Pokemon What if Pokemon were Real...

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Umbreot said:
Charmander's flamethrower can easily burn you to death, and bulbasaurs vines can strangle you. A pidgey could easily use gust to send a tornado at you.

Trust me, they can kill you.
There are also a lot of real life animals that can kill you, as well as ones that can kill you indirectly.
so 50 gym leaders? i'd leave my house and take two of my friends and go sight seeing while i get all 50 badges oh btw id start with a shinx and a gible. i should make a story about this...
Jade Blade said:
If pokemon were real...then you could fly, surf,etc. The problem is that if they were real,then it would be like having a ferocious pet. It would also be awful if you KO'd a pokemon, that wouldn't be very fun to look at.

Then you'd be breaking a law that's called animal rights.
I'll be a trainer for sure. I would be small (like I'm really are), and maybe cute-looking, but I'll be so strong and hard to beat. I would have dark brown or black hair (mostly on ponytail all the time), and wear black t-shirt (also black sweater or red jacket) and black throusers or jeans, and I'll have a belt and there would be all my six PokeBalls on it.

I would start my journey with Charmander, because Charizard is one of my most favorite Pokemons, so, my Charmander would evolve to Charizard someday :D

My Pokemon-team would look like this:
Manectric or Luxray
I would be the Steven sprite and I would live in The Hoenn region. I live in Fallarbor town with my wonderful pokemon that I've had for years!


and I would have a pet Surskit at home!
I'd be a Trainer

My starter Pokemon would be either Turtwig or Treecko

My team would be: Sceptile/Torterra, Dragonite, Umbreon, Ampharos, Staraptor, and Infernape
CT_400 said:
I'd be a Trainer

My starter Pokemon would be either Turtwig or Treecko

My team would be: Sceptile/Torterra, Dragonite, Umbreon, Ampharos, Staraptor, and Infernape

I would totally battle you if this was actually real!
Blu3st33lix said:
I would totally battle you if this was actually real!

Haha, I'd gladly accept :D

But, I wonder what the community would do to all the fainted Pokemon?

Do they just leave them there?
i would be a trainer and start with chimchar
and have munchlax,zangoose,articuno,frosslas and some others{M}
I think I'd sit at home happily with a few Pokemon a bit like Gold in the Manga.

Definitely have a larvitar although it would eat loads

Change of plan definitely need to be a hiker except not fat
If Pokemon were real. The first thing I would do is run outside, see what Pokemon I would want to catch and have a battle with the Pokemon and catch it. I would also start my own Pokemon journey LOL. I would most likely be on a legendary quest, in search of legendary Pokemon and analyze them. I would battle in gym battles and also make new friends in my journey. I might also meet Ash :p.
If pokemon were real, I'd definately be some sorta Dragon master. Dragonite, Salamence, Garchomp, but I'd also have Charizard and Tyranitar. But I'd be on a ever so long quest to find my mew.
What would you be?(Trainer, Cooridinator, Breeder, etc.) Trainer

Who would you start with? Totodile or Mudkip or Char or Piplup lol

What Pokemon would you have? Idk
I would just harvest/grow/breed Blissy's. I mean what's more amazing than those chubby thingys?!?!? Then they would have cute widdle Happiny babehs <'3
I've thought about this many times. ^_^

I think I'd be a trainer for a while, but then end up like photographing various rare and interesting Pokemon, kinda like that one guy in that episode. But obviously a bit better at it xD

I think I'd start with a Bulbasaur, but not evolve it... the guy's just too awesome as is.

And I'd definitely get a Haunter. And play pranks on people. Haha. :p

It'd be cool to have Suicune too. Though probably impossible, so I'd content myself with seeing and photographing it!
If Pokemon was real I'd be a Cooridinator. I love contests, Gym battles are good and all, but I like Contests way better.
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