XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

zappy800 said:
2. Chespin is a hedgehog which is nocturnal so dark makes a lot of sense.

What? Are all Dark types supposed to be nocturnal?
BTW, I'm pretty sure Chespin is a Porcupine, as it has large incisors, something which Rodents have, which is what Porcupines are and Hedgehogs aren't.
Mitja said:
Blob55 said:
I really don't want Froakie to end up a Water/Fighting type, because then it'll end up like Empoleon (sucking against the fire starter of that gens secondary type), which is why I would like it to be Water/Dark type more.

Why is that so important though? (I've been wondering why it matters at all for a long time tbh)

I mean, something like this just shows up all the time when new starters are discussed/speculated. Usually people want the starters extra types to be only strong against the starter that they are meant to be strong against already, or they want all of them having secondary types that go the other way around.

Surely its not because the situation is common where starters are facing each other, apart from the ingame rival, which tends to have the starter strong against the players exactly to make you use more than just your starter.
And when they happen outside of that, they're not the same gen most of the time anyway (or heck they're the same starter type ala Charizard vs Infernape).
So I assume its all about it feeling "nice" in a conceptual sense when looked at as a set?

But to me that sounds forced. I wouldn't want them to ditch great designs for the sake of getting the types "right" for example. If they get fitting types that seem to form a triangle by coincidence more or less, that's cool.

Also, looking at it practically, STAB moves are never the only options for offense.
So, for example Water starters have been capable of learning Ice moves for more than a decade, obliberating Grass starters if need be...so it isn't the deciding factor in battles either.

I feel like everyone wants their favorite starter to have the best matchup to the others. I feel like they want to either have the one they like be "the best" or "the most powerful", or they want to justify their decision. Don't take this the wrong way either. I am somewhat the same way.
Blob55 said:
zappy800 said:
2. Chespin is a hedgehog which is nocturnal so dark makes a lot of sense.

What? Are all Dark types supposed to be nocturnal?
BTW, I'm pretty sure Chespin is a Porcupine, as it has large incisors, something which Rodents have, which is what Porcupines are and Hedgehogs aren't.

No but it still makes sense.
Also it doesn't look like a porcupine to me but i guess it could be.
zappy800 said:
OK to address your thoughts Blob.

1. Geckoboss is a rumour sure the name is trademarkked but we don't know what it is yet.

2. Chespin is a hedgehog which is nocturnal so dark makes a lot of sense.

3. The anime does not matter or get things right.

The only thing that matters in the anime now are the depictions of pokemon as creatures.
Story is crap, protagonists are shallow, conflict is nonexistent, seeing pokemon as living, sentient creatures and not as a sprite that obeys your every order is the only thing the anime has going for it now.
professorlight said:
zappy800 said:
OK to address your thoughts Blob.

1. Geckoboss is a rumour sure the name is trademarkked but we don't know what it is yet.

2. Chespin is a hedgehog which is nocturnal so dark makes a lot of sense.

3. The anime does not matter or get things right.

The only thing that matters in the anime now are the depictions of pokemon as creatures.
Story is crap, protagonists are shallow, conflict is nonexistent, seeing pokemon as living, sentient creatures and not as a sprite that obeys your every order is the only thing the anime has going for it now.

I completely agree. The only time I ever watch it is for the fight sequences. But back on topic, if froakie stays slim, I will most likely pick him. Why? I just hate that frog bosses or monsters are usually extremely fat and just ugly looking. If they keep him slim and ninja like he is definitely my pick. It's one of the reasons why I love croagunk.
I've almost always picked the water type sense I started in Gen II (because let's be real here; Feraligatr > all). I loved Swampert, Empoleon was great, but Samurott...extreme disappointment. I just never clicked with it, and even though Emboar was the 3rd Fire/Fighting in a row, I liked his design so much more.

