XY What Do You Think of the Starters?

I'm madly in love with Froakie, because s/he's a new water starter, and the little glasses/mustache thing is cute. I hope his facial hair grows, Pokemon with 'staches are cool.
iDork622 said:
I'm madly in love with Froakie, because s/he's a new water starter, and the little glasses/mustache thing is cute. I hope his facial hair grows, Pokemon with 'staches are cool.

God, no. Probopass is such a fugly pokemon.
Normaldo said:
They are OK I guess... But seriously, they aren't that original. They already ran out of ideas and they're making Pokémon after already existing ones... Fenekkin isn't the first fox in Pokémon, and the fact that it's also fire type (just like Vulpix) is kind of stupid. The same goes for Froakie which design I personally like but once again... there have been frogs already! Seismitoad, Toxicroak etc... And Chespin looks too much like Dewott... but out of the 3 of them, he's probably based on the best idea they had.

no one ran out of ideas. Did you know there is such a thing as variety of similar animals in the real world?

We don't know fully yet what the new starters are really based on, but just look at Froakkie for example. It looks nothing like the other frogs weve seen.

If they followed your logic of "new ideas", there shouldn't have even been any other bird after Pidgeot.

Silentslayer said:
Mitja said:
lol what?

Grass/Ground is superior. Rock is like the worst type you can have...after Ice.

Grass/Dark is pretty bad...but at least it has some resistances to work with.

Ice types can knock out a Grass/Ground easily.
If they use blizzard and have a STAB

who the hell has STAB on blizzard?
Being Ice is so crippling that there is basically no great Ice pokemon, but just Ice moves on everything else.

But anyways, you're not gonna stand in front of an Ice user long. But have tons of resistances to other stuff including an electric immunity (a type just as popular as Ice for offensive purposes)
King Arceus said:
Am I the only one who thinks Chespin looks like Oshawott wearing a green hat?

My favorite one has to be Fennekin. It is so adorable. Hug it when sleeping...

No your not the only one who sees the similarity between Chespin and Oshawott
Mitja said:
Silentslayer said:
Ice types can knock out a Grass/Ground easily.
If they use blizzard and have a STAB

who the hell has STAB on blizzard?
Being Ice is so crippling that there is basically no great Ice pokemon, but just Ice moves on everything else.

But anyways, you're not gonna stand in front of an Ice user long. But have tons of resistances to other stuff including an electric immunity (a type just as popular as Ice for offensive purposes)

Ice types, Water/Ice, or Ice/Water types. Pick whatever suits you. ;D (Torterra's pretty slow, most Ice types can go first aka BLIZZARDEATH)
Mitja said:
People have been going wild for the whole Psy/Fight/Dark thing that its actually slightly annoying at this point....

These three types have never been used as a group in pokemon history, ever.
Gamefreak doesn't even view them as related akin to the starter types or similar popular type groupings.

It all started with fake starters of these types like a decade ago, that way too many people got fooled into thinking they're real.

I seriously doubt these starters will gain exactly those three types.

Sure I can see Fennekin get Psy, and I hope it does, because it hasnt happened yet.
But Id really rather see Poison on Froakie, if anything.... Poliwrath is enough for the other job.

Dark is immune to Psychic, it isn't even a complete circle..
Pokequaza said:
Mitja said:
People have been going wild for the whole Psy/Fight/Dark thing that its actually slightly annoying at this point....

These three types have never been used as a group in pokemon history, ever.
Gamefreak doesn't even view them as related akin to the starter types or similar popular type groupings.

It all started with fake starters of these types like a decade ago, that way too many people got fooled into thinking they're real.

I seriously doubt these starters will gain exactly those three types.

Sure I can see Fennekin get Psy, and I hope it does, because it hasnt happened yet.
But Id really rather see Poison on Froakie, if anything.... Poliwrath is enough for the other job.

Dark is immune to Psychic, it isn't even a complete circle..

You're thinking about it backwards. I will show you how it looks with this picture I made of the Pokemon types that a lot of people think the starter evolutions might have(Grass/Dark + Fire/Psychic + Water/Fighting).


