What are you scared of?

Lets see...

Spiders- No need in explaining

Zombies- I'm fine with video games or movies about them, but them in real life makes me freak

The Universe- It's so big, something has to be out there, and watching Discovery Channel 24/7 (which I do) dosen't help with this

Heights- I'm not exactly afraid of heights, but if it's open (not behind a window or anything), then I think I could possibly fall out and die

Rollercoasters- I don't get this, I love them, but I get so scared when I go on them

That's pretty much it.
Sky diving, and then I miss the target, I land into a lake, and sink to the bottum, and then suddenly, I swim ashore, and notice that there is a giant octapus about to eat me....

Then I woke up
well this is gonna be long

dead things
load noises in the night
guns firing at me(lol)
the bully at school
things jumping out at me

theres a lot more but im scared of squere eyes(not really just not bothered)

got more

pain(but i have broke my arm had a concussion and fell about 2000 times OUCH!)
being at any angle inbetween 180 and 140(no idea why)
upside down(on rollercoasters)
a certain rollercoaster callad cat and mouse with sharp 90 degree turns 20 feet in air without any tilting

I don't know why I'm so afraid of fungi. I'm also afraid of poison and poisoned food or drink.
Roller coasters... *Shudder*

And at one point, I woke up one morning and felt like there was somebody following me... and I had this odd fear of being eaten alive...
Fear of the dark and fearing death are both a part of human nature, I would say. We're naturally afraid of the unknown, things we cant understand.
It's not really the dark that people are scared of - it's what could be there. Same with death - we don't actually know what comes after... and so, we're scared.

Personally, I'm a wee bit frightened of heights, though I think a lot of people get that. The vertigo sure doesn't help.. :/
Your Staraptor.
And Afraid of heights....
Bad username choice right thar.

Luigibuster8989 said:
Turantulas >.>
/me has a pet Turantula. :O

Let's see...

Horror movies.
Alien movies, Zombie movies, Disaster Movies, etc. are ok, but I never watched a 'real' horror movie cuz I'm a wimp.

Other stuff I didn't think of.
MrGatr said:
^Seems resonable for someone to be scared of, but Spiders, really?!?!?!?!?

This is completely reasonable. Spiders creep. me. out.

Mainly poisonous and big spiders. Some spiders are bigger than really big humans.
Alright, I am very scared of this:



If you were scared of this vid, or any of the vids around it, say that you were
What!!!!! Do you know how many people go on You tube every day?...!!!!!
The only thing I'm scared of is any injuries that come in my way when I'm competing in the largest Track & Field competitions. This already happened to me once. I train hours a day and would hate to see something I work so hard for just collapse right in front of my eyes.