XY What are your views regarding Mega Forms being distributed through Wi-Fi?

Personally having a Wi-Fi event is pretty helpful and easier to access, but I do hope they distribute all the Pokemon fairly, unlike they did with the past generations. It felt very unfair that Japan was getting all these cool Pokemon and not us.
桜Knight said:
Personally having a Wi-Fi event is pretty helpful and easier to access, but I do hope they distribute all the Pokemon fairly, unlike they did with the past generations. It felt very unfair that Japan was getting all these cool Pokemon and not us.

I agree. I'm hoping it'll change as Pokemon X and Y now accommodates seven languages into one game, and for the first time it'll release it worldwide on the same date; why would there be exclusive events? I really hope they don't continue doing that.

Personally, I'll be happy with these mega wi-fi events as long as I can do it from the comfort of my home. If not, I'll be a little disappointed, but what else can I do? Just get the Mega Pokemon on their terms, or not get it at all, those are the only options.
I always enjoyed events, to be honest. Yes, it was a bother to drive to GameStop. Yes, it's kinda evil since it's already in the code (not counting things like Spacial Rend/Roar of Time Darkrai :p ), but they were still fun since you got a special 'mon out of it. WiFi events are better and less evil since you aren't deliberately dragged out to a store that wants to sell you stuff and get to stay home. Short time frames and the one-time-only nature of the events are still a pain sometimes, though, and a surprisingly large number of people have no WiFi.
As far as Mega Stones go, I think Blazikenite (Couldn't we just have Blaze Meganite, Aura Meganite, etc.?) has a good chance of being unique. It's the only starter megalution shown so far, and I get the feeling that they added it "for fun", so to speak, as something to kick off the release.
...Then again, I could be completely wrong, and all starters have event-exclusive Mega Stones. xD That would suck. Really, many more Mega events would suck, but I expect the amount of event-only stones to be small. It surely can't be all of them, as has been shown.
I tend to believe that the majority of the Megas will be obtainable without events. I believe this because the Torchic event lasts for months, and it would be illogical to:
1) Have multiple Mega events going on at one time.
2) Make Blaziken the only Mega available for the first few months.
I think they will also distribute them over Global Link. because on the X and Y website there are two images that talk about receiving a special Pikachu ( http://www.pokemonxy.com/en-us/primary_feature/ ). In this case I am very happy, since they can distribute more than one event Pokemon at a time. Also in the upper right corner talks about participants receiving a master ball. Meaning that they could give out mega stones too.