what do you hope to see in ex power keepers?

Cards I would most like to see are the following:
Gardevoir (Rs reprint)
Gardevoir Ex (Ss reprint)
Dunsparce (Ss reprint)
Alakazam (either Ex or normal, either way)
Magneton Ex (could be interesting)
Wigglytuff Ex (Hl reprint)
Magnetic Storm (Hl reprint)
Rocket's Admin (Trr reprint)
Steven's Advice (Hl reprint)
Probably other Pokes I want turned to Ex's, but I can't think of any others at the moment.
The only reason people played rocket's scyther Ex was for Scizor Ex since theymade it only able to evolve from the Ex version of the card unfortunately, even in unlimited it would have to come from that terrible Ex. It's almost as bad as Celebi EX.
I even taught celebi ex was better XF

maybe that promo mew ex that never made it to US could be in there, but I doubt that, somehow think that there won't be another alakazam, and if there would be, I think it would either have to be broken or people will get disappointed "have we waiting 4 years JUST FOR THIS?", but, we'll see
Some website mentioned that charizard will be in the set. The Charizard ex from FRLG is out of format i think. About Alakazam, some said that there is an abra in the set. Let's just be hopeful. :D
I would love to see:
Rayquaza ex (Dragon)
From my brother:
The Sabrina cards.
Hmmm I'd actually like to see some really old cards (like wotc old) get reprinted. Nothing specifically comes to mind at the m oment, idk I think that would be interesting.
I hope to see pidgeot and blastoise ex reprinted (not an specific reason, just because), lol.

But, I would like to see a playable Pidgeot ex. =D
Roy 747 said:
Whicker said:
Kronar said:
Pinsir... it just doesnt seem like they could make a GOOD ex of a basic only pokemon, I may be wrong... but I can't think of any off of the top of my head.

Mew ex (the both of them), Rocket's Sneasel ex, Rocket's Scyther ex (maybe not good, but he was used a lot), Rayquaza ex, Lugia ex, etc.

r u kidding me? ppl actually used that thing. it is the worst HL-on EX that i noe.

xxSnorlaxxx EX FTW!!

You obviously did not go to any major tournaments when Dragtrode ran rampant. Scyther gave Dragtrode an edge against Rocklock and Queendom.
I want to see ZRE come back to life!

I also wish Dark Tyrantiar (Spinning Tail) was back, I've always wanted to play it with Cesasstion Crystal. :]
My ex hope:

Raichu EX
Manectric EX
Pidgeot EX
Alakazam EX
Electrode EX (FRLG reprint)
Gardevoir EX (SS reprint)
if gavadior ex(ss) came back the game would be chotic :D
i would run it with flygon d ex.

also it could be likely that its coming back.
why in the world would they bring the ss ralts and kirlia if they wernt going to bring bakc gavadior??
I know I noticed they reprinted old cards in DF and other sets. Is this because they were lazy or what? I doubt it, they are seriously not going to disapoint. (At least I hope not.)
I hope to see a Pokemon with the same Poke-Body like Dark Ampharos and also Ancient Technical Machine [ROCK]. Like that, I will be able to build a stronger version of RockLock deck with Flygon ex d.

Hmm yeah I'm glad you guys are all thinking of ways to build or edit such common decks.:p I myself will probably be trying many interesting original combos.