What food do you most like / dislike

My favorite food is probably salad. My least favorite type of food is mushrooms. If you count the fact that I am a vegetarian, you might say that meat is my least favorite food, but I haven't tried it so I guess it could go either way. =\
Aw, my pickiness is my claim to fame...

I like:
-Spagetthi, with no cheese or tomato chuncks
-Popcorn, but it can't have too much butter or too little butter.
-Pizza with no cheese or any toppings....just the sauce. =)
-French Fries
-SUGAR-FREE JELLO (It is waaaaaaay better than that sugar garbage)
-About four other things

I eat chicken on a daily basis.

I dislike:

Most Everything not listed, including:
-All vegetables
-All fruits
-All BBQ foods
-All lunch meats
-Nearly all chips
-Most sodas
-Nearly all pie
-Burger King

...and the list goes on and on. No wonder what I'm called picky by everyone in real life, and why I'm underweight. =O
I like good food

I like:
-Vietnamese Noodle Soup (the Restaraunt style. Mmm is it delicious)
-French Fries
-Candy (not going to go in depth. Just leave it as candy.)

And the list continues..

-Root Beer
-Candy with Peanuts
-Seafood (in general)

And the list goes on and on...
Very cool posts guys! I'm so glad my first thread had so many responses!

Anyhow, I also love pizza and burgers. They are awesome. I don't really like Tomatoes. They aren't my favorite veggie. xP
Stuff other than bologna I like:
-Hamburgers (With cheese, pickles, ketchup, and lettiuse (How ever you spell that...))
-Pepperoni and Sausage Pizza
-Ice Cream
-Spaggetti with meat sause
-Mac and Cheese
-Taters (A.K.A Potatoes)
-Captain D's
-Burger King
-Dairy Queen
-Dunkin Donuts
-Dr. Pepper
-Any kind of eggs except egg salad
-Green onions
-French Fries
-French Toast

-All Seafood except Captain D's and shrimp
-All Chinese except Rice
-Egg salad
-Some other stuff
Wariopower said:
Very cool posts guys! I'm so glad my first thread had so many responses!

Anyhow, I also love pizza and burgers. They are awesome. I don't really like Tomatoes. They aren't my favorite veggie. xP

You know the pizza sauce in pizza's are made out of tomatoes, right?
Gliscor said:
Wariopower said:
Very cool posts guys! I'm so glad my first thread had so many responses!

Anyhow, I also love pizza and burgers. They are awesome. I don't really like Tomatoes. They aren't my favorite veggie. xP

You know the pizza sauce in pizza's are made out of tomatoes, right?

Also tomatoes are fruits, thus the seeds :)
Oh yeah, that's right. Silly me! I forgot about that. Well, I guess I don't like Tomatoes (fruit) and I don't like many veggies in general. xP
afstandopleren said:
hate: Tomatoes, mushrooms, mold cheese, fish

like: typical dutch food

omg lol

Dislike: Tomatoes, Mushrooms, Fish, Swiss Cheese, Nuts. (I like nuts plain though)

Like: Oatmeal, Fruit, Cookies, Dr. Pepper, Chips
I like Artichokes, mushrooms, pizza, salad, tomatoes

I dislike alive things that are raw (Which is anything)
Since this is your first thread, I feel obliged to contribute =]

My favorite foods would have to be pizza and cheeseburgers. Pizza is just amazing, and can be done in so many different ways. Cheeseburgers have been my favorite food since I was about 4.....I just love the taste of them.

As far as my least favorite foods, onions, peas, celery, artichokes, and many other vegetables come to mind. I also strongly dislike eating cheese that isn't cooked.

Again congrats on your first thread!
-Black Rayquaza
Heres a longer list of my faves.

Brown Onions
Spring Onions
Spanish Onions

So tl;dr: I love all: Spices, Herbs, Mushrooms and onions so much. And you know, I also love pineapples and mangoes...SO YEAH!