• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.

what deck will you run for states?

i think im gonna wait till DP4 comes out and then build a new deck from scratch
Roxasora125 said:

(Darkrai + Blissey + Weavile)

I think I may play Gust of Wind for Battle Roads but who knows.

ummm you mean blisscry not dgw thats honchkrow absol deck.im playin the same deck to wow
Ya i agree with charizard12 i think im going to wait until DP4 comes out and see what kind of combos we can work with. But i have a deck in mine but still thinking on it.
i'm playing probably either bk [team renegade sd that i made up] or my eddy hand trick deck, but i want to see what this "the rush" deck is
Hey, Im playing Darkrai too... With weavile... But not with blissey... I'm using crawdaunt ex. Risky... But Risk=Reward. I'm also aiming to take out other darkrai decks and G&G decks. It'll be awsome.

Either CWD or Ill play a Kabutops deck from GE.

I'll be playing Speed Empoleon. I think if I play it right I should do some major damage.