I think those would be cool types for the starters! But really, I'm good with anything.. except another Fire/Fighting starter. No more of those!
AtmosphericThunder said:
Pokequaza said:
Dark is immune to Psychic, it isn't even a complete circle..

You're thinking about it backwards. I will show you how it looks with this picture I made of the Pokemon types that a lot of people think the starter evolutions might have(Grass/Dark + Fire/Psychic + Water/Fighting).

I think those would be cool types for the starters! But really, I'm good with anything.. except another Fire/Fighting starter. No more of those!

Of course I did, Grass is not very effective on Fire, Fire not very effective on Water, and Water on Grass, it's a circle complete in both directions. You cannot just take 3 types which just happened to be super-effective on one another, and claim it just works as good as the Grass-Fire-Water triangle. As Mitja wrote; this started because of some fake Pokémon back in 2006.

And if you are really in need to make an argument for this double type-circle, at least give one that does the job and makes sense.. (Rock, Fighting, Flying..) Although, I still highly doubt GameFreak would do something like this.

Besides, Fighting and Dark are each others counter-types.. No reason to add Psychic to this
Pokequaza said:
Of course I did, Grass is not very effective on Fire, Fire not very effective on Water, and Water on Grass, it's a circle complete in both directions. You cannot just take 3 types which just happened to be super-effective on one another, and claim it just works as good as the Grass-Fire-Water triangle. As Mitja wrote; this started because of some fake Pokémon back in 2006.
You're missing the point here. Adding those secondary types to the starters would give them the ability to counter the starter they're weak to.

If Chespin evolves to be Grass/Dark, then its Grass type will be effective against Froakie's line and its Dark type will be effective against Fennekin's line.

If Fennekin evolves to be Fire/Psychic, then its Fire type will be effective against Chespin's line and its Psychic type will be effective against Froakie's line.

If Froakie evolves to be Water/Fighting, then its Water type will be effective against Fennekin's line and its Fighting type will be effective against Chespin's line.
don()shinobi said:
Pokequaza said:
Of course I did, Grass is not very effective on Fire, Fire not very effective on Water, and Water on Grass, it's a circle complete in both directions. You cannot just take 3 types which just happened to be super-effective on one another, and claim it just works as good as the Grass-Fire-Water triangle. As Mitja wrote; this started because of some fake Pokémon back in 2006.
You're missing the point here. Adding those secondary types to the starters would give them the ability to counter the starter they're weak to.

If Chespin evolves to be Grass/Dark, then its Grass type will be effective against Froakie's line and its Dark type will be effective against Fennekin's line.

If Fennekin evolves to be Fire/Psychic, then its Fire type will be effective against Chespin's line and its Psychic type will be effective against Froakie's line.

If Froakie evolves to be Water/Fighting, then its Water type will be effective against Fennekin's line and its Fighting type will be effective against Chespin's line.

I never missed any point. Read again, if GameFreak wants a second circle, they would use one that actually works. Nevertheless, this isn't going to happen, you have my word.
AtmosphericThunder said:
Pokequaza said:
Dark is immune to Psychic, it isn't even a complete circle..

You're thinking about it backwards. I will show you how it looks with this picture I made of the Pokemon types that a lot of people think the starter evolutions might have(Grass/Dark + Fire/Psychic + Water/Fighting).

I think those would be cool types for the starters! But really, I'm good with anything.. except another Fire/Fighting starter. No more of those!

Look where the problem lies.
I added resistances:

If you actually wanted to make a second trio of types that work like the starter ones,
here you go:

That's the only one, and obviously its not intentional, merely a coincidence, and wouldn't even make sense for starters, especially when you realize that pure Flying is nothing casual.
True. But knowing Gamefreak, the only way that they would make the starters end in another trio plus the Water, Fire, Grass trio, they would have to become really desperate.
Mitja said:
who the hell has STAB on blizzard?

30 different Pokémon. 31 if you count Castform in Hail and 33 if you count the two Kyurem formes.

And yeah, Flying/Rock/Fighting makes more sense than Fighting/Dark/Psychic since none of the former are immune to the others in the trio.

