@ JetpackPercy
Actually if you look on Jalordas back there are two leaves like Janovys that appear to look like arms or the end of a cape I suppose. It is the Royal Pokemon which makes sense due to the "lord" in its name along with the fact that it looks like a prince or a king! It is smug meaning that it thinks it is best at everything it does, like a prince or a spoiled child, which is why in the beginning when it was first revealed everyone called it Smugleaf, except me of course I chose to call it Snaivy (Snake and ivy), but now I can see why everyone called it that! Also your description of Tsutarja seems to make a bit of sense to me, and I like how you referenced the Bible with it. I never really knew that the snake in the Garden of Eden was punished after Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit and lost its arms, but that doesn't really explain Tsutarja and Janovy having legs as well as arms (Nevermind I just looked on Bulbapedia and it says why). Also wowzers is correct as well because Bulbapedia says the Tsutarja line is based off of a reptile known as a skink, more specifically the Neoseps that also hevily resembles a snake and have small stubby legs, but your description Percy is also on Bulbapedia below wowzers description!