What are you currently running and why?


Hi there
Since I am just recently getting back into the game I'm a bit lost on what I should be playing. I'm currently debating between a Donphan or a Mew prime variant. Not quite sure what I want to work with unless something really interesting/fun to run comes up. Anyway I'm interested to hear what you all have to say. I don't like over hyped decks I'd rather play something less played but still good.
RE: What do you plan to run for your Battle Roads and why?

I'm probably going to play ZPS, since that's what i'm comfortable with. Tornadus for Donphan.

Gotta love them Pretzels.
RE: What do you plan to run for your Battle Roads and why?

Well my deck(s) of choice will differ if I can get certain cards or not. If I'm unable to get Magnezone, Yanmega, or Kingdra, then MegaZone and MagneBoar are out of the question. But I'm currently testing out googleBox, MewBox, LostGar, and a few others. I'm most comfortable with MegaZone, but I need the cards to run it.
I've seen A LOT of Blastoise or Yamega decks, now being the iDIOT I am, I like play the weirdest of types, I like to use my Krookdile/Scrafty deck, which (somehow) works really nicely.
I decided to change up the thread name since my Battle Roads are still more then a month away. Seeing what people are playing now or planning to play now is almost the same thing but I figure it appeals to more people if I broaden it.

@Legos I like the concept of ZPS but I don't like how much Donphan there is in the current format and I hear ZPS is pretty inconsistent.
@Project Do you think you have good chances to get those cards? I've never heard of googleBox but Mewbox/Mew with techs seems interesting to me but Mew is so fragile it seems.
@Scrafty Right when I came back I was going to play and I have the cards for a Blastzel deck but I'm not quite sure how I feel about it. It seems slow and I didn't think many played it. Since I have the cards I might have to make a side project who knows. Rogue decks are always fun though!
I am debating Resiphlosion or Donphan and friends. Tornadus fits nice; but the energy movement seems akward.
I've been running Stage 1 Rush since BW, but I add in a Kingdra and Pluspowers to help take down dragons. Kingdra can also snipe babies and basics that need Seekering. As for the rest of the deck, it's your typical Stage 1 Rush. Works nicely to cover weaknesses: there's a Pokemon for most situations and I can't think of any cards I need to add to it at the moment. :)
I'm using Magnezone/Emboar with a Reshiram tech because I like the way it can one shot everything and can be very fast.

I'm also testing Yanmega/Kingdra and a 'Secret Rogue'.
I'm currently running 3 decks, (because I have to have atleast 4 built for tournaments) Reshiphlosion, KingBuzz, Stage 1 Rush and Donphan & Dragons. Also when I get some Sheer Cold Beartics I'll build Bearplume.
googlebox is basically the deck that got 2nd place @ world's this year.

I'm playing Vileplume/Rosrade/Ursaring prime with an added lock to the mix. to deal with the main 2 pokemon that can nerf my deck

I'm sure there will be alot of Megazord running around though.
Im currently playing Donphan + Dragons, because its an easy deck to work with and it has a great amount of consistency
I'm playing NOTHING right now, just because I haven't bothered to build a deck. But I'll probably start building something, probably TyRam (because it's cheap but has a lot of good matchups), MewBox (because I have 4 Mew and I do really like the deck), or MegaZone (I have 3 Magnezone and a Yanmega, and it's arguably one of the best decks around.
I'm currently playing Yanmega/Magnezone, with added Yanmega and Jirachi.

I am currently trying to get the cards to assemble google' Deck (minus Tropical Beach), and see how that works, and I may just end up running that.
Currently I have 4 decks build:


But Ive been playing Resphlosion/Typhloram as my main deck for about 4 Months now (or longer, I dont remember... At least I proxied for it!), but with a new meta my Resplosion/Typhloram changes it's lines as well.

Personally Im the most comfortable with Resphlosion/Typhloram and Mewbox, mainly due to the many ways the deck can swing, and they almost (see the BOLD letters, you ''haters''? =P) don't have any autolosses when handled the right way. I prefer decks that don't rely on one ''trick'' to perform, and then fail against something which laughs at your one ''trick''... Stage 1 Rush is high on my ''try-out list'' too, but all 2 of my Yanmega primes are already used, as are most of my other stage 1's (teched in other decks, or lent to friends).
Serperior, I play what I have and I started off with the Serperior starter. It's been very much improved since then though.
I'm currently playing MewBox/Vileplume though I'm still trying to figure out
another deck I want to build and with the lack of innovative cards from Emerging Powers I'm fresh out of ideas at the moment. I think I'm gonna wait til Noble Victories is released before I build a 2nd deck for the format since we are getting better cards out of that set.
I'm currently playing KYJ, ZPS, Gothiclus, and a rogue deck

I like KYJ and ZPS because they are quick and take easy prizes but are hard to play. GothIclus I play because I think it has potential to be BDIF. I also like moving damage around :p.
I'm playing Donphan/Dragons w/ Reuniclus and Max Potion. I've only lost 3 times with it so far, and it is awesome!

Move damage to Beched Dragon, MAX POTION!!! (It makes this deck do much better ^^)
Thanks for the replies everyone keep it up.

Also to Driscoll how do you do against catcher/not having trainer lock? Mind pming me your list?