What are you thankful for?


My parents first, for funding a large amount of my education, being generally awesome, and always supporting what I want to do with my life.

Second, the country I live in (England), because there are a lot of terrible places in the world and I consider myself lucky to not live in one of them.

Third, my health, because I'm thankful I don't have any medical conditions and such.

There's actually a lot to be thankful for, and way more than I can list. But those are the three big ones for me.
*every time my science teacher forgets we had homework to turn in.
*the random funny quotes that magically pop out of my mouth.
*my family
*keroro gunso
I am thankful for many things!

- Gods help and support in my life
- My family
- My friends
- My music
- Shelter, Clothes, Food
- Pokebeach People

These are just a few things, the list could go on... :p
I'm thankful for many things.

-My parents for always being availible when I need help
-God for just about everything
-My ister for always making me smile
-WPM for making this wonderful site

more, and more.
xD There's so much to be thankful for... To sum up what I'm thankful for: Life and everything that goes with it, good or bad. So... Pretty much everything. I'm sure there are a few things like war or disease I'm not thankful for, but to avoid a long list, I'm going to keep it at that. xP
Some you guys... lol

I'm thankful for my health. I've had way more health problems than I'd like, and I'm just thankful that I'm still alive.

I'm thankful for my family and friends. We've been through a lot, but I still love them all.

I'm thankful for being able to celebrate another Thanksgiving this year. :)

Other than that, there's so much more to be thankful for. That's just all I can think of right now.
nothing as the "white" people stole from my people and spread disease and famine across our land. why are we to be thankful for that?
With the economy like it is I am thankful that I still have a roof over my head and a place to slepp and eat. Not many have that right now so at least I have what I have right now.:)
E-----V------------E---------- R----Y------T-------------H-----------I-----------N-------------------G
Earth, Video games, Everything, Rain, Youth, Togetherness, Happy times, Ice cream, Not-so-happy-times, God looking out for me.
I am thankful for:

- My family.
- The friends that stand by me no matter what.
- Where I live and that I have a roof over my head.
- Not going hungry.
- Every day.
- My health.
- People that have helped me. (This includes teachers, coaches, and others) Without their help or guidance I could have turned out to be a completely different person.

...and there's probably more, but that's all I can think of for now!
My family (including pets)
My life
My best friend

dmaster out.
There's a world of things to be thankful for, (literally), but the big things seem to be:

1. A stable, supportive family with understanding parents that try to be a role model. I can't believe how rare that is nowadays.

2. Health! Life! I often find myself unhappy with my appearance, height and trivial matters, but the beautiful thing is that I don't have any type of disorders, and that I'm not crippled or terminally ill. I couldn't imagine life with these problems, and I have to keep myself thankful for these things every day.

3. Opportunity. I'm extremely thankful that I was born to a family living in the USA. Of course there are many places in the world that breed a very nice quality of life, but there are many that don't. I'm thankful that I was born in a place and time where people encourage you to follow your dreams and be successful doing what you want.