lynch.

On both dimensions, Day 6 will end on Tuesday, 26th of April, at 2PM AEST (+10) | 4AM GMT (0) | Friday 9PM PDT (-7) | or roughly 71 hours from the timestamp of this post.
- Reminder that from Day 2 onwards, if a majority lynch would occur in either dimension, the Day Phase will end in both dimensions.
- If you missed it earlier, MISTAKES TODAY COULD STILL END THE GAME!
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