Well, Alakazam EX definitely. That would be fun. I could not come up with five right off the bat for hopes, but a nice EX....hm...how about Machamp EX? That would be neat. Even if it is R/S/E probably, Machop and his two evolutions were in some of the R/S/E sets, like Hidden Legends. Machamp EX is the only one I could come up with right now, but as long as the EXs in EX Power Keepers are better than the horrid Lv. Xs....I mean, from what I have seen, all the Lv. Xs have a good attack, but at a cost that can do more harm than good. I am going to miss the EX Pokemon, but at least we will get one more shot at some EXs. I am not too big a fan of reprints, but some would be nice. Maybe a reprint of the Deoxys speed form from EX Deoxys. No, not Deoxys EX, the normal one in speed form. The art on that one made me cry. With laughter.