What do/did you think about turning teenager?

Do you like being a teenager?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 52.9%
  • No

    Votes: 6 11.8%
  • I am under 13 but I will enjoy it

    Votes: 8 15.7%
  • I am under 13 but I won't enjoy it

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I have already been a teenager and I did enjoy it

    Votes: 4 7.8%
  • I have already been a teenager but I didn't enjoy it

    Votes: 2 3.9%

  • Total voters
Being 17, I think that you just learn to be mature (sometimes). If you are out with your buddies, you can be immature but, in public, you should learn to be mature. I don't care about age, I just like intellegence in others. If a 12 year old is smarter than a 16 year old, I will respect the 12 year old... Age doesnt matter
red blastoise said:
I'm 14 now, 15 in November, I look like I'm 15 already, but I act like 12.
but in personal life things get... (oh god, how do I say this) different.
when turning 13 you get desires to do things, and you do things...
you get intrested in the other gender... and things happen.
(haha, look all of you thinbking, I mean things like kissing, and maybe a little further, not too much)

Oh, don't worry, I hear posting on pokemon card forum sites is the best way to get laid xDDD
Hahaha I love this thread with so many insecurities, lulz.

I don't know, being a teenager is fine, but I honestly think I have an easy life; I have great supportive family, a loving boyfriend (who posted above :3), and everyone seems to like me. Schoolwork is easy; I make straight A's. I am 15 and I'm at the end of freshman year, and so far it's been fun and nonchalant.

Um, but I answered no on the poll, mostly because I'd like to just grow up already; ready to go to college, get married to my boyfriend, and live in an apartment. :s And high school is fun, just rly slow. I am ready for MATURITY. D:

Sorry kids can't help ya. ;D
ChloeLuver3 said:
red blastoise said:
I'm 14 now, 15 in November, I look like I'm 15 already, but I act like 12.
but in personal life things get... (oh god, how do I say this) different.
when turning 13 you get desires to do things, and you do things...
you get intrested in the other gender... and things happen.
(haha, look all of you thinbking, I mean things like kissing, and maybe a little further, not too much)

Oh, don't worry, I hear posting on pokemon card forum sites is the best way to get laid xDDD

i already had the chance, but i refused as desiring something maybe is a better way of groeing up, yes i might not look like it, and act like it, but i am kinda smart.
ChloeLuver3 said:
Oh, don't worry, I hear posting on pokemon card forum sites is the best way to get laid xDDD

That's what I'm betting my whole teenage life on. Heh.

dmaster out.
Hmm, 15 to 16, nothing changed. Heh. People's opinions will differ; that's perfectly normal too.

dmaster out.
When I turned 13 around 5 years ago I was completely underwhelmed. It wasn't a big deal. I don't know what I was expecting.

Same thing happened at 18.
I really like being a teen (14 in September). I can get away with all kinds of stuff thanks to "hormones". Best of all, I have a great girlfriend.
I'll be 17 at the end o the month, and personally I like it. Except as was stated earlier everyone thinks your up to no good.
Pandamore said:
I'm turing 13 this October but it won't be a big difference to me. People that don't know me think I'm 14 or 15 so...guess I've already been 13 to some people lol

I am turning also 13 in October, the same day as you.
I have to say that I at least will grown up with my friends, so I won't be alone.
Pandamore said:
I'm turing 13 this October but it won't be a big difference to me. People that don't know me think I'm 14 or 15 so...guess I've already been 13 to some people lol

Me too (not abut the month, just the not knowing me). It's funny. When you're a teen. People only think you want to "play" with people and you have a "problem" with drugs.

Racists. >:O
Here's the thing about being 13-17. People will now expect you to be mature. If u don't act mature, u will be suspected constantly of doing bad things. but if you act like an adult you will be treated like that. I act mature around my parents and they treat me like an equal. It's actually pretty sweet