XY What are your views regarding Mega Forms being distributed through Wi-Fi?

Blob55 said:
What if ALL Mega items are event exclusive?

Don't worry about that. Not all will be event exclusive. Quoting from the main page too:
Some of the many Mega Stones seem to be hidden in secret places in the Kalos region. Finding every one of them will be one of the challenges awaiting you in Pokemon X and Pokemon Y!

Though Mewtwo's Mega Stone will probably be another event-exclusive one, though not in the same way as Torchic... My guess is that the Movie Mewtwo will need to be transfered to XY to get its Mega Stone. Kinda like how Zorua and Zoroark were only accessible by transfering Celebi and the Beasts to BW...
Mega stones are probably easy enough to find, but what about that Blazikenite? Wouldn't all of those nite items be event exclusive?
Why would you like everyone to use hacked and illegitimate pokemon for another gen again?

That's why WiFi battles were dead.

Once again I agree Event pokemon should be available for an unlimited time but no modern console deserves to be hacked.

In Nintendo's perspective the Event pokemon are not DLCs. DLCs are always available all the time, look at pokemon mystery dungeon. You can buy the DLC still to this day. Event pokemon are special pokemon that if you miss the time your out of luck then.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
What about the PWT tournament DLC stuff? I swear most of it was only available for a month. There's plenty of DLC for Pokémon games that's impossible to get after a few weeks, mainly Dream World Dolls and furniture.
Blob55 said:
Mega stones are probably easy enough to find, but what about that Blazikenite? Wouldn't all of those nite items be event exclusive?

Huh? But the -nite items are Mega Stones! xD
And since you can find some of them in-game, that means they are not event exclusive. ^^'

By the way, they do events to boost sales for that particular period (marketing). The first event will be a popular starter with an exclusive item (and a rare ability) = the only way to get MegaBlaziken
many people will want to buy the games as fast as they can so they can get it. A few months later you'll have another event to bring potential costumers, while giving a treat to the people that already bought the games. If they're available for a looooong period of time, some people might postpone their purchase and that's unfavorable for the franchise. They need all the money they can get to develop more games, to pay their publicity expenses and obviously the salaries! xD (and probably to pay Nintendo's commission? not sure about this one).
Yup, it may not sound fair for everyone else but it's their way to make money, we all need to keep that in mind. ^^' They want to make their fans happy but it's also a business.
At least they gave us 9 months to save money for the games (and for the console if we didn't own one already). :cool:
Oops. I thought the Mega stone and the nite items were different. I thought you needed to find the nite item and have it in your bag and the Mega stone was the hold item.
This is related: I hope they don't do exclusive Pokemon such as a Smeargle or other Pokemon at a game champion ship. Because who is going to spend like 2000 Dollars to get on a plane and go get that Pokemon. I hope they all stay available over Wi-Fi. Well, not all. Because I would like them as soon as possible. :) Meaning in game would be nice.
CaseyVGCx said:
What house doesn't have WiFi today or a person who can't go to a free wifi hotspot today.

I won't have any problems with WiFi availability, but the time should be unlimited to recieve the pokemon.

I don't know where you live, but there's a whole world out there that's veeery different, and people play pokemon there too!

Shocking, I know.
I live in a modern society where there's WiFi Hotspots are everywhere. Man I guess I'm lucky then.

Sent from my HTC One using Tapatalk 2
Can't say I've ever cared about a Wifi distribution. All the appeal of pokemon for me comes from building a team from scratch in-game, so downloading something powerful from an external source would almost feel like cheating, lol. But I'd actually be happy if they finally gave me a compelling reason to catch a Wifi event, like making the Mawile or Ampharos megastone event exclusive. I'd be all over those.

Also I think there's a lot of overblown paranoia about Game Freak charging for DLC. That has no precedent in pokemon, and it's completely against the spirit and vision of the game, which is about trading rather than purchasing. New Super Luigi Brothers this is not.

Neil said:
I agree, time should be unlimited to receive the Pokemon. What if I wanted to start over the game a year from now, can I never get MegaBlaziken again because I can't get the Blazikenite anymore?

I'm sure Game Freak would encourage you to buy a new copy of the game and trade your Blazikenite to that one ;)
I am much happier with things being given over wi-fi than I am with in-store giveaways. Living in a small town where the nearest EB games is a 6 hour drive and doesn't always have the events anyway.

DLC Mega Pokemon are the future I'm sure.They won't be expensive, but they will still happen. Which I think is a good thing cause they can add more Megas over the course of the Gen rather than having them all programmed into the game already.