Eh, I don't think GF would do anything like that, though. My best guess is that Fennekin is going to be pure Fire or Fire/Flying (winged back legs, wing-shaped cheek fur, winglike ears), Chespin is going to be Grass or Grass/Fighting (Fighting-type red on tail), and Froakie is going to be Water.

I'd love for Fennekin to be Fire/Fighting though just to see the reactions. It'd be amazing.
I am not sure if it is real or not, but if it is it pretty much confirms that Fennekin's evos will be fire/psychic and Froakie will be water/fighting which makes me love Froakie even more. On Chespin, I am still not convinced that it will be a bug type though, I think the pin missle simply signifies the fact that he is a hedgehog and I still think it will be grass/dark. Otherwise it wont make much sense since
jynxed said:
Mitja said:
who the hell has STAB on blizzard?

30 different Pokémon. 31 if you count Castform in Hail and 33 if you count the two Kyurem formes.

'Who' was refering to the users, not the Pokémon themselves. He/she meant that an Ice-type Pokémon is so weak defensively speaking, that nobody will therefore use an Ice-type Pokémon, and thus never use an Ice-type STAB. However this is his/her opinion of course.

Omega Jet said:
I am not sure if it is real or not, but if it is it pretty much confirms that Fennekin's evos will be fire/psychic and Froakie will be water/fighting which makes me love Froakie even more. On Chespin, I am still not convinced that it will be a bug type though, I think the pin missle simply signifies the fact that he is a hedgehog and I still think it will be grass/dark. Otherwise it wont make much sense since

'I am not sure if it is real or not, but if it is it pretty much confirms...' How does your logic work? Nintendo Force is a magazine unrelated to Nintendo, it is just speculation they are posting.

And it doesn't make sense, read the whole thread if you will.
Since different primary starter types are out of question...we're only talking about secondary ones.

But why on earth do people go on about Psy/Fight/Dark like crazy, when the Rock/Flying/Fight is ACTUALLY REALISTIC AND POSSIBLE.

Well alright not for gen VI, but you get my point.

Grass/Fight >>> Water/Rock >>> Fire/Flying >>>

I mean think about it,



And even the reistances in the other direction should be equal in number. How freakin epic is that.

Forget your silly trio that will never happen.

jynxed said:
Mitja said:
who the hell has STAB on blizzard?

30 different Pokémon. 31 if you count Castform in Hail and 33 if you count the two Kyurem formes.

I counted 10 that have a sp.atk which is not ridiculous, but even those would rather use something more reliable like Ice Beam....anyhow, my point was that having STAB on blizzard is not something Torterra, Garchomp fear. Its more about the popularity of Ice Beam on random sweepers and things like Ice Shard and Icicle spear that worry them. Heck probably even Hidden Power Ice.
Omega Jet said:
I am not sure if it is real or not, but if it is it pretty much confirms that Fennekin's evos will be fire/psychic and Froakie will be water/fighting which makes me love Froakie even more. On Chespin, I am still not convinced that it will be a bug type though, I think the pin missle simply signifies the fact that he is a hedgehog and I still think it will be grass/dark. Otherwise it wont make much sense since

That's ridiculous. That magazine is saying what any can get from the trailer. Fennekin may have latent Psychic powers? Yeah, in the trailer it appears to use a Psychic move. Froakie has some serious melee skills? Yeah, in the trailer Froakie beats the crap out of Patrat. Chespin probably knows Pin Missile? Yeah, it's covered in pins.

Also I like how you say this confirms Fire/Psychic and Water/Fighting but ignore the fact that by the same logic it would mean Chespin would be Grass/Bug just because it doesn't fit in with what you'd like to see. Please.

Also melee does not necessarily mean Fighting. It just means physical, hand-to-hand combat would could just mean a higher Atk stat than SpA.

This magazine proves nothing.
You guys are making me want pure type starters with all this Fight/Dark/Psychic rambling. It may happen, but stop taking it so seriously.
Mitja said:
jynxed said:
30 different Pokémon. 31 if you count Castform in Hail and 33 if you count the two Kyurem formes.

I counted 10 that have a sp.atk which is not ridiculous, but even those would rather use something more reliable like Ice Beam....

So? You asked who has STAB on Blizzard, not who can get good use out of Blizzard. I answered your question, so what you're saying is irrelevant.