Now in Gen VI, I'm REALLY hoping I like Froakie's evolution enough to make me choose him. Grass types for me are meh, and it seems like everyone is all aboard the Fennekin train, and I like to be original. A Water/Fighting type would be cool, and would make the most sense, but I could definitely go with Water/Dark as well. I'm holding off all judgement until I see all of their final forms (or not final forms, given that Mega Evolution is a factor now)
Well, I'll put in my two cents.

Chespin, to me, looks just a bit too derpy. The buckteeth kinda ruins him, IMO.
I really love his chestnut shell though....
Maybe the orange tip on his tail will have to do something with his evolution?

Froakie looks cool. Foam glasses/mustache, the big eyes....he looks promising.
I'll probably choose him if he turns Water/Flying or Water/Posion.
and if he grows a majestic mustache...

Fennekin.....Fennekin is just plain adorable. Those ears. Those ears are just SO CUTE.
Fennekin is pretty much confirmed Fire/Psychic, so I will probably choose him if Froakie doesn't live up to my expectations.

Overall, these starters are well-designed, and I hope they get cool evolutions.
Am I the only one who really doesn't like Fennekin? Everytime I see it, I think hasn't eaten in weeks, what with that big had, ears, tail and its thin torso and boney legs. It also doesn't help that people seem to think it's going to be a Ninetales clone.
zappy800 said:
Blob55 said:
What? Are all Dark types supposed to be nocturnal?
BTW, I'm pretty sure Chespin is a Porcupine, as it has large incisors, something which Rodents have, which is what Porcupines are and Hedgehogs aren't.

No but it still makes sense.
Also it doesn't look like a porcupine to me but i guess it could be.

Well, the Dark-type is overall more related to evil/sneakiness than night/darkness. Yes, there are exceptions such as the move Night Slash, but if we stay with the dark: evil, concept, I can definitely see Chespin becoming a sneaky thief of a Pokemon.
AdamLambert said:
zappy800 said:
No but it still makes sense.
Also it doesn't look like a porcupine to me but i guess it could be.

Well, the Dark-type is overall more related to evil/sneakiness than night/darkness. Yes, there are exceptions such as the move Night Slash, but if we stay with the dark: evil, concept, I can definitely see Chespin becoming a sneaky thief of a Pokemon.

Sorry to point you out on this, but Night Slash has slightly evil origins.
It's Japanese name, Blade Testing, directly refers to the act when a samurai would wait by a crossroads and kill a peasant or a low-class person with their new blade to test it out.
I can see why you'd think it has more to do with the night, though.

Back on topic:
Fennekin's Fire/Psychic looks quite likely, considering it learns both Psybeam and Psychic. It also learns Lucky Chant, which iirc is learnt by quite a few Psychics.

Chespin has no notable moves I can think of

Froakie learns SmokeScreen, at first I was confused but then I realised: maybe it could throw its foam at the opponent. This could be some kind of technique a Fighting type could use.
P.DelSlayer said:
Froakie learns SmokeScreen, at first I was confused but then I realised: maybe it could throw its foam at the opponent. This could be some kind of technique a Fighting type could use.

Sounds nothing like Fighting and completely "Dark".
Mitja said:
P.DelSlayer said:
Froakie learns SmokeScreen, at first I was confused but then I realised: maybe it could throw its foam at the opponent. This could be some kind of technique a Fighting type could use.

Sounds nothing like Fighting and completely "Dark".

Well it is a ninja so smokescreen works. Plus fighting and dark work with ninjas
Mitja said:
P.DelSlayer said:
Froakie learns SmokeScreen, at first I was confused but then I realised: maybe it could throw its foam at the opponent. This could be some kind of technique a Fighting type could use.

Sounds nothing like Fighting and completely "Dark".

I can see why you'd think SmokeScreen would seem like a Dark technique with Froakie, but I was more thinking it would have a special way of utilizing its foam with a fighting technique (ala Oshawott using its Scalchop). Apologies for being vague :p

Now that I think of it....
In the XY anime thing, it started to cover more of its body in foam. Maybe some kind of defensive technique?
And then there's a picture of it having a foam mask, but that could be either Fighting or Dark I guess

other starter stuff:
I'm pretty sure it's ears are gonna stay prominent in the evo, possibly being able to shoot fire. Its tail may have some kind of thing as well.
Pretty sure that GF are gonna go for a mystical thing with this, considering it's supposed to be Fire/Psychic.

