What do/did you think about turning teenager?

Do you like being a teenager?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • I am under 13 but I will enjoy it

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • I am under 13 but I won't enjoy it

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I have already been a teenager and I did enjoy it

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I have already been a teenager but I didn't enjoy it

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters

Some of the responses here...

Whatever. Enjoy it, don't take life too seriously til high school. Get good grades. DON'T DO DRUGS.
I'm turning 13 in 12 years. No, cough, cough, just kidding. I'm turning 13 this July and it says," Hello, come to your death!"

I like being a kid.
I'm 16 and I think being a teenager is fun.
There isn't really anything that you need to worry about.
Just make sure you don't make friends with bad people.
I'm 13 and I didn't feel any big change or at least havent felt it so far...as for puberty maybe it just hasnt hit me yet...you still get to play around and stuff or maybe just I do

the only thing is that some adults think that you are always up to something bad

you do get more freedom though
I 'm turning 13, I didn't feel any changes on me.But, I feel it on my friends.
I am just under a teen, I am 12 and my birthday is in like 3 weeks
I'm sixteen, and like everything else it has its ups and downs. I'm going to get my learner's permit soon, I've got a job, and I get more previleges. On the other hand, all adults think you're always getting in trouble, and I get blamed for everything that my little brother does. Overall, it's pretty good, but the downs are some of the worst during life.
i'm 14 now, 15 in november, i look like i'm 15 already, but i act like 12.
but in personal life things get... (oh god, how do i say this) different.
when turning 13 you get desires to do things, and you do things...
you get intrested in the other gender... and things happen.
(haha, look all of you thinbking, i mean things like kissing, and maybe a little further, not too much)
^ Pubery, mmm pubery :p

Well I haven't yet started puberty and I'm 12 years old, soon to be 13 in July so kinda not-looking forawrd to it, who knows could be the greatest year of mah entire life?
One thing I am not looking forward to is the, well, the attraction to the oppisite gender. People in my year go out, you know boyfriend and girlfriend and get REALLY embarassed. Luckily as you grow older you get more confidence in that. I don't know as I am only 12, its not known to have all that stuff.
Noobnerd said:
Being a teen: because the adults think you're rebellious, the kids think you're a bad example, and the other teens treat you like an outcast.

Quite an accurate description, NN.

Anyway, being a teen....is not much different than being a child. I was treated the same at 12 and 13.

So far, being a teen hasn't been a that grand....the good things don't start to happen until 16. Get a job, only 2 years left of school (excluding college), relationships aren't quite as "kiddy"...

Meh, as for you guys turning 13 this year (wow, I thought I was young), just make sure you don't spend it being sick.....like me. =/
I frankly enjoy it, there is Drama all the time, but I am not the person to let that stop me.
It's just that you have to hang out with the right people and what-not, personally I think it's about your social skills and how much you enjoy life.

I am 14 and act like I am still 4 at times, and I have plenty of friends.
Blue Thunder said:
Noobnerd said:
Being a teen: because the adults think you're rebellious, the kids think you're a bad example, and the other teens treat you like an outcast.

Quite an accurate description, NN.

Anyway, being a teen...is not much different than being a child. I was treated the same at 12 and 13.

So far, being a teen hasn't been a that grand...the good things don't start to happen until 16. Get a job, only 2 years left of school (excluding college), relationships aren't quite as "kiddy"...

Meh, as for you guys turning 13 this year (wow, I thought I was young), just make sure you don't spend it being sick...like me. =/

I turned 16 a few months ago, and I can honestly say, it's the best thing ever.
There's like some sort of superpower you're blessed with at 16 that makes life so much better.
As for turning 13, there's really not much of a change. Besides puberty of course.
Even then, some start puberty at 12, others at 15.

As daunting as puberty might be, you just better hope you don't start it too late. Still looking like a boy/girl at 15 does have a number of cons.
It's normal though. The problem is it lasts throughout the teenage years practically. If it's not 13, it's probably coming soon. :F

dmaster out.
I feel braver to talk to people (especially girls, lol) I was always kinda quiet and didnt say much but ever sense I turned 13 I just feel diferent, and I like it.