BW/BW2 What do you think the new pokemon are based off of

It probably isn't based specifically off either - anyway, english names don't always reflect the thing they are based on or even mention anything about them at all.
Good job on that Playerking. I also believe that Hihidaruma is based off of a dharma/ape and not a dharma/baboon.

Excellent points.

So to summarise: Hihidaruma' name is based on baboon and dharma, its design in based on an ape, to be specific, a great ape, probably a Gorilla. Although none of this (except the dharma part) will be confirmed until either the English of BW release or if or if Hihidaruma's designer says it themselves.
Zuruggu and Zuruzukin are based off those pimps that walk on the street lowering their pants to show their underwear. Why?
In Zuruggu's animation, he is shown accidentally taking off his...err..."pants"
And Zuruzukin grows a mohawk and has that smug look on his face, thus making him/them the Pimp Pokemon.
Can I point out that I mentioned the 'Hihidaruma isn't an baboon' thing first. But never mind. It really doesn't have much to do with baboons at all. And it is definitely based off a Daruma doll.
This is straying from the point - we were debating whether Hihidaruma would have baboon as part of its english name or ape. As I said earlier, the english names don't always reflect something's origin, so it may well have baboon part of its name, whether it's based off one or not.
@Xierh, Alvin and the Minezumis didn't ask that question, I did...
doesn't matter though. I think that Hihi. is based off of a gorilla because of evidence listed above, not a baboon
Why are you guys only talking about hihidaruma? Change the subject. Talk about the spiky green ball. Or the gobito or the electric ground fish. Talk about how they might have gotten the idea. Something!! Just change the subject!!
I kinda thought Kojondo was based off of a cat of some sort, mainly because its prevo looks like a cat and its face looks cat like.

The face is kind of too pointy to be cat-like...
What are the monkey trio. I have heard of them a lot on the forums, but never really knew what thy were.
@shadowarceus BABOOM! but both are good, but BABOOM!
64th post, N64 FTW best gaming system ever.
ever PlayStation/xbox fans.
Victini is based off of victory, that is for sure, but its wings may seem like a mystery to some people. I think I may have the answer. In Greek mythology, the Goddess of victory was called Nike. Nike had wings. So, technically, victory had wings, and Victini, now, has wings. But can't fly.

I'll skip all of the obvious Pokemon, like Mijumaru, Mamepato, etc, etc...

Shinboraa is definitely based off of the Nazca Lines, more specifically the bird.

Kojofuu and Kojondo are most definitely ferrets, or of some relation, even though we already have Furret.
I thought Kojofu and it's evolution to be based off mongooses with a monk/Kung-Fu motif.

Kurumayu is based from a insect bug and a head of cabbage. I also thought it looked like hikakumori or a Japanese term for a shut it. They are typically shown wrapped up in a blanket.

Yabukuron is obviously based off a trash bag but I've never seen a green one. I always used black or white. In Japan though, all trash bags are green.

Kaburumo is based an earwig.
Kaburumo is the bug type pokemon that evolves into Shubarugo, the Bug and Steel knight-looking pokemon.

I thought maybe I mistranslated it since I translated it directly from my DS.