BW/BW2 What Animals do they still have to make?

mybrilliant said:
Dammit, how could I forget about Desukan? O_O Gah, I still want more Egyptian Pokémon ;)

Lucario is Anubis, kinda. ;)



And yeah, Desukan and Dusclops. And maybe Shinx. So we have a lot of pokemon that were based on Ancient Egypt mythology.

And of course we have animals that you commonly see in Egypt. Snakes, dromedaries, sheep, foxes (fennec and red), crocodiles, etc. All have been pokemon.

So don't you all think Egypt got enough attention? :p
Shadow Arceus said:
i want an ice type penguin(empoleon's design sucked and i always wondered why we never had an ice type penguin)

Say hello to Delibird... :b
+ we already got a dolphin Pokemon = Lanturn is a mix of those light fish and a dolphin :3
runeon12 said:

PAWNCH! XD. Just had to say that. Lanturn is a dolphin? Since when? I just thought it was a pure angler fish.
Umm. What do I want to see... Well I'd like to see a REAL goldfish. Goldeen isn't gold, and shiny magikarp doesn't count.
dmaster said:
I thought Gorebyss was a Dolphin Pokemon...

dmaster out.

im scared to say this but i facepalmed
gorebyss is an eel, a pipefish, and an oarfish
its is not a dolphin, its an eel
Mucrush said:
Say hello to Delibird... :b
+ we already got a dolphin Pokemon = Lanturn is a mix of those light fish and a dolphin :3
ok ill be more specific, an ice type penguin who isnt a gimmick mon and is ice/water typed
tyrannitard said:
im scared to say this but i facepalmed
gorebyss is an eel, a pipefish, and an oarfish
its is not a dolphin, its an eel

I saw on one link it's classified as a deep-sea rattail fish but it can be seen as an eel or a dolphin, so I'm kinda right lol.

dmaster out.
rocky505 said:
Too many xD we need a White tiger

LOL I WAS JUST THINKING THAT!! My moms favorite animal is a White Tiger, mine is an Eagle, so lucky me, I love Wargle <3333

Shadow Arceus said:
i want an ice type penguin(empoleon's design sucked and i always wondered why we never had an ice type penguin)

Empoleon is awesome b***h

Gleafeon said:
Polar Bear
Dog (Just because Growlithe is the "Puppy" Pokemon it doesn't count)
Ice Worm (They exist o_O REALLY)
Sea Lion
...Plankton?But a little bigger (Planktons are little animals that live on the sea)
And a Goat

Non animals:
Anubis like Pokemon
Mummy like Pokemon,and not human like
A Radioactive Pokemon
A Robot like Pokemon

That's all I can think of... :p

I dunno...Arceus is sorta goat-like (and no, I'm not joking around)
Maybe an ice type that is a sabertooth tiger even though we've had a sabertooth tiger. I would like it to have icicles for teeth. And as i've said before a snow leopard which can also be an ice type.
I don't want a white tiger. White tigers make me sad. :( Tigers are great the way they are. They don't need to be inbred and linebred to turn them white. I would like a normal, natural, brown/orange tiger!

I WOULD like a(nother) saber tooth and a snow leopard. Especially a snow leopard <3 I love their spots. Maybe also an Ocelot?
Wolf616 said:
Lucario is Anubis, kinda. ;)

*pictures of Lucario and Anubis*

And yeah, Desukan and Dusclops. And maybe Shinx. So we have a lot of pokemon that were based on Ancient Egypt mythology.

And of course we have animals that you commonly see in Egypt. Snakes, dromedaries, sheep, foxes (fennec and red), crocodiles, etc. All have been pokemon.

So don't you all think Egypt got enough attention? :p

Yeah I guess you're right. But I'm still hoping that one day they'll make a Pokémon that's a little more sphinxy than Shinx. :)
dmaster said:
I thought Gorebyss was a Dolphin Pokemon...

dmaster out.

Weirdest dolphin I've ever seen o_O

Japanese dolphin's must be different. I've always felt that Gorebyss had a hint of mermaid fish about it.
silazu said:
I think Shaymin is a porcupine but I'm not too sure. I don't think they made a wilder beast yet, or an okapi

Shaymin is a hedgehog, ie. Sonic the Hedgehog
Girafarig is based off an okapi

So YAY to porcupines.
NAY to okapis

ps. Lanturn is a euphamised anglerfish, not a dolphin at all. Since anglerfish are generally unappealing, they designed chinchou and lanturn much cuter than a normal anglerfish so it would not scare children... I'm not kidding
swimfastray said:
Lanturn is a euphamised anglerfish, not a dolphin at all. Since anglerfish are generally unappealing, they designed chinchou and lanturn much cuter than a normal anglerfish so it would not scare children... I'm not kidding

Yeah, that's correct. I highly doubt that they would make a legitimate anglrefish O_O