Or possibly a Dream World update where Mega stones are hidden could be the future. Or DLC app/mini game that houses them.
Keep the discussion friendly. If you disagree with something, say so respectfully. Some previous comments have been removed for being disrespectful and off-topic.
Drokas said:
Blob55 said:
Mega stones are probably easy enough to find, but what about that Blazikenite? Wouldn't all of those nite items be event exclusive?

Huh? But the -nite items are Mega Stones! xD
And since you can find some of them in-game, that means they are not event exclusive. ^^'

By the way, they do events to boost sales for that particular period (marketing). The first event will be a popular starter with an exclusive item (and a rare ability) = the only way to get MegaBlaziken
many people will want to buy the games as fast as they can so they can get it. A few months later you'll have another event to bring potential costumers, while giving a treat to the people that already bought the games. If they're available for a looooong period of time, some people might postpone their purchase and that's unfavorable for the franchise. They need all the money they can get to develop more games, to pay their publicity expenses and obviously the salaries! xD (and probably to pay Nintendo's commission? not sure about this one).
Yup, it may not sound fair for everyone else but it's their way to make money, we all need to keep that in mind. ^^' They want to make their fans happy but it's also a business.
At least they gave us 9 months to save money for the games (and for the console if we didn't own one already). :cool:

LOL OK. Since my post was deleted.

They don't need events in order to make money. The Pokémon games without wifi events tended to sell more, but even those had events. Those events were definitely not geared towards making more sales since they were not available for purchase and obtaining them would be too much trouble in the first place.(Travelling halfway across the country. No one is going to buy the game earlier so they can travel across the country and get some random Pokémon.) Maybe some of these events are trying to sell some movies/magazines but definitely not trying to sell Pokémon games.

The events are just to make Pokémon more rare/"meaningful" because of their philosophy about Pokémon. They don't need to distribute Mega Forms through Wi-Fi it's just something they do because they think it somehow makes the games more fun for us...it doesn't. This is on topic. I'm saying why business has nothing to do with distributing Mega Forms. Even if it does that doesn't mean we have to be ok with it.( Why should I be OK with something just because it makes a company more money? No one was OK with the Xbox one policies.) This is not an opinion. It is a fact that they don't need to release mega events in order to make money and I had charts to prove it(which I assume you saw since you liked the last post) before my post was deleted.
I always thought Pokemon is one of the very friendly franchises in terms of milking its fans.

I mean sure they would save some extra fancy thing to distribute as an event to make it more special and keep players interested after the games are out....but even then, it never costs you anything.

The only greedy apsect of pokemon on a fundamental level is the "multiple versions" and "third version/sequel" concept, but that's been part of it since the beginning, and I don't thin I have ever seen someone bring this one up while trying to make gamefreak look like a company that cares about profit (lol).

Personally, I don't mind when its about a Darkrai with hacked (I mean event-only heh) legendary Dragon moves or something.

I mind when it goes to making something new unavailable, and the first case has been Zorua not even ecnountered in regular BW gameplay.
That thing pissed me off. But hey, you could still simply trade for one if you wanted it, it just felt wrong to me to do that for the generation a pokemon was introduced in. But also they then made one as a gift in BW2 regular gameplay within the same generation anyway.

Then there was the other case... The Therian formes of the Kami trio in BW2.
That's about the only rip-off-esque thing I've seen gamefreak pull off so far.
Cause you had to buy some stupid 3DS app and play its mini game to get these at all.

But even there I knew they will be accessible in a casual manner in games following BW2, just like how every game since Platinum has had Rotom applications put somewhere, the orb available to change Giratinas forme, and a bunch of meteorites to change Deoxys.

So even if 80% of the Mega evolutions were event only (which is still free anyway, just limited), its not gonna stay like that for too long anyway, in the case where someone would miss them.
Mitja said:
I mind when it goes to making something new unavailable, and the first case has been Zorua not even ecnountered in regular BW gameplay.

That wasn't the first case. Jirachi, Deoxys. Those were hard to trade for too because there was no wifi back then. The only way to get those for most people was through hacks.

I think Mew was an event Pokémon for Gold and Silver. I believe to get Celebii, Ho-oh and Lugia(in Pokémon XD) in Ruby and Saphire you had to buy Colloseum so it's like the Therian formes except the game is more worth it(but more expensive).

Since then Deoxys Jirachi and Celebii have still been event exclusive. I don't think you can ever encounter them in any game through normal gameplay except Celebii in gold, silver and crystal. So they don't really make them easily available in the next generations either. I've still never had a Deoxys. Meteors for changing it's form is all well and good but I've never had it in the first place so it doesn't matter.
Mitja said:
I always thought Pokemon is one of the very friendly franchises in terms of milking its fans.

