What are you scared of?

Zeusophobia: Fear of God or gods
That should be in "You laugh, you lose" in a comic or something xD I can't believe that's real. Anyways, so should this:
Defecaloesiphobia: Fear of painful bowel movements. Lolz

I just realized that I have a fear or loud noises at night. Makes me think someones breaking in. Especially after that one night where i went to bed right after watching a program on someone who got kidnapped. That was a "YAY 1 hour of sleep last night" moment.
I'm terrified, and I mean completely terrified of dmaster smashes.
I want to know what Dmaster smashes are? I've never seen one.

And I'm scared of being robbed, or people coming in my house and killing me at night, whenever i hear a noise, i don't move, turn off all sounds and try to listen.

Yeah, pretty much same for me. sometimes my bed creaks and at 2 in the morning that really freaks me out because i have no idea what it is
I used to be afraid of wasps. When I was on vacation, a wasp was very VERY close to me, and I completely freaked out. But in the summer of 2009, when I was camping with some friend, there was an enormous swarm of wasps; there probably was a hive nearby. And because of that, I was no longer afraid of those frickin wasps. I mean, everywhere I went, there was a wasp, so I got used to them I guess.

Right now I don't really have any phobia's or anything, but when I've just watched a horrormovie (doesn't matter what, ghosts or even saw.. Except for The Descent, not scary at all), I always can't sleep very well for 1 to 3 nights, because I think something out of that movie may happen to me, like a ghost in the mirror, or that I wake up, and I'm chained to the wall and I hear "I want to play a game with you." In the latter, I would first rage because I then lost The Game. Hehe.
Acrophobia- Fear of heights.

Autophobia- Fear of being alone or of oneself.

Aviophobia or Aviatophobia- Fear of flying.

Arsonphobia- Fear of fire.

All immediatly came to mind.

I'm also scared of guns.
I am scared of the dark when i am home alone because I never know whats going to come out of it and kill me :O
Botanophobic - fear of plants

Especially flowers, and especially touching anything with bare skin. I can't walk barefoot through the grass without getting incredibly creeped out after a single step.

I also have a fear of bees, but it's a rational fear, not a phobia, because I'm allergic to them.
I'm scared of advertising bots. They just creep me out.

dmaster out.
Toxicophobia - the morbid/irrational fear of being poisoned (direct), or accidentally poisoned.

I am terrified of house chemical products, such as bleach and dishwasher powder. I barely eat meat due to fear of food poisoning due to salmonella, and other such fun things. I'm one of those weird people who really smells their food before eating it, like my dairy for example. I have no issues eating meat that I have checked myself and cooked/handled myself, or by someone I trust implicitly. I'm not exactly a clean-freak or a germaphobe, I've been in medical and I know the body needs access to bacterias to grow and nurture an immune system, but I certainly don't want to ingest any in the toxic variety that can accumulate on or in foods. I can't stand to re-heat food due to this, has to be fresh.

I do not live in the best country in the world to have this phobia.. I have no issues with spiders and snakes whom are non venomous, or in the very low threat category, but anything higher risk such as Funnel Webs and King Mulga snakes are a huge panic attack trigger.

Mold is also a massive trigger for me. Last fit regarding mold left me in quite a state..

Haven't really found others with this quirk in my own life, but since it's got an actual phobia term in the medical dictionary I guess that others have had a similar issue as mine.
I'm scared of pointless threads like this.

JK, not really.

I'm afraid of spiders - not bad, but kinda. Everytime I think of spiders I get a weird feeling on my back that one is crawling up it.

I'm kinda afraid of bees - not tons though. Ever since age 5 when I stepped on one barefoot... -shudders-.

At night I'm often scared that someone is coming into my house - I can hear all the weird sounds. I'm also slightly afraid of extremely tall buildings - not very much though. Only a little. I'm kind of shy occasionally, but if you get to know me I am not at all. I'm also kinda afraid of being alone. Home alone is fine, but being alone in the middle of a crowded place and I don't know anyone is kind of scary to me.
I'm deathly scared of spiders. I hate them, their legs and how they walk and omg :/. Just 2 months a go there was one walking over wall behind my bed. I was chasing that little spider for 2 hours trying to kill it. I'm terrified of them ugh! *shivers*
I'm not afraid of any animal or insect, surprisingly enough. No heights, no vehicles, or anything like that. But, I've got Kinemortophobia. This actually wasn't on the Phobia list. It's a fear of Zombies or the Undead. Laugh if you want, but the idea of a worldwide epidemic of zombies breaking out? Sheesh. Creepy.

EDIT: Thominator, yeah, I have no trouble playing those. I'm quite good at CoD zombies, actually. I'm just scared at the thought of it actually happening.
Spiders. I also not fear but shudder at the pictures on my Health textbook that show the muscles and heart and etc. Also when Gollum pulled out the heart of a fish in "Two Towers". Ugh. I just freeze up. What's is that called? Hemophobia? No, that's fear of blood.


This also:
Traumatophobia- Fear of injury. Basically I'm afraid of getting physically injured, for example I'm not afraid of snakes, but if one was about to bite me I'd be scared.