I think this is gonna be Torterra-esque; high defense and attack, with lower speed.

Also, I want proper signature moves for the starters. Last gen had a step in the right direction, but now I think they should have sig.moves.
(High power, of course. They could be moves learn right after evolution into their final forms)
Froakie move:
Dual type Water/Fighting move - some kind of ninja move that involves foam
Chespin move:
Dual type Grass/Dark move - the only thing I can think of would be a Grass type Spikes, or utilising its spines in an underhand manner
Fennekin move:
Dual type Fire/Psychic move - maybe a fire equivilant of Storm Throw/Frost Breath? There could be something that says about how it uses Psychic powers to send the flame to a weak point on the opponent, hence the 100% crit rate.

note the dual type moves: this would only be -and only- if the dual type moves were used this way: Uses damage from type1, but the second type is there to fit the Pokemon and maybe do something else.
It could also work if it was recorded as one type, but used a different type for damage.
ex: Fennekin's move would show as a Psychic type move, but it would deal Fire type damage.
no idea how this would work with stab and whatnot

edit: I've just realised something major obvious about the starters sig. moves....
instead of giving them 1 dual type sig move, why not just give them 2 sig moves, each one of of their types.
1 could be learnt directly after evolution into their second stage, and then the 2nd directly after evolution into their 3rd stage.

Something like:
Froakie - evo1 learns Foam Strike - evo2 learns Ninja Strike. Foam Strike is Water type, Ninja Strike is Fighting
Chespin - evo1 learns Spike Headbutt - evo2 learns Spike Sneakery. Spike Headbutt is Grass, Spike Sneakery is Dark
Fennekin - evo1 learns Blaze Ears - evo2 learns Psy Ears. Blaze Ears is Fire, Psy Ears is Psychic.

maybe not those actual moves lol, but you get the idea
P.DelSlayer said:
I've just realised something major obvious about the starters sig. moves....
instead of giving them 1 dual type sig move, why not just give them 2 sig moves, each one of of their types.
1 could be learnt directly after evolution into their second stage, and then the 2nd directly after evolution into their 3rd stage.

Something like:
Froakie - evo1 learns Foam Strike - evo2 learns Ninja Strike. Foam Strike is Water type, Ninja Strike is Fighting
Chespin - evo1 learns Spike Headbutt - evo2 learns Spike Sneakery. Spike Headbutt is Grass, Spike Sneakery is Dark
Fennekin - evo1 learns Blaze Ears - evo2 learns Psy Ears. Blaze Ears is Fire, Psy Ears is Psychic.

maybe not those actual moves lol, but you get the idea

I completely love the idea of giving them two signature moves, on of each type, that do the same thing, but with a different type. I would love to see how Gamefreak would do that, though it might put unnecessary emphasis on the starters.
I've read that some people want Chespin to be Grass/Dark type. This would be TERRIBLE!!! I hope we all remember Shiftry, it is basically a forgotten fourth gen pokemon that nobody thinks of, i personally think they failed a little when they made it. Chespin is such a good idea for a starter and i'd hate for it to suffer the same fate as shiftry. I'd like for it to stay as a grass type for once
westboro11 said:
I've read that some people want Chespin to be Grass/Dark type. This would be TERRIBLE!!! I hope we all remember Shiftry, it is basically a forgotten fourth gen pokemon that nobody thinks of, i personally think they failed a little when they made it. Chespin is such a good idea for a starter and i'd hate for it to suffer the same fate as shiftry. I'd like for it to stay as a grass type for once

