what emerging deck will preform the best at cities

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dmaster out.
Hmm...Mew with Rhyperior looks like it has a lot of potential. It probably loses against Dialgachomp but with a Blaziken FB X tech it can deal with a DGX tech in Luxchomp.
And it outspeeds everything else.
Or maybe Gyarados will make its comeback. Seeker and Rescue Energy may give it a new lease of life.
Machamp Prime may see some play seeing that Machamp Prime can give Machamp the solid damage it lacked previously.
Vilegar and SP's will still do very well, because they are very solid and powerful in their own right.
I think Magnegatr. It can do 150 only lost zoning 3 energy, which you can continusly put down with Feraligatr. Have no energy? Use Magnezones Power to Draw cards!
My opinion on the SP aspect of this is that I think they are about to die out. Gyarados overpowers and outspeeds it, Vilegar is just too much of a hassle for it with the trainer lock, and Machamp is too hard to get ahead of in prizes. Also, if Nidoking becomes popular, that would ruin Luxchomp.

Honestly, I would feel safer bringing a Lugia Legend deck to cities than Luxchomp.
In my meta, SPs are everywhere and Gyarados is nowhere. :p

I think a good emerging deck, at least in my area, will be Umbreon UD and/or Mightyena LA, possibly combined with Vileplume UD - basically, a trainer-locking anti-SP anti-meta deck. I've seen it a few times before and it actually performs quite well. Mightyena is the only real weak link in the deck. My friend runs it in conjunction with Drapion SF to counter other threats that Mightyena/Umbreon can't handle well.
I'm going to say the emerging deck that will do well is Nidoking/Nidoqueen, it can setup behind a tomb wall and then just mow you down, i find the deck intriguing but just not fast enough, i think it can snag a couple of cities though.
petertclo: Good DialgaChomp/Umbreon/Shedinja builds will be able to get around a Blaziken tech. I'd just except the few autolosses and have a sure-win against every other deck.
Magnegatr. It has very few weaknesses (aka Umbreon) and just mows through everything with its OHKOs and ridiculous drawpower.
From early results looks like Vilegar and G-Dos are doing great, Dialga/Chomps doing ok only seen 1 top luxchomp and that was a DonLuxChomp
Because those are clearly emerging decks.
G-Dos and SP are already very established, and Vilegar has been out long enough to know it's going to do well.
Ttiumphant did make Gigas better, but It was already close to the top tier (in my opineon).
I went to Cities today, a lot of people played Gyrados. My friends played Gyrados 2 times in a row and lost both times, and I went undefeated until I played Gyrados.
My point- I think Gyrados is the "emerging" deck at Cities, or at least around my area.
It's not emerging because it was already
meta. TR just made it better.
Gyara's even more established with Rescue Energy now, dangit.
Regigigas is not really an 'emerging' deck. It's been in and out of the spotlight, and its performance is inversely proportional to the number of Machamp decks are being run. Nevertheless, Gigas is very close to top-tier, so it isn't really emerging.
^ Donphan can be tough to go against with Gigas, too.
And Gigas is established, since quite a bit ago. It had some down days (mostly Stormfront and on), but is very much back.
Donphan doesn't pose a big of threat for me as Machamp. The most Donphan can do is 2HKO me while I just pulverize with Gigaton Punch/Giga Blaster. I tech in a 1-1 DGX so that a belted Gigas can OHKO a non-belted Donphan w/Giga Blaster. (That, or just park DGX up w/belt and spc metals and start killing with Remove Lost.)

A tough matchup, but by no means an impossible one.
@GHJamesGH I'm playing luxchomp tomorow..depending on how it does I may switch to my machamp or vilegar for future cities

I like gatrzone as a fun deck..but I don't think it will winat any cities or eventop cut at many