BW/BW2 What could they possibly do in Generation 5?

No wallace, I don't think he deserves the champion spot. He can go back to gym leading!
Don't know if anyone has said anything about it yet, but Dunsparce would be a perfect candidate for a new evolution in the Gen 5 games. It can learn Agility in HG/SS so maybe it can evolve into some Normal/Ground flightless wyrm like thing.

There should also be a way for 3 people to battle at once with one person using two Pokemon and the other 2 people using one each.
They could make new evolutions for Pokemon who don't have evolutions yet. They introduced Gligar's evolution (Gliscor) in the 4th generation. There probably will be new evolution to come in the 5th generation.
I think they should pay homage to the original games. I'm pretty sure that everyone that used to play back in Gen1 remembers all the rumors of the pokegods. Charcolt (Charizard's Evo), Rainer (Blastoise's Evo), and I could never remember Venasaur's evo. But there was also a Mewthree, Chrono Mew, Pikablu (turned out to be marill), Pikaflare, Pikabud, Nidogod and Nidogodess. There are so many pokegod rumors they could work off of to pay homage to the old school fans.
PheonyxXx said:
I think they should pay homage to the original games. I'm pretty sure that everyone that used to play back in Gen1 remembers all the rumors of the pokegods. Charcolt (Charizard's Evo), Rainer (Blastoise's Evo), and I could never remember Venasaur's evo. But there was also a Mewthree, Chrono Mew, Pikablu (turned out to be marill), Pikaflare, Pikabud, Nidogod and Nidogodess. There are so many pokegod rumors they could work off of to pay homage to the old school fans.

Thats a really great idea! Even though all the rumors turned out to be fake it was really fun thinking what "Doomsday" or "Charcolt" would look like, even if you couldn't actually use them in game just acknowledging their existence would be cool.
PheonyxXx said:
I think they should pay homage to the original games. I'm pretty sure that everyone that used to play back in Gen1 remembers all the rumors of the pokegods. Charcolt (Charizard's Evo), Rainer (Blastoise's Evo), and I could never remember Venasaur's evo. But there was also a Mewthree, Chrono Mew, Pikablu (turned out to be marill), Pikaflare, Pikabud, Nidogod and Nidogodess. There are so many pokegod rumors they could work off of to pay homage to the old school fans.

I think this is a great idea. Maybe even recognize Missingno as a official pokémon.
I think they need a hitmonnorris evolve from hitmonlee. I don't know any more fighters that they could rip off, but they would have a hitmonchan evo too.
J-chan lll said:
I think they need a hitmonnorris evolve from hitmonlee. I don't know any more fighters that they could rip off, but they would have a hitmonchan evo too.

Manny Paquio
Oscar De La Hoya
Mohammed Ali
Mike Tyson
Joe Frazier
George Foreman
Floyd Mayweather Jr.

All boxers for a hitmonchan evo

Brock Lesnar
Tito Ortiz
Ken Shamrock
Frank Shamrock
Forrest Griffin
Rampage Jackson
And alot more I could list.

All MMA Fighters for a Hitmontop evo. Considering he's supposed to be an all arounder.
Wow, these are all really great possible outcomes for Gen 5. I think in Gen 5, they might create newer forms of any of the previous Gen Pokemon. Also, I'm just thinking that they might create more Bug Pokemon. It seems like there could be endless possibilities for Bug Pokemon. I guess we'll just have to see. :D
PheonyxXx said:
I think they should pay homage to the original games. I'm pretty sure that everyone that used to play back in Gen1 remembers all the rumors of the pokegods. Charcolt (Charizard's Evo), Rainer (Blastoise's Evo), and I could never remember Venasaur's evo. But there was also a Mewthree, Chrono Mew, Pikablu (turned out to be marill), Pikaflare, Pikabud, Nidogod and Nidogodess. There are so many pokegod rumors they could work off of to pay homage to the old school fans.
GAHH!! I remember this!! *sigh* they should do that. I remember one of my friends made up a charizard evolution called "charcazard". it was just basically charizard without wings XD
In 5th generation they can make formes of Pokemon. Also new evolutions for the old generation Pokemon.
I don't know, they will probably end up making a lot of evolutions of Pokemon that already exist, maybe a lion? I don't think they have made that, Raikou Entei Suicune kinda...
Vulpix Yolk said:
I don't know, they will probably end up making a lot of evolutions of Pokemon that already exist, maybe a lion? I don't think they have made that, Raikou Entei Suicune kinda...

lion sounds a lot like shinx/luxio/luxray...
Pokemon with smellovision ;)

Pokemon:Grape Version and Pokemon: New Car Smell Version

colourfully hating of the disc,
There probubly gonna take ideas from previous generations.How many more Pokemon can tehy coem up with without given away a hint to what it already looks like?
Dramatic Prairie Dogs! LoLcats! Smiley Faces!

L337 & n00b


Do we have a giraffe Pokemon beside Tropius? Tropius isn't much of a Giraffe...