XY What are your views regarding Mega Forms being distributed through Wi-Fi?


Aspiring Trainer
According to corocoro, a special Torchic will be available through wi-fi with its Mega Form. The issue I have with it, is that all other Mega forms may also require special wi-fi only Pokémon, which is something that really bugs me! I hate that each event only lasts max 3 months and that you have all this new in-game stuff, but you can't do anything about it, because the event isn't out yet, or you missed it. Can't GF give you the choice of either using wifi or searching in-game? I don't think it's very fair for people who may get XY later or those that don't have a wifi connection.
RE: Anyone else dreading the wi-fi event only forms?

^I think Torchic is being distributed as an event because it is a starter. The other Megas may be available in-game normally...
The thing mentioned that a gym leader will teach you about megavolving. That said, I'm sure it's available in-game.
Well, I meant that it seems like the item needed to go to mega (not the mega stone) may be a wi-fi only item.
Its gonna be like hidden abilities in BW2.

Plenty casual ones being available in on of several ways (with differen degrees of diffculty/rarity) in regular gameplay, while very special ones, like starters from foreign regions will be obtainable through wifi events/global link mini games etc.
SuperHyperKirliafan89 said:
Sky Pillar said:
I hate all wi-fi exclusive crap, period.

I agree Wi-Fi's been done to death for too long, but it's here to stay.

I hate even more how Pokémon Wifi events don't even last that long.
Remember that in XY (as the source said) we're supposed to get one of the Kanto Starters by the professor? What if it has do with all 3 having Mega Evos and that's the special way to obtain those three (each starter having the respective Mega stone held)?
Sky Pillar said:
I hate all wi-fi exclusive crap, period.
Agreed, especially since having my old internet device swapped for a new one means I can't get my DS online anymore, which means no Dream World Pokemon for me :( ...

Metalizard said:
Remember that in XY (as the source said) we're supposed to get one of the Kanto Starters by the professor? What if it has do with all 3 having Mega Evos and that's the special way to obtain those three (each starter having the respective Mega stone held)?
That actually sounds really plausible. With Blaziken confirmed to have a Mega Evo, it seems likely all starters will, and doing this would mean everyone would have at least one Mega Evo starter available to them.
Metalizard said:
Remember that in XY (as the source said) we're supposed to get one of the Kanto Starters by the professor? What if it has do with all 3 having Mega Evos and that's the special way to obtain those three (each starter having the respective Mega stone held)?

That's what I thought when I saw Blaziken:
-some (at least Hoenn) Mega starters will be distributed through wifi
-some Mega starters will be obtainable through regular gameplay, and which set would be better to introduce this than Kanto, so it makes sense these would be obtainable.

The rest might all follow Blaziken one by one (Hoenn, Johto, Sinnoh), or perhaps one set being obtainable regularly in XY sequels.

As for Kalos Mega starters, I'd think they would save those for sequels since the starters are fresh anyway.

(Choosing to give out a Hoenn starter of all things is an indication that Hoenn-based games are further unlikely, otherwise THAT would have been where the Mega formes should be regularly available)
As Metalizard said, Torchic is most likely an event pokemon, because it is a starter. Mega pokemon aren't event exclusive, especially now there is gym-leader that knows "everything" about Mega Evolution, there is no reason to add her as a gym leader if Mega-Evolution was event exclusive.

On the whole wi-fi thing... nope, don't like it, never did. Sadly, I can imagine they go all DP (and to certain extent BW) on us with legendaries this gen.
Lanturnman said:
As Metalizard said, Torchic is most likely an event pokemon, because it is a starter. Mega pokemon aren't event exclusive, especially now there is gym-leader that knows "everything" about Mega Evolution, there is no reason to add her as a gym leader if Mega-Evolution was event exclusive.

On the whole wi-fi thing... nope, don't like it, never did. Sadly, I can imagine they go all DP (and to certain extent BW) on us with legendaries this gen.

Mega Blaziken is event exclusive.

Official Website said:
If you miss your chance to receive this Torchic as a gift, you will not be able to Mega Evolve Blaziken. Get Torchic and the Blazikenite, and blaze toward Mega Evolution!

Anyway I said in another thread that I hate it.
What house doesn't have WiFi today or a person who can't go to a free wifi hotspot today.

I won't have any problems with WiFi availability, but the time should be unlimited to recieve the pokemon.
I agree, time should be unlimited to receive the Pokemon. What if I wanted to start over the game a year from now, can I never get MegaBlaziken again because I can't get the Blazikenite anymore?

So i'm not totally against Wi-Fi distribution.. I just hope after the event is over they don't make it DLC in the 3DS Store.
Lanturnman said:
As Metalizard said, Torchic is most likely an event pokemon, because it is a starter. Mega pokemon aren't event exclusive, especially now there is gym-leader that knows "everything" about Mega Evolution, there is no reason to add her as a gym leader if Mega-Evolution was event exclusive.

On the whole wi-fi thing... nope, don't like it, never did. Sadly, I can imagine they go all DP (and to certain extent BW) on us with legendaries this gen.

Yeah, but what if the item needed to make Blaziken mega is event-exclusive?

Heck, I'll even quote the front page: "The Blazikenite item cannot be found through normal gameplay." What if ALL Mega items are event exclusive? Just because they may be event-only doesn't mean there can't be anyone in-game explaining the mega forms. A lot of Dream world stuff was event-only and we still got fennal telling us about tucking in Pokémon.
Blob55 said:
Lanturnman said:
As Metalizard said, Torchic is most likely an event pokemon, because it is a starter. Mega pokemon aren't event exclusive, especially now there is gym-leader that knows "everything" about Mega Evolution, there is no reason to add her as a gym leader if Mega-Evolution was event exclusive.

On the whole wi-fi thing... nope, don't like it, never did. Sadly, I can imagine they go all DP (and to certain extent BW) on us with legendaries this gen.

Yeah, but what if the item needed to make Blaziken mega is event-exclusive?

It's confirmed to be; the official site says you can't get it via normal gameplay.
I really don't mind them being distributed over wifi as long as the time windows aren't as short as some have been in the past. Wireless connectivity is becoming increasingly common to the point where if you don't have it in your house, you can still find it at a McDonalds, or a coffee shop, or a Panera, or etc etc.
Frezgle said:
Blob55 said:
Yeah, but what if the item needed to make Blaziken mega is event-exclusive?

It's confirmed to be; the official site says you can't get it via normal gameplay.
I really don't mind them being distributed over wifi as long as the time windows aren't as short as some have been in the past. Wireless connectivity is becoming increasingly common to the point where if you don't have it in your house, you can still find it at a McDonalds, or a coffee shop, or a Panera, or etc etc.

I edited my post.

My problem with the short time of availability for event Pokémon, is what if you want to reset the game, buy the other version, or get the 3rd version/squeal? You're kind of screwed for time here.
This is why I want the 3DS to be hacked, so that people who missed cool events can still get the Pokémon a year or so later.
How about no, Nintendo doesn't need hackers and pirates to ruin the 3DS. It's the only thing making the most money for them now.

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CaseyVGCx said:
How about no, Nintendo doesn't need hackers and pirates to ruin the 3DS. It's the only thing making the most money for them now.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2

it's Nintendos fault for making the 3/DS events so short. Most games have DLC available for years.