What are you thankful for?

I'm thankful for...

Family and friends: Being able to co-exist with them makes me feel better. And they help cheer me up when I feel down.

Health: I am thankful for my health. I have no bad diseases or anything like that.

Sports: I am thankful for sports for providing recreation and fun. It's also good to watch it live or on TV.
I'm thankful for

My family
My friends
Cooked meals every day
A roof over my head
I'm alive
My dog

Not much else I can say I'm really happy for. I know I'd be well off without a computer, TV, Pokemon Cards and my Wii. When you see something incredibly scary, like a car crash or train wreck, it really changes how you view your world. Especially if you were in the car or train...:(
WailmerMan said:
I somewhat agree with this. In a way you're feeling guilt. With guilt you just have to look at the situation and think can i do anything here? And if you can't you just have to let it go. Thinking and worrying about it will only make things harder.
yes.. I understand, its just that I don't want to be blind,
I know everyones heard this all before, but theres so many unfair things in life.

I just wish we were all more equal,
or there was some way to at least get rid of some of the cruelty.
Yeah, I wish so too. If it means this much to you, you should protest and try to make a change. If it doesn't work, it may be hard but you'll just have to accept it.
InfinityFangX said:
yes.. I understand, its just that I don't want to be blind,
I know everyones heard this all before, but theres so many unfair things in life.

I just wish we were all more equal,
or there was some way to at least get rid of some of the cruelty.
I know how you must feel, it's the same for me. Believe you're not the only one who lost hope in almost everything...