What are you thankful for?

InfinityFangX said:
I can tell you what i'm not thankful for.

-My life.

If this wasn't some form of ill-attempted sarcasm, then I really suggest you reconsider your attitude at this time of year. This is the time of the year for togetherness and for good times, not for negativity. Not to sound rude or anything, it just doesn't seem to be in the spirit of the holidays to think like that.

To anyone who doesn't think they have something to be grateful for, you're alive, and you have enough money to be using a computer obviously. You're also obviously in well enough health to do so. I'd say you're all pretty blessed, but I'm not in any of of your shoes. Just doesn't seem like the time of the year to be complaining.
InfinityFangX said:
I can tell you what i'm not thankful for.

-My life.

Without your life, you wouldn't be alive to be thankful for all of the happy things that you enjoy in your life.

Sorrow, heartache, misery, and pain are all very easy things to hate and to not be thankful of, I know. But it is these things that allow us to appreciate how amazingly blessed we are during good times in our lives. They can all make us stronger people, if that's how we interpret them and what we strive to be.

And without God, sorrow, heartache, misery, and pain would be the only things we could ever hope for.

Maybe your list is some of the things that I'm most thankful for of all.
InfinityFangX said:
I can tell you what i'm not thankful for.

-My life.

Nothing is ever that bad. Im not saying Im you but everyone experiences ups and down. Just be happy your not in poverty
I'm thankful to have a roof over my head, a cooked meal every dinner, and the ability to play the game that I love: Pokemon. I am also thankful to my Taekwondo instructors for teaching me how to fight, and to my parents for providing me with such an excellent life. I am thankful for my existence, and for my friends, without which I wouldn't be.
sorry, but I don't believe in hope and life anymore.

Thats just me, and you can't tell me what to think just because stuff is going good on your end.
I am thankful for God, my family, and being skilled at owning everyone in video games.
I'm thankful for

my athletic ability
my family
and everything else.

There not really in any order except the first one.
InfinityFangX said:
sorry, but I don't believe in hope and life anymore.

Thats just me, and you can't tell me what to think just because stuff is going good on your end.

Then you shouldn't put a downer on everyone elses mood. There are so many people in poverty and you think you have it bad... >.>
InfinityFangX said:
sorry, but I don't believe in hope and life anymore.

Thats just me, and you can't tell me what to think just because stuff is going good on your end.

Nah, What we're trying to say is that whether you realize it or not, things are probably going well on your end, too. Heck, if you are wealthy enough to have a computer, internet, and money to spend on Pokemon cards, you're pretty well off.

As for emotional/family problems, you've gotta realize that these aren't permanent. Nothing is permanent but death and taxes. (And maybe a wine stain on a wedding dress). Even if they persist, you've got to realize that there will always be someone worse off than you. At the very least, be thankful that you're not them, living with real pain every day.

Life is only temporary, so enjoy it while you can. If you didn't want a bunch of people replying to your post, you probably shouldn't have hit the button. :p
^ This.

I think what we really should be most thankful for is the ability to be thankful, but that's just me. :D
Cheers MylesPrower :D I seen and lived in poverty. It is not good. Be thank for ability to live in moderatley good conditions. The suffering of life strengthens your individual.
I know its not as bad as many other peoples situations,

but I still have lost all hope in everything.
and that is something.. I feel.. I will never get back.
InfinityFangX said:
I know its not as bad as many other peoples situations,

but I still have lost all hope in everything.
and that is something.. I feel.. I will never get back.
May I ask you why you have lost your hope? I can understand that if it's too personal you don't want to post it.
Pokequaza said:
May I ask you why you have lost your hope? I can understand that if it's too personal you don't want to post it.

well there are personal things,

but mostly I feel that there is so much suffering in the world for people and animals
and I feel horrible not being able to do anything.
humans are destroying the world and causing so much pain to the innocent.

of course im not speaking about everyone, theres a lot of good people,
but the ones im talking about can't and aren't even being stopped.

and the way animals are treated in fur farms, labs, and the meat industry tears me up inside.

Its not my misery i'm worried about, it everyone elses.

I only wish there was something I could do to help make a big difference,
but without power or a lot money there is little I can do.
I somewhat agree with this. In a way you're feeling guilt. With guilt you just have to look at the situation and think can i do anything here? And if you can't you just have to let it go. Thinking and worrying about it will only make things harder.