BW/BW2 What could they possibly do in Generation 5?

To be honest, I've had enough of these new evolutions. They need to create some new, imaginative Pokemon.
Bubba235 said:
^XD Thanks SDB...;)

They need some kinda grass lion...I have always hated the grass type, so a Grass Lion would totally make my Pokemon Life worth it. XP

I'd actually prefer a fire lion myself. ^^

If they do make new evolutions, I think it should be for pokemon who don't already have them.. e.g corsola, dunsparce.

And there are still loads of organisms on Earth to base pokemon off of.
I just hope they don't get unimaginative and give us a 'car' pokemon or something. -.-
Forum Shark said:
To be honest, I've had enough of these new evolutions. They need to create some new, imaginative Pokemon.

This. And also pointless legendaries and unimaginive ripoffs from the previous gens. Because of this Sinnoh was about 40% garbage.
~Magma King~ said:
Forum Shark said:
To be honest, I've had enough of these new evolutions. They need to create some new, imaginative Pokemon.

This. And also pointless legendaries and unimaginive ripoffs from the previous gens. Because of this Sinnoh was about 40% garbage.

Amen to that! Don;t get m wrong, quite a few of the Pokemon were pretty lame.
^Bronzor/Bronzong for one. And then, almost half of the new Pokemon were lengendaries!?! What was that? (XD I am just overexaggerating, but still, WAY too many legendaries)
Sweet Dawn Berlitz said:
Dr.empoleon said:
How about just a normal Animal? Why cant they just have like normal Dogs/Cats/Birds/Fish/etc..

Birds: Starly = grey starling, Hoothoot/Noctowl = Owl, Pidgey= bird
Cats: Meowth, Glameow and Skitty.
Fish: Magikarp and Feebas

Fail! (In a nice way :p)
How about a bird that doesnt have a random name like... Pidgey. How about just a normal animal dude.. i mean NORMAL DOG.... NORMAL FISH... NORMAL BIRDS!!! :p
Since I am bored, let me list all the Pokémon that can have a possible new evolution, or pre-evolution:

Farfetch'd - I mean it holds a stick. Its not that impressive. Farfetch'd should evolve.

Kangaskhan - This is one of those Pokémon that needs a baby form. I mean Snorlax got a baby form.

Pinsir - If Scyther had an evolution, so should Pinsir. Maybe a baby form as well so it would be like Magmar, and Electabuzz.

Jynx - Same thing with Jynx as I mentioned with Pinsir. It should evolve too.

Scyther - A baby form might be a good idea. Not sure.

Mr.Mime - He is okay, but it should at least evolve as well.

Tauros - It is hardly even used in competitive battling. I bet it would be better if it evolved.

Lapras - It is a wall kinda. But like Chansey, it could use a level up in evolution meaning.

Sudowoodo - I am not sure about this one, but you never know if it could use an evolution or not.

Girafarig - The first Psychic/Normal type I believe. It definitely should at least evolve, or at least have some sort of baby form.

Dunsparce - The underdog Pokémon, Dunsparce. It could be really something if it had a chain of evolutions or something.

Quilfish - Same applies for Quilfish as Dunsparce.

Shuckle - Its okay, but it can as well use a evolution.

Corsola - Its decent, but I have never seen it in a battle. It can be stronger if it had an evolution.

Delibird - Same for Delibird as for above.

Skarmory - Its okay, but it can as well use a evolution.

Stantler - Um... it really needs to evolve.

Smeargle - All it can do is sketch. I bet it be better if it had another form.

Miltank - A wall like Blissey, and a Pokémon that should either evolve, or have a baby form.

Sableye - The first Ghost/Dark type. It could use a evolution.

Mawhile - Its not overly strong, or competitive. It could at least evolve.

Plusle - Needs an evolution, and they could do a name based on multiplication.

Minun - Needs an evolution, and they could do a name based on division.

Volbeat - I don't know about him.

Illumise - I don't know about her.

Spinda - Useless. All I got to say (Panda Pokémon)

Zangoose - Its a strong Pokémon, but could evolve

Seviper - ts a strong Pokémon, but could evolve

Lunatone - wall based Pokémon, but they can improve.

Solrock - wall based Pokémon, but they can improve.

Kecleon - All it really does is change type. Its really cool, but they can make this one even better.

Tropius - I don't know, but its just weird not to evolve this.

Relicanth - Its an ancient Pokémon. All the others evolved, why can't it?

Luvdisk - Useless. All I got to say

Pachirisu - Very cute Pokémon, but cute doesn't always cut it. It needs to get stronger.

Spirtomb - I am not sure on this. It may not even need to evolve.

Carnivine - I am not sure on this.

Rotom - I am not sure on this.
Yakkov said:
Spinda - Useless. All I got to say (Panda Pokémon)
It's a panda? Doesn't really look like one.

SkySheild21 said:
They could make something thats doesn't make any since.

Like a frog thats a Water/Fire.
Now that would be crazy! You know that they've ran out of ideas if they make a Pokemon like that. :p
They'll have to make some new pokemon if they choose to make a Generation 5, but I really think they should build and expand off of the evolution lines that arent complete here. There are many pokemon that could use an evolution.....Gifarafig, Stantler, Ursaring, Magcargo, Heracross Tauros, Drifbilm, Lucario, and Scizor to name a few. Like they did with Magmortar/Electivire they could repeat with perhaps some of these lines to not have to come up with as many original ideas. At this point, was Generation 5 even confirmed? I dont know how long they can make these games, hopefully they continue to, but I'm just unsure at this point in time. I really hope they also expand on the eeveelutions to now feature all types.....I really think that would be a great decision made in the next generation.

-Black Rayquaza
We can't forget that we were making the same doubts, and critisim when awating DP. I'm sure the 5th gen will be good, just expect less and less reaistic pokemon.