That much is true; compared to some of the other big players in the gaming business gamefreak and nintendo are pretty chill guys.

Mitja said:
I mean sure they would save some extra fancy thing to distribute as an event to make it more special and keep players interested after the games are out....but even then, it never costs you anything.

Nnooow. that's where you lose me, honey.

Mitja said:
The only greedy apsect of pokemon on a fundamental level is the "multiple versions" and "third version/sequel" concept, but that's been part of it since the beginning, and I don't thin I have ever seen someone bring this one up while trying to make gamefreak look like a company that cares about profit (lol).

That's true too, the thing is that the 3rd version is an upgraded version of the first games with more features, more available pokemon and in some cases, slightly better gameplay and graphics, and it's a standalone game, not some data you download: a physical object. The only problem with it is that sometimes, the 3rd version somewhat devalues the previous versions (NOT the case of BW2), but that is compensated by the fact pokemon games have only one save slot.

Mitja said:
Personally, I don't mind when its about a Darkrai with hacked (I mean event-only heh) legendary Dragon moves or something.

I mind when it goes to making something new unavailable, and the first case has been Zorua not even ecnountered in regular BW gameplay.
That thing pissed me off. But hey, you could still simply trade for one if you wanted it, it just felt wrong to me to do that for the generation a pokemon was introduced in. But also they then made one as a gift in BW2 regular gameplay within the same generation anyway.

Let's leave outside trade out of this, and even in your example, to get a zorua, someone, not you, must have had the event celebi and the event legendary beasts, so this particular case (and most of them, I believe) still requires events. If noone could get those events or noone wanted to trade the zorua, would you still be able to ge it?

Mitja said:
Then there was the other case... The Therian formes of the Kami trio in BW2.
That's about the only rip-off-esque thing I've seen gamefreak pull off so far.
Cause you had to buy some stupid 3DS app and play its mini game to get these at all.

But even there I knew they will be accessible in a casual manner in games following BW2, just like how every game since Platinum has had Rotom applications put somewhere, the orb available to change Giratinas forme, and a bunch of meteorites to change Deoxys.

That's sort of true... it's true they can make former event pokemon available in-game in posterior titles, but they don't do it much, don't they?

Mitja said:
So even if 80% of the Mega evolutions were event only (which is still free anyway, just limited), its not gonna stay like that for too long anyway, in the case where someone would miss them.

If megaevolutions continue in other games then yes, probably former event mega stones will be available in-game, but anyway, megaevos will become an integral part of the competitive scene: drizzle and drought were just abilities, and look how much they shape the metagame. Now imagine what could happen if your opponent can have in his team a mawile that does as much physical damage as black kyurem or a lucario with adaptability and those are not even legendaries. How would you be if during battle, any pokemon could evolve and plow through your team with ease?. you would have to counter with your own megapokemon, right?
garbodorable said:
Can't say I've ever cared about a Wifi distribution. All the appeal of pokemon for me comes from building a team from scratch in-game, so downloading something powerful from an external source would almost feel like cheating, lol. But I'd actually be happy if they finally gave me a compelling reason to catch a Wifi event, like making the Mawile or Ampharos megastone event exclusive. I'd be all over those.

Also I think there's a lot of overblown paranoia about Game Freak charging for DLC. That has no precedent in pokemon, and it's completely against the spirit and vision of the game, which is about trading rather than purchasing. New Super Luigi Brothers this is not.

Neil said:
I agree, time should be unlimited to receive the Pokemon. What if I wanted to start over the game a year from now, can I never get MegaBlaziken again because I can't get the Blazikenite anymore?

I'm sure Game Freak would encourage you to buy a new copy of the game and trade your Blazikenite to that one ;)

Yeah but what if the Blazikenite and other Mega Stone's such as the Lucarionite are non tradable items like the Griseous Orb was back in Gen 4? Then I would say people who would want to start a new game would really be in a pickle (>_<)
I think it's FANTASTIC! Anything Pokemon does that translates to me not having to go to game-stop is sensational! Everything they offer should be DLC content and or WIFI download.
I am happy so long as it isn't a Gamestop event. I do not have one anywhere near where I live. I think the closest one is at least a day trip away. Same with Toys 'R' Us.

I really like the events that do not require a specific location.

Personally, I would rather have these available in-game though.
I'm fine with Wi-Fi distributions for this particular mega stone.
It's not like Smogon is going to let Mega Blaziken touch the OU tier anyway.

But no, in all seriousness...I just think of it as another way to "catch 'em all".