Lol you say this and forget about cacturne same deal. The thing is if they want to they can make any type combo good by movesets and abilities. Also welcome to the beach.
westboro11 said:
I've read that some people want Chespin to be Grass/Dark type. This would be TERRIBLE!!! I hope we all remember Shiftry, it is basically a forgotten fourth gen pokemon that nobody thinks of, i personally think they failed a little when they made it. Chespin is such a good idea for a starter and i'd hate for it to suffer the same fate as shiftry. I'd like for it to stay as a grass type for once

Well, it's been rumoured to become grass/dark. Shiftry is third gen, by the way, and honestly isn't all that bad. Pretty good attack and special attack with decent speed. Maybe not so much use competitively anymore, But not all pokemon have to be. And besides, Serperior was pure grass, as was Meganium and Sceptile. So 3/5 have been pure grass. So...yeah, something different.
If Chespin is gonna be the Defensive tank we all want him to be, Grass/Dark would be one of the worst types to give him. Of all the types, I can picture Grass/Rock or Grass/Steel. But I'd prefer Grass/Rock. Grass/Dark is NOT a defensive typing even in the slightest. Grass/Rock with High HP, ATK, and DEF would be. And he'd be Ridiculously bulky in Sandstorm. Give him Rock head as a DW ability and Head Smash. We have a high tier contender. :D

But, that's wishful thinking.

Anyway, Grass/Dark would not be defensive. And let's be real, we can look at Chespy and know he's bound to be defensive.
Forgotten because it's typing is Grass/Dark?
No. Uh-uh. It's a STARTER. You never forget the starters. Never.

So yeah, the starters look cool. Here are my thoughts:


I was super confused when I saw this guy.
What was he supposed to be? Weren't we going on with a trend with the dinosaurs?
Then I realized that he was a based on the first mammal. So it's sort of dinosaur-ish.
With chestnut parts.
I'm thinking he may just be pure grass, but then I see his black eyes of death.
Yup, definitely gonna be Grass/Dark. I'm not going to choose him though.
My friend, who will be getting X, is going to choose Chespin.


I liked this little fellow from the start,
He looks like Ben Franklin, and I really like his bubble cloak.
He's a frog, AND a ninja. I don't really like that combination.
Water/Fighting doesn't really make me wanna choose the little guy. I don't like Fighting type starters. Sorry Froakie, I'm not choosing you.


Fennec Fox? Check.
Fire type with Psychic powers? Check.
Adorable? Check!
Ah, Fennekin. How adorable you are. I love you so much.
Fennekin is probably going to be based off of something about desert mirages.
How else would the digging fox and psychic type be combined? MIRAGES.
I'm choosing Fennekin, and she will be mine. There will be many others.
But this one is mine.
westboro11 said:
I've read that some people want Chespin to be Grass/Dark type. This would be TERRIBLE!!! I hope we all remember Shiftry, it is basically a forgotten fourth gen pokemon that nobody thinks of, i personally think they failed a little when they made it. Chespin is such a good idea for a starter and i'd hate for it to suffer the same fate as shiftry. I'd like for it to stay as a grass type for once
It's from Gen 3...

MuhFugginMoose said:
If Chespin is gonna be the Defensive tank we all want him to be, Grass/Dark would be one of the worst types to give him. Of all the types, I can picture Grass/Rock or Grass/Steel. But I'd prefer Grass/Rock. Grass/Dark is NOT a defensive typing even in the slightest. Grass/Rock with High HP, ATK, and DEF would be. And he'd be Ridiculously bulky in Sandstorm. Give him Rock head as a DW ability and Head Smash. We have a high tier contender. :D

But, that's wishful thinking.

Anyway, Grass/Dark would not be defensive. And let's be real, we can look at Chespy and know he's bound to be defensive.
From what I've seen from the demo, Chespin's stats are:
-High HP
-High Attack
-High Defense
-? Sp. Attack
-Bad Sp. Defense
-Average Speed (faster than Fennekin, slower than Froakie)

Seems like they're going to make it a physical tank with average speed. As for what it could look like as a Dark-type, a "dark knight" of sorts is something I could see, as it seems Froakie is a ninja/thief while Fennekin is a mage (Glow Punch indicates its evolutions are bipedal).